This page was last modified: February 17 2025
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Monster Rancher 2 Combo Breaker 2025 Live Tournament

Monster Rancher Game Saves and Downloads

Downloads, Saves, Cheat Engine tables, and Mods for Playstation, PS2, Gameboy Advance and Steam.



Monster Rancher 1

Monster Rancher 2

Cheat Engine Tables

Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout

  • 100% File All Items and the "???" Menu unlocked. My wife & I played Hours to get here, Enjoy!... we did!


Playstation 2

Monster Rancher 3

Complete 222 Monster Encyclopedia:
  • Sharport/Xport Save (.sps/.xps file )- Includes MINMEI's Maxed Stat Heart, Full Encyclopedia. This game save is a "Power Monster" Ready save complete with 555,000 Cash, a Passing Time monster, and an Item "Go-For" monster. All you need to do is pick a monster to raise from the encyclopedia!
  • Memory Card save (.ps2 file; Usable in Emulation)- Thank you Lexi for converting this. Full Encyclopedia is on Slot 8.
Complete Monster Encyclopedia with a bonus 223rd Monster Rangarox:
  • Memory Card save (.ps2 file; Usable in Emulation)- "Ranga" (The end-game dragon species of Ragnarox) has been found in the Encyclopedia data and made available to be shrined, thanks again to Lexi!
  • This is otherwise identical to the 222 save but includes the hacked Encyclopedia entry. It is a separate download just in case there are unforeseen issues by introducing this mined data back into the Encyclopedia.
  • "Ragna" was a monster given exclusively at Japan's 8th Monster Koshien tournament to a single winner of a Quiz during the event. How it was originally transferred to the winner is unknown. It is suspected that it was transferred via the Encyclopedia sharing feature from TECMO directly during the event or afterward.
MR3 pnach files for use with PCSX2
Download VS Data:
  • Fenrick's (10 basic monsters)
  • TheCampster's (30 monsters, 2 hacked, can you guess which 2?)
    (from Weak to Completely Maxed; test your monsters against other people's monsters!

Monster Rancher 4

  • INCOMPLETE MR4 SPS/XPS GameSave This gamesave is incomplete but monsters are generated without cheats. Included is a text file with the monsters that are needed and instructions how to add to this save and send this gamesave back to LegendCup with your credits included.
  • MR4 Slot 1: Fresh Game save, Full encyclopedia This is a Memory Card / .ps2 file on a fresh save beginning on the 1st week with the book already filled (.pnatch cheat is already applied, can be used as PCSX2 memory card file). A Minimal amount of dialogue has progressed to get to the point to apply the monsters to the book.
  • MR4 pnach file PCSX2 Cheat: Fill book with all monsters & Fill Gadget shop. If you are emulating, place the extracted .pnach in your Cheats folder.

Monster Rancher EVO (5)

  • MR EVO Slot 8: Fresh Game save, Full encyclopedia This is a Memory Card /.ps2 file on a fresh save beginning on the 1st week with the book already filled (.pnatch cheat is already applied, can be used as PCSX2 memory card file). A Minimal amount of dialogue has progressed to get to the point to apply the monsters to the book.
  • MREVO pnach file PCSX2 Cheat: Fill book with all monsters. If you are emulating, place the extracted .pnach in your Cheats folder.

PCSX2 Memory Card Management

The PCSX2 Memory Card manager can be accessed by clicking Config > Memory cards. This is a virtual memory card manager, where each memory card file behaves like a physical memory card. Mcd001 and Mcd002 are the default files. Newly created, or downloaded memory card files such as the Completed Encyclopedia should also be stored in the memcards folder in your PCSX2 location.

Memory Card Ports

The memory card ports are equivalent to the memory card slots on the PS2. Active and unused memory card data is stored in PCSX2's memcard folder.

PCSX2 Memory Card Port explanation

Changing Save Files

Drag and Drop any memory card files from the Unused cards section into either Port 1, or Port 2. The replaced memory card will move to Unused Cards.

PCSX2 changing memory card files to a port



Monster Rancher Advance

    No saves. If you'd like to submit one, please reach out.

Monster Rancher Advance 2

    No saves. If you'd like to submit one, please reach out.

Monster Rancher DS

    No saves. If you'd like to submit one, please reach out.



Monster Rancher 1&2 DX

    Fenrick's personal 1&2DX saves:
    - All monsters unlocked, Lots of money
    • Disable Steam Cloud Saves to prevent corruption.
    • Close the game if you have it open.
    • Go to "Documents\KoeiTecmo" folder and rename KoeiTecmo to KoeitTecmo_Backup
    • Extract the contents of the zip file into "Documents\" so that there is a new "Documents\KoeiTecmo".
    • Launch the game, and you should have a save on Slot 1 for MR1 and MR2, in town, with an empty freezer ready to play.
    • Once confirmed working you can re-enable Steam Cloud Saves.
    • If you need to restore your original files you can rename or delete the current KoeiTecmo folder, then restore the original by renaming and removing "_Backup" from the original folder. You should still disable Steam Cloud saves during this process, and re-enable once finished.

    MR DX Mods via Reloaded II
    Some mods have been made for MR2DX such as Skip Drills, Volume Controls, Fast Foward, Hard Mode etc.
    They are updated, and managed via Reloaded II so check via the app for new mods and updates.

    • Reloaded II mod manager and add Monster Rancher DX to the game list
    • Filter for Monster Rancher 2 mods by clicking the + icon, then filter by the "All Sources" dropdown for MonsterRancher 1&2 DX, and pick the mods you want.
    • Mod List (updated 1/27/24)
      • Fast forward toggle, volume control
      • Skip Animation: Skip Drills, and find item animation in expeditions.
      • Wide screen: It properly fills the screen without stretching, but it breaks touch controls.
      • Hard mode: Completely ported now. Enjoy the full experience!
      • BattleTimer: You can freeze or change how much time the battles last for.
      • Raw Tech Values: - Shows the actual numbers for monster attacks instead of E/D/C ...
      • Turbo Input: Hold to mash button.

    Cheat Engine Tables

What's my version? Find and Right Click your MF2.exe → Properties tab → Details tab → Version



Advanced Viewers

These are separate apps run alongside of their correlating games that reveal hidden data that the game hides from you.

Automatic Save Backups for MR1&2 DX


Software & Other

Original Hardware requirements

Original DexDrive and Sharkport/Xport software downloads and guides for getting the old hardware and software to work on Windows10 64bit OS.

DexDrive or X-Port (or MaxDrive ) to put these saves on your Physical Memory Card.
- To convert between SharkPort & Xport files, you only need to rename the extension (from .SPS to .XPS etc.)
- To convert between formats such as MaxDrive ↔ SharkPort/Xdrive you may need a software called MyMC Memory Card Editor.

  • Read about the Dex Drive: it is for use with PS1 games and PS1 memory Cards.
  • Read about the X Port: it is for use with PS2 games and PS2 memory Cards.

Device Software for DexDrive and SharkPort & Xport

Windows 10 and new Operating Systems:
Newer versions of windows may have issues running original 20 year old software.
  • s34nVideos Guide shows examples of getting the physical DexDrive to work on a Windows10 64bit OS.
  • Serial to USB (PL-2303) for use with the Original DexDrive hardware.
  • You can try 3rd party software at your own risk such as MemCardRex (or Dexter).
Older operating systems: Original manufacturer software:
  • DexDrive Dexplorer v1.00.940 (The original 2 Floppy Disk version Win95/98).
  • DexDrive Dexplorer v1.10.950 (The updated 2 Floppy Disk version Win95/98).
  • X-Port/Sharkport Software. (This software works for either Xport or Sharkport interchangeably. The file extension can be manually changed between .xps and .sps to be compatible with either system).
  • Most emulators should be able to load the original game file extension game saves.
  • Some emulation may require to convert from .GME (DexDrive) to .MCR files

Free DVD Boot

  • FreeDVDboot - Similar to the Sharkport, X-Port, MAX disk. Boot up PS2 with this and you are able to copy your PS2 memory card data to a USB device connected to your PS2.

FMCB Memory Cards

  • Similar to Free DVD Boot but in Memory Card format.
  • FMCB Free Mcboot PS2 Memory Card can be an option to transfer .ps2 files to and from your PlayStation2 and can allow other functions not natively available on your PS2. These can usually be found for 10 to 15 dollars and once you have one you can make your own copies onto other Memory Cards.

Want to contribute?

** If you would like to contribute a game save that is interesting and different from what we have available already, please contact me to have it hosted and credit will be given.
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  • Thanks Tecmo! We Love Monster Rancher!
  • DISCLAIMER: has been granted permission from Tecmo, in writing, for use of images and sounds throughout the site. All images and sounds related to Monster Rancher are property of Tecmo, inc. and it's associates do not claim to own any of these properties, images, graphics or sounds.
  • Reproduction of data on LegendCup is forbidden without written permission from LegendCup or their individual authors.
  • Please see the Legal page if there are any concerns.