This page was last modified: November 13 2024
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Monster Rancher Challenges - Nuzlockes - RTA/Timed
Community created challenges for Monster Rancher games (Nuzlocke etc.) and links to RTA / Timed runs of Monster Rancher.
Monster Rancher 1 / MR1DX
Nuzlocke Challenge
- Monster must be obtained by using the RANDOM button feature at the Shrine. You must choose the first available monster that spawns.
- If you're playing the emulated original, you can also use the random/Hide feature in Make-A-Monster.
- If a monster is spawned with stats that go over the cap, it must be rejected.
- You cannot spawn another monster until your current monster has died.
- If you need to spawn two monsters to unlock a breed from combining, that is allowed.
- Your monster must fight with A.I. controls.
- Drugs that enhance your monster's stats during battle are not allowed.
- If your monster is K.O.d in battle, it is considered dead and must be deleted at the lab.
- Resetting is not allowed
- Each Class your monster has a stat cap. It must keep it's stats under:
- E Class: 750
- D Rank: 800
- C Rank: 1100
- B Rank: 1400
- A Rank: 1700
- S Rank: 2000
- Major 4: 2200
- If you run out of money, the challenge is considered failed.
- The challenge is won at the credits.
Speed Runs
- MR1 DX Speed Runs (2021 game)
- MR1 Speed Runs (1997 game)
Monster Rancher 2 / MR2DX
MachoCheeze's Nuzlocke Challenge
- Monster must be obtained by using the RANDOM button feature at the Shrine. You must choose the first available monster is spawns.
- If you're playing the emulated original, you can also use the random/Hide feature in Make-A-Monster.
- If a monster is spawned with stats that go over the cap, it must be rejected.
- You cannot spawn another monster until your current monster has died.
- If you need to spawn two monsters to unlock a breed from combining, that is allowed.
- Your monster must fight with A.I. controls.
- Drugs that enhance your monster's stats during battle are not allowed.
- If your monster is K.O.d in battle, it is considered dead and must be deleted at the lab.
- Resetting is not allowed
- Jobs to raise money is not allowed.
- Each Class your monster has a stat cap. It must keep it's stats under:
- E Class: 900
- D Rank: 1100
- C Rank: 1400
- B Rank: 1950
- A Rank: 2500
- S Rank: 3100
- Major 4: 3500
- If you run out of money, the challenge is considered failed.
- The challenge is won at the credits.
Speed Runs
- MR2 DX Speed Runs (2021 game)
- MR2 Speed Runs (1999 game)
Monster Rancher 3
Ayre's Nuzlocke Challenge (link)
Normal Mode
- AI control (Player Control is significantly easier)
- Random Monster selected by rolling the main breed. You may also roll for Region (Goat/Kalaragi/Takarama/???? etc)
- *Optional Roll 3 and choose your ‘starter’ for a more pokemon flavored run
- Dupes Clause: When a Main breed is rolled for a run, that breed is removed from the pool. You may not use it again. A dead Beaclon main breed means no more Beaclon.
- Pokeball Clause: Run begins when you do your first week of training, not when Gadamon jumps you.
- Heart Clause: Hearts may be used after Rank C as long as the boost in stats does not bring you over stat cap.
- Stat Caps are in place per rank and are as follows.
Stat Caps Per Rank- E Class: 750
- D Rank: 850
- C Rank: 1100
- B Rank: 1600
- A Rank: 2050
- S Rank: 2500
- Great 5: 3000
- Final Boss: 3550
- Cap Clause: If you are over stat cap or will go over stat cap there are two suggested solutions. A) Rest the monster until the next Fiesta. B) Train an existing ‘dead monster’. C) Train a new monster that is your next encounter. D) Reset the run.
- Money Floor: Should your funds ever reach 0 the run is over. Should you run out of main breeds, the run is over.
Hard Mode
- AI control (Player Control is significantly easier)
- Random Monster selected by rolling the main breed. You may also roll for Region (Goat/Kalaragi/Takarama/???? etc)
- Dupes Clause: When a Main breed is rolled for a run, that breed is removed from the pool. You may not use it again. A dead Beaclon main breed means no more Beaclon.
- Stat Caps are in place per rank and are as follows.
Stat Caps Per Rank- E Class: 750
- D Rank: 850
- C Rank: 1100
- B Rank: 1600
- A Rank: 2050
- S Rank: 2500
- Great 5: 3000
- Final Boss: 3550
- Cap Clause: If you are over stat cap or will go over stat cap you must rest the monster until the next tournament. Losing that tournament is a wipe.
- Money Floor: Should your funds ever reach 0 the run is over. Should you run out of main breeds, the run is over.
- Regional Clause: If a Monster can be raised in the region its sub breed is from it must be raised there. ???? Breeds must be Raised in Morx.
Challenge Mode
- AI control
- Random Monster selected by rolling the main breed. You Must also roll for Region (Goat/Kalaragi/Takarama/???? etc)
- Failure of a Region: Losing a Monster means that a regional sub breed is no longer allowed for any monster, its main breed is also removed. Losing a Beaclon from Morx Eliminates Beaclon and Morx from the pool of breeds.
- *Optional: Remove the region as a training location for those truly seeking a high stakes game.
- Stat Caps are in place per rank and are as follows.
Stat Caps Per Rank- E Class: 700 (Some Monsters Spawn at 725 and are exempt from the Cap clause in E only)
- D Rank: 800
- C Rank: 1050
- B Rank: 1500
- A Rank: 2000
- S Rank: 2400
- Great 5: 2900
- Final Boss: 3200
- Cap Clause: If you are over stat cap or will go over stat cap you must rest the monster until the next tournament. Losing that tournament is a wipe.
- Money Floor: Should your funds ever reach 500 the run is over. Should you run out of main breeds or regions, the run is over.
- Regional Clause: If a Monster can be raised in the region its sub breed is from it must be raised there. ???? Breeds must be Raised in Morx.
- Fallen Hero: Losing to Ragnaros Is a wipe. The Region is destroyed.
- Pure Strength Alone: Techs May not be leveled up, only gained through Lords, or inherited from hearts. Noisy Halls may not be used.
Speed Runs
- MR3 Speed Runs (2001 game)
Monster Rancher 4
Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher
Nuzlocke Challenge
The unskippable tutorial phase of a new game, along with it's pre-scripted events out of player control, is the worst part of trying to create a challenge.
As such, much of the tutorial's encounters have been exempt from consequence and are notated below.
- Your Kaiju must fight with A.I. controls.
- It is helpful to set the game to Auto-Battles before beginning.
- Kaiju must be obtained by using one of the following:
- Southeast Asia/Japanese version must use the RANDOM button feature at the Altar. You must choose the first available Kaiju that spawns.
- North American version has no Random Button. You may use this Random Keyword Generator in it's place:
- If a Kaiju is spawned with stats that go over the cap, it must be rejected.
- You cannot spawn another Kaiju until your current Kaiju has died.
- Unlock Exception: If you need to spawn two Kaiju to unlock a breed from combining, that is allowed. Generate the Kaiju, unlock the monster, then delete the monster.
- If your Kaiju is K.O.d in a tournament, on adventure or during an unlock encounter, it is considered dead and must be deleted at the lab.
- K.O.s from forced fights in tutorials and rampage encounters DON'T count as a death.
- Resetting is not allowed, except for 1 scenario: Your Kaiju's personality shift on Stage 3.
- Cookie Bans: Bonewings banned, otherwise no other cookie bans. If you allow yourself to use Bonewings, consider it a Trial Nuzlocke run.
- Each Class your Kaiju has a stat cap. It must keep it's stats under:
Remember that bonus stats can be awarded post-tournament and will count towards your caps!- E Class: 7,500
- D Class: 10,500
- C Class: 14,500
- B Class: 23,500
- A Class: 29,000
- S Class: 31,500
- Big 3 & Finale: 35,000 (no change)
- The challenge is won at the credits. (It is not possible to game-over by running out of money since there are 0 G food options)
Main Keyword: | |
Sub Keyword: |