This page was last modified: July 22 2024
Check out the Monster Rancher Discord Server for anything from casual game conversation to community run tournaments!

Monster Rancher 2 Combo Breaker 2025 Live Tournament


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Please read if you are Under 13, or a concerned Parent!
Chat Logins / Forum Posts / Monster Screenshots will be deleted promptly if these guides are not followed!

This Site's Chatroom and Forums are public, please do not post personal information that you do not wish to be made publicly available. (This includes, but is not limited to phone numbers and addresses.) We also expect users to respect the privacy of others by not posting personal information about anyone other than themselves.

While LegendCup no longer hosts its own Chatroom or Forums, should these be re-implemented: Chat/Forum participants must be 13 years of age or older. Anyone under 13 will automatically be banned and ALL posts will be deleted!

Users are encouraged to establish email accounts with free email services which are not their primary Internet Service Provider. The username, password and board names may all be fictional. Use a Handle when posting or chatting, do not use your real "Birth Name". The use of email addresses is entirely for the convenience of forum and chatroom users. Legend does not use them for any other purpose, nor do we provide them to any other businesses. However, we remind all users that they are visible to anyone visiting the forum or entering the chatroom.


Legend is a Video Game Fansite wholly owned by Taylor Walker, with permission from Tecmo, inc.
You may contact me here.

LegendCup has been Ad-Free since 1999! Consider a Donation!
Can't donate? Link or Mention LegendCup wherever you discuss Monster Rancher!
  • Thanks Tecmo! We Love Monster Rancher!
  • DISCLAIMER: has been granted permission from Tecmo, in writing, for use of images and sounds throughout the site. All images and sounds related to Monster Rancher are property of Tecmo, inc. and it's associates do not claim to own any of these properties, images, graphics or sounds.
  • Reproduction of data on LegendCup is forbidden without written permission from LegendCup or their individual authors.
  • Please see the Legal page if there are any concerns.