Recapped By Velo on Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Sunna vs. Cold Fire: Cold Fire didn't really put up much of a fight. It had it's moments, but in the end SUnna was just too much Ape for CF to handle.
Sunna 3, Cold Fire 0
Sunna vs. Thlayli: Thlayli actually ended up doing better than CF against Sunna. It used it's bang attack one round and racked up a KO, but eventually TH's low life gave way to Sunna's attacks.
Sunna 3, Thlayli 1
Cold Fire vs. Thlayli: Thlayli yet again pulled off one round against his opponent. However, CF managed to dodge many of TH's attacks, in the final round managing to stay in perfect health. At the last moment in the final fight, TH got grit but it was for not, CF already had it in the bag.
Cold Fire 3, Thlayli 1
First vs. Thlayli. This fight was VERY exciting, and yet, very disappointing. In the first couple rounds, TH DOMINATED First with 1-2 punches and bang attacks, KO ing him twice. Everybody in the room was thinking TH was going to win it, but then golem/MP luck kicked in. First landed most ervery technique it tried after that, and when you combine golem techs with TH's low life, you get three straight wins for First. Saddening, but it was cool to see TH kick butt for a while.
First vs. Cold Fire: CF managed to show off his Tiger speed for one round, dodging nearly all of First's attacks and winning it. But for the rest, First dominated by landing the heavy Golem techs such as charge and fist shots, effectively ending CF's performance.
First 3, Cold Fire 1
First vs. Sunna: This was the finale of the night, the winner was to go on to the finals. Me and a few others had faith in Sunna, that the Ape could show off the stuff that made us so proud of Vipos long ago. Too bad he was against MP's Golem. First KO'd SUnna with a 999 fist shot in the first match, then another fist shot followed by a charge in the next one. Down 2-0, Sunna bravely unleashed all of it's most powerful attacks in round three, but most missed and in the end it lost, losing the final match by a sweep.
First 3, Sunna 0
That's all for now, I can't wait for the next round!