General Rules & Guidelines for Tournaments
Different rules may change with different tournaments. Similar tournaments may also have different rules. For the time being the rules for any given tournament will have links at the top of this page that relate to the rules of that particular tournament. The following rules are subject to change. Participants are notified of the rule changes and in most cases are consulted in a vote to change a particular rule.
Tournaments are generally fought 2 ways: Online (webcast live) and Offline. Online Webcasts are hosted at Monster Rancher Metropolis at the Lodge #47. You can create a UserID and Password and come watch the Tournaments here!
Tournaments are fought best of 5 Bouts to determine a winner for a particular fight with no KO needed for a Tie Breaker.
Rules concerning Peaches, Bananas, and Cheat devices are specified in the specific Tournament's rules.
NO Brands of Emulator Usage or Users are permitted in Any Tournament for Any Game! GAMESHARK and other game cheat or hacking devices
Only the following items may be Gamesharked into a game that is submitted for Any Tournaments. You are allowed to shark ONLY the listed items. This list may be updated at any time. Failure to comply may lead to suspension or being immediately banned. Money Platina, Gold, Silver, Diamond, Emerald, or any other item that yeilds no effect other than cash. Strong Glue (to get rid of it/Free up an inventory space)
You can only enter 1 monster at a time per Class. (If there are 3 classes open you may enter 1 monster in Each class)
If a monster Loses a given bracket you may re-enter a NEW monster of that Class ASAP into any bracket that is left open.
If you have Won a Bracket, your monster is moved onto the Finals of that Class.
If your monster is in the Finals you may not enter another monster until the next "tourney of that X" Class opens up. (X replacing S, A, Master or Specialty)
Finalist Example in an A class Tournament:
If you are fighting in A class public Tournament #3 and you are a Finalist, you may not re-enter another A class monster until a new set (A class public Tournament #4) opens. HOWEVER you CAN continue to raise the Same monster (presumably on a different save) until it qualifies for S class... or Even Master class! A Defeated monster of a given class cannot re-enter into that class ever.
Otherwise You MUST put your gamesave on the specified slot (save) number after you request is approved..
Have your monster in the Freezer, ready to battle!
If there are Multiple Monsters on your save, PLEASE name the save after your Monster.
If there are no more slots open for a Tournament, I will let you know.
PLEASE name the Gamesave after your Monster, Level Composite, Trainer Name like this:: "Monstername/type_lv108_TrainerHandle.gme." How to rename your file (pop up)
READ THE RULES for the tourney you are entering! before you enter.
If you have a Qualifying monster E-mail me with a request to enter your monster with the following information: Do Not send your save File Yet!
Your "Handle" Your Age Monster Name Monster type Stat Total Game (MR3)
If there is space available, I will reply with a Slot # for you to return an e-mail with the info from above and gamesave on. ***You can submit Without a Slot request ONLY if you send your monster on all 8 saves blocks. (Please label them, and zip all 8 into 1 file)***
Otherwise I will reply with a Game Save # for you to send me (NOT a "VS Data Save)
After Confirmation, Send your gamesave on the specified save with your monster ON THE RANCH. Not in the freezer, and Not on a "VS data file"
For everyone's personal benefit, I suggest you alter your Sharkport data like so: See Example (pop up)
Make sure your GameSave data is correct prior to sending it See Example (pop up)
After you "send to file" PLEASE RENAME the gamesave after your Monster, stat total or Class and Handle
Like this: Monstername/type_4995_TrainerHandle.sps How to rename your file (pop up)
You STILL need to qualify for a tournament MAKE SURE YOU QUALIFY!!!! (read the rules!)
If you qualify for a PS1 or PS2 Tournament and you have your slot reserved then Read on!
Contact Fenrick before you mail. DO NOT just mail your card.
Back Up your Memory card Data on another card you are keeping at home!
Memory cards are Delicate, Please package it well for shipping.
Padded Envelopes or bubble wrapped in a cassette cardboard box should be sufficient. If you are using a Padded envelope you should still encase your Memory Card in something protective such as inside folded cardboard or something to keep the card sturdy within the packaging material. IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for lost mail or replacement of your Memory card if it is damaged during shipping to or from Legendcup.
If you want your memory card returned to you INCLUDE RETURN SHIPPING MONEY! Usually $2.00 cash included should be enough to get it back to you. Your Card will not be returned If you do not include enough money to have your card returned to you.
MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE A RETURN ADDRESS if you have included enough shipping and want your card returned to you afterward.
Please include a Note with your
Mail To:
I no longer accept entries by mail.
I have cancelled my Post Office box.
Tourney Class: "Master" will be for monsters with Composite stat "Levels" from 103 to 114.
Tourney Class: "S" will be for monsters with Composite Stat "Levels" from 85 to 102.
Tourney Class: "A" will be for monsters with Composite stat "Levels" from 66 to 84.
(example: 900-949 is LV 18...950-999 is LV19, add the "LV"s of all 6 stats together to get the composite)
Remember, enter your monster by Stat Level, not Monster Rank. (this way you can still have an E class monster VS an S class monster as long as their stats are similar it won't matter)
**No Emulator Users are permitted!
**No Game Sharked monsters, Period!
**You can use Peaches/Meat/Drugs, but Composite LEVELS must not exceed or go below set Limits!
**Combining is allowed
Monster Rancher 1: Public Free For All: Free For All Rules:
Tourney Class: "Master" will be for monsters with Composite stat "Levels" from 109 to 120.
Tourney Class: "S" will be for monsters with Composite Stat "Levels" from 91 to 108
Tourney Class: "A" will be for monsters with Composite stat "Levels" from 72 to 90.
(example: 900-949 is LV 19...950-999 is LV20, add the "LV"s of all 6 stats together to get the composite)
Remember, enter your monster by Stat Level, not Monster Rank. (this way you can still have an E class monster VS an S class monster as long as their stats are similar it won't matter)
**No Emulator Users are permitted!
**No Game Sharked monsters, Period!
**You can use Peaches/Bananas/Drugs, but Composite LEVELS must not exceed or go below set Limits!
**Combining is allowed
Tourney Class: "Master" will be for monsters with Composite stats from 3997 to 4995 (Max).
Tourney Class: "S" will be for monsters with Composite stats from 3451 to 3996.
Tourney Class: "A" will be for monsters with Composite stats from 2950 to 3450 .
Absolutely No Game Shark Use allowed. Anyone using a gameshark device must state what they used it for or on (money, Items, monster) or risk being Banned completely.
Absolutely No Emulator Use permitted
Breeds must meet the stat totals to be entered into the tournament.
to get your Stat Composite, Add the total of all your stats together)
See "Submitting Monsters"prior to sending your monster for Tournament Entry
Monster Rancher 3 Free for All Free For All Rules:
Please see the DISCORD link in the navigation for community battles and tournaments.
Please note: This Discord server is not moderated or administrated by
The Discord server is community driven, but may not adhere to the rules and guidelines specified for's tournaments, and in fact, may have their own rules to follow.
I am linking to this Discord server as a gesture to keep the Monster Rancher community in touch with one another.