This page was last modified: October 22 2024
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Monster Rancher Mods for DX with Reloaded II
Monster Rancher Mods are here! Reloaded II is an Open Source DLL injection Mod Loader, for use with the Steam version of Monster Rancher 1&2 DX. MRDX does not have any mod support directly in the Steam workshop, so the community stepped up to find a way.Reloaded II is extensively vetted by community member jroweboy, and since landing on this as the modding tool of choice, several other mods have been made by other members of the community as well!
How to Use
- Be sure to download the Reloaded II app, and install it.
- Add the Monster Rancher executable from your steamapps directory to Reloaded II.
- Filter mods for Monster Rancher 1&2 DX and install any desired mods.
- Mods can be toggled on or off after you download them.
- Launch Monster Rancher DX from Reloaded (or create a shortcut that will launch the game through Reloaded automatically)
Summary of Mods
- Skip animations (drill and item find) - Lets you skip drill animations and finding animations in expeditions. Quite a nice speed up for training.
- Raw tech values - Shows the actual values for techs instead of the broad "E" "D" "C" etc ranking on the monster stat screen.
- Edit battle timer - Allows you to change how long battles last (can be used to remove the timer entirely if you want to make battles last till KO)
- Wide screen - Removes the side bars and renders the game in wide-screen. Doesn't work with touch input right now
- Fast forward - Lets you map the FF feature in the game to the controller to make it easier toggle FF on and off
- Turbo input - Bind a button to mash for you, makes it easier to get through menus if you don't have another tool to do this for you.
- Volume control - Allows you to mute the title screen video (and well, just adds a volume control for other things)
- Hard mode - A port of the PS1 mod that re-balances the game and makes it more challenging and fun for experienced players of the game. This is really the only mod that's a rework of the game-play, the others are just QoL features.
How to add MR1&2DX to Reloaded
- On the left side bar, click on the "+" button
- Navigate to your Steam installation of MR1&2DX and point to the MF2.exe executable. Typically this is located in:
How to add MR1&2DX Mods to Reloaded
- On the left side bar, click on the Gear icon with a + symbol.
- In the dropdown, click and filter for "MonsterRancher 1&2 DX"
- Browse and install any desired mods listed.
Review and/or Toggle installed Mods
- On the left side bar, click on the MR2 icon.
- Installed mods will be listed in the window.
- Active mods will be highlighted. Click the box next to the mod name to toggle a mod to be active or inactive.
Configure individual mod options
- With the installed mods visible, Right Click on a mod and choose Configure
- If a mod has additional options, they will be listed here. for example, the "Skip Animation" mod has two options:
- Skip Drill Animation: (Auto, Manual, Disabled)
- Skip Expedition Item Find animation: (On/Off toggle)
Launch the game with mods enabled
- On the left side bar, click on the MR2 icon.
- Here you have 2 options:
- Launch Application: This launches the game through Reloaded with the mod loader's enabled mods and configurations you've chosen.
- Create Shortcut (optional): You can create a shortcut for later use, to automatically launch the game through reloaded without needing to open Reloaded II every time.
Example of enabled Mod
- Mod name: "Raw Tech Values"
- Mod purpose: Replaces the vague letter value ranges with the specific numerical values for Techs.
Hard Mode Mod Issues
- Hard Mode doesn't appear to load, all the monsters and stats are the same.
- In your Steam installation directory "Steam\steamapps\common\mfdx\MF2\Resources\data" rename your data.bin to data.bin.backup.
If you ever need to restore this, you can remove the .backup from the file name, or use Steam's Repair Installation to restore it. - If that doesn't work, Try deleting the Hard Mode mod from within Reloaded II, Exit and restart Reloaded II, then reinstall the Hard Mode mod.
- In your Steam installation directory "Steam\steamapps\common\mfdx\MF2\Resources\data" rename your data.bin to data.bin.backup.
- When disabling Hard Mode mod, It doesn't seem to fully be removed, or there is other weird behavior.
- In your Steam installation directory "Steam\steamapps\common\mfdx\MF2\Resources\data" Revert the name of data.bin.backup back to data.bin.
- If you've already done this and it still behaves oddly, use Steam's Installation Troubleshooting steps starting from the first and easiest options.
Usually Repair Folder, or Verify local Files will be the steps that resolve it.
Reporting Issues
Please view the troubleshooting steps for common issues first. If you are still unable to resolve the issue, or need to report something new:
Issues with Reloaded II
Issues with Reloaded II should be reported on the Reloaded II GitHub page.
Issues with Individual Mods
For general help, feel free to ask in the Monster Rancher Discord
If there's a bug or something more severe to report than just help, please report it on the GitHub DX Mod Repo
- Sewer56 for Reloaded II.
- Reloaded mod authors: fadillzzz, jroweboy, Teawch.