This page was last modified: November 15 2024
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Monster Rancher 2 Combo Breaker 2025 Live Tournament

Monster Rancher 2 - Competitive Raising

Interested in joining Online or In-Person PVP events? Most competitions and tournaments are run AI vs AI, though some tournaments may be run In-Person or via Parsec with Manual control.


Competitive Mindset
This guide assumes you are already familiar with game basics like how lifespan works, items, learning techs, etc. If you are not, it is greatly encouraged that you familiarize yourself with core game mechanics first to make the transition into PVP less inundating. Please see the MR2 Guides to learn about specific topics.

Competitive raising can feel a lot different than raising monsters for single player. There are a lot of things to consider like what format you're fighting in, what the stat caps are. Do you go Tank or SPD, what kind of techs do you give your monster, will it require raising parents first to get the desired final result, these are a few of many considerations.

Engineering your monster for the best possible outcome under AI control is part of the meta of raising a competitive monster. Losing an AI vs AI tournament does not mean your monster is bad; It might still be an exceptionally raised monster that had bad luck.

Engineering your monster for manual control can be a bit easier since many factors about AI control can be ignored, for example, you can choose your attacks and when to use them without AI randomly selecting things, so skipping techs or covering up bad techs won't be as urgent or necessary.


New Competitor Preparation
Before jumping into tournaments, there's a few things to consider:
  1. Complete the game and unlocks (Ranch and Monster unlocks -- Not required but really helps).
    • Having the game completed and all upgrades purchased will free up your wallet to spend on raising and no surprise costly ranch upgrades.
    • It opens up more monster options you'll have to submit to a given tournament.
    • It opens up more potential for a better PVP monster by being able to find Disc Chips of specific monsters (that you've unlocked) while on Expedition.
    • Having the ranch fully upgrades means the most inventory slots, which is important for making money on expeditions, and being able to store specific expedition items for competitive raising.
  2. Have some money stockpiled. A monster can be costly to raise.
    • In DX it is quite profitable with a dedicated expedition monster and lots of available inventory space (See Expedition and making money sections)
    • Having everything unlocked already means you can also find some of the highest value disc chips for selling, in addition to the big money items.
  3. Expectations of Tourneys and Raising for PVP.
    • AI v AI: Most Tournaments are run AI v AI historically. Organizers will collect game saves or use DX's online upload feature to pull entrant's monsters from.
    • Manual v Manual tournaments are more difficult to organize and run since players need to be in the same room on the same physical console, or have a way to use Parsec and available at the same time across time zones.
    • Stat Caps: This term identifies generically how much total stats you're allotted for a monster, and your Stat Values totaled up cannot exceed this amount. Stat caps can vary depending on the Tournament Organizer and will be specified in their rules.
    • Dumping Stats: Intentionally lowering undesired/uneeded stats (via drills or drugs) so that those points can be allocated to raise other desired stats as high as possible or for other desired stat distributions.
    • Drop Stats: This term applies for some Tournament Organizers that will allow a stat to be dropped from the Stat Value totals. (e.g.; A Host may allow you to drop INT if it is 100 points or lower, then this value can be ignored when totaling your stats and meeting the Stat Cap of the specific tournament).
  4. Choosing and Signing Up for a Tournament:
    • Please see the Calendar, or Discord Events channel for scheduled tournaments. These will usually have their Sign-Up information linked. There are multiple tournament organizers, and plenty of formats to pick and choose from.
    • DX is cross region, cross platform compatible, so regardless if you're on Steam, Switch, or iOS, you can sign up for a tournament. (There are tournaments for other games as well, feel free to discuss in Discord!)
    • Once you've decided what you'd like to participate in, refer to that specific event's Rules and Sign up form to submit your entry. (It's possible you have something that qualifies already or will have to complete your entry by a deadline)
  5. Plan and Raise your Monster based on the tournament format chosen.
    • Don't raise a monster blindly and then hope it fits into a given tournament's ruleset. Check the rules of the tournament you want to join and be sure to fall within the restrictions set.
    • The topics below cover individual considerations different aspects of a PVP monster. You may choose to apply some or all of them. The only real limitation is the Rules or Guidelines of a given tournament format, the rest is up to you to raise the best monster possible within those guidelines.
  6. Be prepared for a LOT of save scumming, to name a few things:
    • Not every build requires it excessively, but in general, a precision PVP monster will require a ton of save scumming, especially if you're going for exact numbers.
    • This may be required for Tech inheritance or Battle Special inheritance, Fusion baby outcome (or all 3 at the same time).
    • This may be required on many drills, especially if you are dropping stats with Cheat! results.
  7. Watch your monster battle it out!
    • The Tournament Organizer will have provided a date and time for the tournament you submitted your finished monster to.
    • If you're able to, you can attend the event live (Most Hosts stream the events live), or if you miss the event there will be a VOD that you can watch.
    • There are folks from all over the world across many time-zones participating, Support your fellow ranchers and Tournament Organizers, without them you wouldn't have anyone to compete with!

MooseBones' Rundown on breaking into competitive

Videos are a point-in-time, and this was made prior to MR2DX was released. There's a few things such as Nature, and DX variants that weren't yet known when this was made, but there's still a great bit of explanation and overview to be gleaned if you're still debating on joining the competitive scene, from one of the greats!


Guts Regen & Damage Correction
Guts Regeneration is a value for how many frames per second it takes to generate 1 Guts. The higher the value, the slower guts regeneration is for your monster. This directly determines how often a monster can afford to swing a hit in battle. Faster Guts regen will allow for more swings in a given fight.

Damage Correction (Or Guts Correction) can provide more damage than usual for landed attacks, however the slower guts regeneration means swinging fewer times and being more susceptible to withering.

You'll have to weigh which you'll want to use on your monster. Here's a Guts per Match chart to help you decide. You can see maximum potential guts generated and cross-reference with your monster's tech costs and animation times.

Guts per Match

Generated in a 60 second match (30/GR x 60)
This does not include:
- Starting 50 guts.
- Guts not gained when reaching max guts.
- Guts not gained during attacking animations.


Battle Specials
Before you get started you might want to consider Battle Specials of the monster you are considering entering. Does it have a battle special you want? If not you may need to plan ahead with Fusions of Parents that have the battle specials, and use Disc Chips as well, before you even begin to raise your competitive monster.

If a monster's breed doesn't innately have a desired battle special, there are ways to acquire most of them through fusion. If a parent has a battle special, it has a random chance to pass it down to a baby monster. Additionally using specific disc chips will guarantee that the monster inherits the battle special that the disc chip provides.

Grit is one of the more sought after Battle Specials in PVP tournaments. While not required, It's highly encouraged to get it, as Grit can offer a chance to revive from a KO and turn the tables (Or simply get knocked back out again :P).

Ways to get Grit: Some monsters have Grit innately. In MR2DX others that don't normally have Grit, might have it on one of their variants in the Song List. In BOTH Original and DX you can combine for a chance to inherit it Grit if the parents had it, and also use Hare disc chips to get it.

Grit isn't the only Battle Special, of course. There are multiple to choose from. Fury is a great competitive Battle Special. Most monsters will have access to Power or Anger, depending on their nature and your strategy for AI battles. You can always refer to the Battle Specials page to see what monsters have naturally, and what you'd need to engineer for based on your preference.

Other Pages to reference: MR2DX Song List or PS1 Monster Data for basic monster data, Item List for what Disc Chips give which Battle Specials, Expeditions for disc chip locations & Calendar for Hare Disc Chips, or other tournaments that give disc chips as prizes.


Tech Loadout
Consider the techs you want your monster to have that support your intent/build. You can also pass down non-special techs from fusing with a parent that knows many techs (Parent 1 specifically), including chained techs which can save you valuable lifespan if you have all (or most of) the techs you need when it is born. If you were already planning ahead for a monster to have certain battle specials through fusion, you might want to consider that one of the Fusion parents has learned techs that can be passed down.
  • A limited tech selection means more chances a monster will use the techs you want on AI versus mode. Having an empty range can be beneficial to allow your monster to save up guts.
  • Avoid acquiring bad techs. This isn't the same definition for every monster unfortunately. High cost/low payout is a loose gauge to use. Animation times of attacks can be considered too (While you're attacking, you don't generate guts, but your opponent does. Or long animations can help run down the clock)
  • Weigh the options by referencing the Tech Charts which indicate actual values for Hit/Crit/Dmg, and consider your monster's guts regen factor and battle specials while choosing.
Another thing to consider with AI vs AI tech loadouts is which slot they're in:
  • Ranges 1 and 4 are the most frequented slots.
  • Ranges 2 and 3 are more often quickly walked over.
There's two ways you can use this... If you want monsters to save up more guts, having an empty slot 1 or 4 can help it not swing an attack in those positions where it otherwise might. Or the opposite, maybe you don't want attacks in ranges 2 and 3 for the same reason, with attacks in range 1 and 4 for higher probability of swinging once it gets in that range. All this of course depends on what a monster starts with already, and if there's a bad tech in a given slot, you may want to learn more attacks to help cover up the chances of using a really bad one that can't be unlearned.

Sometimes there are special tournament that allows for deleting of techs where one can have much more precision control over this, but for most tournaments you'll have to weigh and consider the risks of having techs in only some slots or many and which slots they are in, to help engineer your monster to make the fewest bad decisions with AI control.


Stat Caps, Dropped Stats, & Dumping Stats
For tournaments with stat caps, dumping stats in one area allows allocation of stats in another where you want it. Additionally, some tournament rules may allow dropped stats from the stat total, be sure to observe a given tournament's rules!
  • You will most likely be choosing between a Speed build or Tank build, while choosing between POW or INT for attacks. There are mixed attacker formats as well, and some cases where some techs are banned, but in most cases the Techs themselves are solely up to the rancher to choose.
  • Just about any monster can run SPD builds, but Tank builds are usually best fitted for monsters with fast guts regeneration.
  • "Tank" build usually implies very high LIF rather than DEF, but ultimately the choice is yours on how to allocate your stats within a given format.

    Ways to dump stats:

    • Hard Drills and some items (Like Paradoxine or Larox etc.) can help dump stats.
    • Resetting to intentionally get "cheats" on Heavy Drills during baby stages (-4 is the best reduction you can get and easiest during baby stage, while not getting to much in gains in other areas)
      • You can use Gold/Silver peaches to extend baby stages if you need more time with dumping stats. Be sure to use it while still in stage 1!
      • INT monsters can benefit from Leap and Meditate to work together to drop POW and DEF while raising necessary stats.
      • POW monsters benefit from Swim drill to drop INT.
      • POW monsters also benefit from Paradoxine raising POW and SKI, and lowering SPD and DEF by 10% per week.
    Paradoxine Calculator
    This does not factor +/- stats from Drill/Errantry.
    Activity MUST be Cheat/Success/Great to receive effect.
    Enter Starting
    Stat Value:
    Wk 1: Para #1
    Wk 2
    Wk 3
    Wk 4
    Wk 1: Para #2
    Wk 2
    Wk 3
    Wk 4
    Wk 1: Para #3
    Wk 2
    Wk 3
    Wk 4
    Wk 1: Para #4
    Wk 2
    Wk 3
    Wk 4
    Wk 1: Para #5
    Wk 2
    Wk 3
    Wk 4
    Wk 1: Para #6
    Wk 2
    Wk 3
    Wk 4
    Wk 1: Para #7
    Wk 2
    Wk 3
    Wk 4
    Wk 1: Para #8
    Wk 2
    Wk 3
    Wk 4

    Training Drugs Recap
    Used during Baby Stages, drugs can yield much higher gains than is normally achievable in week to week raising, even after the lifespan hits. Drugs can also be used to lower other stats. Here are some of the popular drugs. All are eventually available from the Item Shop except Paradoxine.

    • Cost: 2200 G
    • +10 POW and +10 DEF
    • -10 LIF
    • Duration: Single Use
    • Lifespan Hit: -4 weeks
    • Cost: 3000 G
    • +10 LIF and +10 SKI
    • -10 SPD
    • Duration: Single Use
    • Lifespan Hit: -5 weeks
    • Cost: 1200 G
    • +10 POW and +5 SKI per week
    • Duration: 4 wks (non-failed drill/errantry)
    • Lifespan Hit: -6 weeks
    • Cost: Expedition Only
    • 700 INT required to find
    • +30 POW and SKI per week
    • -10% to SPD and DEF per week
    • Duration: 4 wks (non-failed drill/errantry)
    • Lifespan Hit: -18 weeks

    Peaches for PVP
    Gold and Silver peaches add 50 and 25 weeks of lifespan respectively and rewind the life stage by the specified amount of time, though there are some exceptions.
    • In Single Player, you would generally use this 50 and 25 weeks after Prime has started, so that you can maximize the amount of stats gained and extent Prime's life stage for massive gains.
    • However, in PVP, peaching in Life-stage 1 is often used to extend the time one can save-scum for when a monster "Cheats" on drills. Lowering gains in unwanted stats while maximizing dropped stats from Cheat Drills.
    Peach Recap:
    • Peaches add weeks by rewinding time, which can put you into an earlier Life Stage, allowing you to increase the time spent in a particular stage.
    • Peaches in Life Stage 1 extend stage 1.
    • Peaches in Life Stage 2 extend stage 2.
    • Peaches in any other Life Stage can rewind time to a previous live stage, however, it cannot rewind time earlier than Life Stage 2.


    Form Planning
    Form (weight), Speed, and Defense

    Keep the following in mind while prepping your monster. Typically, the No Rest methods will always lean towards Skinny, so if you're planning on raising a Tank, you likely want to plan ahead so that during it's final days you can make sure Form is +100

    • Form adjusts your monster's SPD and DEF, scaling between 0 (Normal) and 25% (Skinny or Plump)
    • The Stat that benefits from the form will be increased, while the opposing stat will be decreased.
    • You can Cap SPD or DEF if you are -100 Skinny or +100 Plump respectively.
    • Calcs between DX and PS1 versions are slightly different: (800 for DX, 760 for PS1).
      • PS1 version calc break-points stop every 50 points, and 950 is the effective max (except for LIF which every point counts).
      • MR2DX calc breakpoints are every 12.5 points difference, and 999 is the effective max.

    Form Value Ranges In-Game
    Range-100 to -60-59 to -20-19 to 1920 to 5960 to 100
    Max Form AdjustmentsPS1 (1999)MR2DX (2021)
    SPD or DEF is at:760800
    +/- 100 Form (25%)950999

    Candy and Rest can help you put weight back on quickly for Tank builds, but be on the look out for other adjustments especially if you're trying to finalize with negative nature Stress-Crit builds.


    Crit Planning
    Nature-Based Battle Specials, Fame, and Crit

    Unless it's a special spawn that can't get it; Monsters at +20 (Good) Nature or better will get the POWER battle special. Monsters at -20 (Bad) Nature or worse will get the ANGER battle special.

    • Positive is any nature value between 0 to 100
    • Negative is any nature value between -1 to -100
    • Adjustments can only be +100 or -100 from a monster's initial starting nature
      • If your monster starts at -60 Nature, the highest it can be raised is 40, and lowest is -100.
    Battle Special and Negative Nature Crit Qualifiers
    Nature DisplayedWorstBadNeutralGoodBest
    Nature Value-100 to -60-59 to -20-19 to -10 to 1920 to 5960 to 100
    N.N. Crit BonusYesNo
    Battle SpecialAngernonePower
    Some shrined monsters are hard-coded to not have Power or Anger
    These are noted in the DX Song List.

    Positive nature monsters cap out at 10% crit. Negative nature monsters can get up to 20% crit.

    • Positive nature gets 1% Crit for every 10 Fame (maxing at 10% Crit from Fame)
    • Negative nature monsters gets 1% Crit for every 20 points of fame, plus 1% Crit for every 20 points of fame their opponent has, (maxing at 10% Crit from Fame)
    • Negative nature monsters additionally get 1% Crit for each 10 point of Stress. (maxing at 10% crit from Stress)
      • Getting to 100 Stress isn't difficult, but getting things to line up might be tricky. You will want to avoid events that decrease stress (like Gemini Pots on Week 1 rollover for example), Avoid going over your stat cap, and your nature or form being adjusted too much.
      • You can use Irritators (15 Stress each) and light drills (5 stress each) over several training weeks to get to 100 stress by replacing Mint Leaf with Irritator.
      • Alternate Nuts Oil and Irritators. Be sure to keep track if you're skipping the 4th week of raising to avoid the week 1 rollover items and Gemini Pot passives.
    • Where to get Irritaters?
      • They can be found in many places in Torles and Parepare Expeditions. However, ParePare location C, D, and H with a positive nature monster are your best bets if you have 400 INT or higher (since other locations are 0% at 400+ INT).
      • Irritaters can also be found as a substitute item. If you find a disc chip of a monster you haven't unlocked yet, that item is substituted and you are given: Mint Leaf, Half-Eaten, or Irritater.
        So if you haven't unlocked everything, you can have a much higher chance to find them by searching locations that drop Chips of locked monsters.


    Stress Schedules for negative Nature Crit - Typically you will wait until the last weeks for Stress Crit planning, since the high stress is hugely detrimental to Lifespan and every week will shred weeks off your monster.

    See:  Training Planner  if you need to try a different custom schedule such as a Zero Irritater example schedule.
    Don't forget to factor gains from the drills while capping stress as this may skew your Stat Totals if your stats aren't already at 999

    Stress/Crit Schedule (Non-H.A.D.)
    Requires 5 Irritators & 25 weeks lifespan

    Non-HAD Irritater Schedule to max stress for bad nature crit chance

    Stress/Crit Schedule (H.A.D.)
    Requires 6 Irritators & 35 weeks lifespan

    HAD Irritater Schedule to max stress for bad nature crit chance


    Raising Routes

    Various examples and how to achieve them

    Please be sure to check the Tournaments page for full format breakdowns. There are also other formats not listed here that may have their own specialized rulesets.

    You are encouraged to try out your own monster and build combinations, but if it's still not clear how to use advice from these guides, these raising routes can show you how fellow competitors apply this knowledge to get to their end results.

    Not every Format or Build is represented here. However, we hope this will help you learn to plan your own future custom monsters, be it for a league format or 1-off themed tournaments!

    1400 Mixed Lightweight Format

    SussyJerma (Wracky/Wracky) by Kane

    This monster was raised in MR2DX for AI v AI
    PVP SussyJerma Monster Raising Route by Kane
    PVP SussyJerma Monster Raising Route by Kane
    1. Raise a Parent 1 monster (A wracky) for fusion. The parent wracky should be also fused to obtain the battle specials we want, in this case, I gave them Grit, Fury, and Will. Wracky's innately have Hurry so we do not have to fuse for it.
    2. Have the Parent 1 monster obtain all the techs we need, along with an additional tech like Punch (So the math of inherited techs passes down the number we want), and fuse until we inherit air shot, blast shot, kick, and spin kick. Make sure that after obtaining Spin Kick it is used 50 times with the parent 1 monster so the tech uses are also inherited.
    3. After the Parent 1 monster is successfully built, Save and begin save-scum fusing with another wracky until all battle specials + correct techs are inherited. SussyJerma was fused with Beaclon Chips which increases the results of their pull drills by +1 to compensate for low POW stat gains.
    4. With Magic Banana No Rest method, using Leap and aiming for 500 SPD, while keeping an eye on INT that it does not go over cap.
    5. Begin progression to reach Grade B by competing in the D and C Grade Officials. Once B Grade, send to Kawrea errantry for Twister Kick, which should be immediately learnable if the previous Parent 1 monster already used Spin Kick 50 times.
    6. After obtaining Twister Kick, you can enter a tournament and set your active techs. (Blast Shot and Twister Kick, or your own preference).
    7. Resume Magic Banana No Rest method using Meditate for Heavy Drills and aim for lower SKI gains on the secondary stat. This allows for more drills to lower DEF further. Stop using Meditate when SKI reaches 100. If you are going over, try just a light drill to land on 100 SKI, then use Study drills to bring INT to 500.
    8. Switch Heavy Drills to Pull until POW is around 400. Be sure to bring SPD back up to 500 with Dodge after using the Pull drills.
    9. Use Run to bring LIF up to 299. Finish off POW to 500 with Domino, while using this time to max out stress for negative nature crit bonus. If you do not want the Anger battle special you will also need to adjust nature to Neutral (-19 to -1).

    Additional Context
    • Most of this training was done relatively optimally, but most of it is unnecessary because of Wracky's extremely long lifespan and the low stat cap.
    • In the lightweight format there are generally 3 different builds, tanks, speedsters, and high offense builds. Tanks are generally the go-to builds, but can be hard checked by mons with high offense techs like Cyclone Golem. Speedsters can relatively reliably defeat monsters like Cyclone Golem, but have more difficult matches against tanks with more relatively accurate techs. SussyJerma takes the best of both worlds by being able to forgo skill for life, power, intelligence and speed because of their high accuracy techs, and their fast guts rate. Also by being able to have max power, and intelligence, less damage will be received, further increasing their survivability, while also doing good damage in return. This means they can take several attacks from normal attacks while incidentally dodging them with their maxed speed, and more often than not they can dodge the high offense techs that would defeat most tanks. Another build similar to this is Telemaniac, a Suezo with just the hit techs, the basics, 199 life, 500 power, 500 intelligence, 300 skill, and 400 speed, so it is applicable to other monsters as well, but perhaps not to the same degree of effectiveness. You want to build for what you expect to encounter in a format, while also being able to incidentally win games against monsters that can win against you, this is what makes high offense monsters like cyclone golem so effective. SussyJerma is a perfect counter build to the tank dominant meta, that can also contend with speedsters and cyclone golems when they come across them.
    • SussyJerma has the maximum negative nature, and wracky's innately have a very low base nature so it is easy to max out. SussyJerma is actually in the adolescent life stage which makes him medium sized, though it is hard to tell. In the DXBL, SussyJerma had a win/loss ratio of 25:7, and single-handedly obtained 39 points, the most of any monster.
    2100 Mixed UwU Format

    ScotSterling (Wracky/Metalner) by ComradeBob

    This monster was raised in MR2DX for AI v AI
    PVP Scot Sterling Monster Raising Route by ComradeBob
    PVP Scot Sterling Monster Raising Route by ComradeBob
    The goal of the build is to take advantage of Wrackys two chains of incredibly accurate hit techs, the Kick line and the Air Shot line. Using these moves we are able to run a much lower amount of skill than we otherwise would, and those stat points can be allocated elsewhere. The final monster to be raised, is a baby from Combination.
    1. To prepare the first parent, Fuse a purebred Wracky and combine it with another monster using Hare disc chips to inherit Grit. The fused baby must have Wracky main or sub. A pure Wracky as a result will make future steps easier.
    2. Raise this newly combined wracky until it has the moves Kick, Spin Kick, Air Shot and Blast Shot, and ensure that Spin Kick has been used in battle 50 times (which will satisfy a future requirement to get Twister Kick), along with learning Punch for the math of passing down a specific number of techs to the future baby monster).
    3. Prepare a Parent 2 Metalner, using a specific Metalner that starts with Grit from the Title/Artist: Moby/Moby.
    4. Freeze the completed Parent 1 Wracky and the variant Metalner. Save the game and begin Combining until you get a Metal Glay (Wracky/Metalner) with the moves, Kick, Spin Kick, Air Shot and Blast Shot as well as the battle specials, Grit, Hurry (Hurry is native to wrackys), and Optionally Fury as well, if you can get your hands on Dragon Disc Chips to use in this fusion.
    5. THE FINAL RAISE BEGINS: Begin with 2 months of Paradoxine training to lower SPD below 100 while using Run to raise LIF.
    6. With POW around 290 and SKI around 340, begin progression to reach Grade B by competing in the D and C Grade Officials. Freeze between official tournaments using a second monster to pass the time to save lifespan.
    7. Once at B Grade, send to Kawrea Errantry to learn Twister Kick. If your Parent 1 had used Spin Kick 50 times, and the Metal Glay inherited Spin Kick, it will have also inherited the 50x uses, so you should immediately be able to learn Twister Kick.
    8. Finish raising out the remaining stats to the Stat Caps. Start with Troron until you reach close to 425 SKI. Then, using the Lazy No Rest method with Tablets, use Swim drill until you reach Prime life stage, then switch to Pull drill until you reach 600 POW. After, switch back to Swim drill until 480 DEF. Use Shoot for Light Drills to top off SKI, then switch to Run for LIF. Use Peaches to extend Prime life stage.
    9. After POW and DEF are raised to stat caps, Switch to all Light Drills to top off your other stats. Use this time to feeding Star Prunes to get Fame to +100, and Sweet Jelly to drop Nature to -100, and Candy to reach +100 Form.
    10. Set active techs by joining a tournament and making Blast Shot (range 4), and Twister Kick (range 1) the active techs. Lose the fight/drop out of the tournament so you don't acquire extra stats after the tournament.
    11. Raise Stress to 100. (Many ways to do this. This build used Irritater + Rest every week until 100 Stress. Freezing on 4th week to avoid stress reduction from Monthly food or Gemini Pots)
    2997 Middleweight Format (LIF Tank)

    Smorebit (Cocooned Hare/Worm) by Jayem

    This monster was raised in MR2DX for AI v AI
    PVP Smorebit Monster Raising Route by Jayem
    PVP Smorebit Monster Raising Route by Jayem
    This entire build hinges around utilising the way Worm's techs become the new monster's techs when it cocoons. Namely, the fact that Worm's Injection turns into Spin Kick when it becomes a Hare. There is a Worm/Naga that starts with both Injection and Poison Gas which makes for a good parent monster for this build.
    1. Get Somersault and Somersaults and 2 extra techs (doesn't matter which ones) on this parent Worm and combine it with a pure Plant with Hare Disk Chips to gain Grit. Other monsters are viable if more battle specials are desired, but Grit is the most important special to pick up. Reset until the resulting Worm/Plant has Somersault, Somersaults, Poison Gas and Injection.
    2. Once on the ranch, grind down the INT to below 100 through Swim drills, then use paradoxine to get the DEF down. Focus on training LIF outside of prime and SKI in prime, while doing Pull drills throughout the monster's life. Ensure this worm does NOT eat 30 cup jellies. We are aiming for 999 in LIF, POW and SKI and 100 in the rest of the stats
    3. Once the Worm makes it to 4 years old, ensure it has low (7 or less) stress , freeze it and then pass the time with another monster until the 3rd week of June. Bring the worm back onto the ranch and rest. Reset the game until the Worm hatches into a Hare. This Hare will have Spin Kick, Straight, HardStraight and Bang.
    4. Once you have your Hare, give it both peaches and enter official rank tourneys to grind out 50 uses each on Spin Kick and Bang. Freeze in between official tourneys to maximise the amount of battles, ensure there is some DEF threshold to account for the stats the Hare will pick up on errantry. Once the grind is up, send your Hare on two trips to Kawrea to pick up Kung Fu Kick and Big Bang.
    5. Cleanup time. Lower the nature of the Hare as low as it will go, raise as much stress as possible and ensure the Fame is at 100. Since SPD and DEF are the same, the form doesn't matter a whole lot.
    Note: This was built on Nintendo Switch, without access to precision tools like Advanced Viewer for aid. This is also raised for the 2997 with Stats at 100 or lower ignored towards the stat cap.
    3500 Heavyweight Format (Speed)

    Son of Lumpy (Jill/Hare) by MachoCheeze

    This monster was raised in MR2DX for AI v AI
    PVP Son of Lumpy Monster Raising Route by MachoCheeze
    PVP Son of Lumpy Monster Raising Route by MachoCheeze
    1. This build of Jill is possibly the easiest competitive monster you can raise in the game that is also incredibly strong. Because it comes from a special spawn (Title: CVP / Artist: Mym), you do not need to worry about breeding down techniques or battle specials. It also spawns with the fastest possible guts rate available to Jill (11gr) , grit (the most important battle special in competitive play), an Int stat of 80, and also spawns with the optimal power tech loadout for the species (Double Slaps / 1-2 Straight / Punch Combo). If you are interested in getting into competitive Monster Rancher 2 I would highly suggest this monster.
    2. Because the build is almost completed fresh off the spawn, the only task that the breeder needs to worry about is raising the stats, fame, and making sure you have your tech loadout how you want. Feed your Wondar Paradoxine until you have nearly maxed out Power and Skill. I'm personally a fan of sacrificing a miniscule amount of Power and Skill to add an extra little bit of Life, but if you want to go 702 Lif / 999 Pow / 999 Ski I think that is a valid choice.
    3. From there it's honestly pretty simple: Raise your Life and Speed using light drills throughout the remainder of the monster's lifespan. Make sure to use a Gold Peach and Silver Peach to prolong the monster's prime life stage for maximum gains. Sometime during this process make sure to enter a tournament so you can change your tech loadout to how you want it. I personally have Lumpy set to starting with Double Slaps and Punch Combo active. Don't forget to feed your monster Star Prunes from the Shop to get 100 Fame!
    4. Because this special spawn does not actually have the ability to get the battle special Power, you have a choice in either to go with a crit natured monster or Anger. On my version I decided to go with a nature that focused on critical hits (-1 to -19 nature). Since I'm running a speed monster, I would rather have the chance to do extra damage. Anger causes your monster's guts regeneration to be faster in exchange for making them easier to hit while the battle special is active. Some speed monsters can make Anger work, but I don't believe it's good for this build.
    5. In the last leg of the raise, after you've finished your other stats, start spamming your Wondar with Nuts Oil every week and raising only Defense (don't go above 100 Defense). When its time to feed your monster choose only potatoes. This combination will sky rocket your monster's stress and as soon as you get them to 100 stress you'll be done with the raise! 100 stress and a nature between -1 and -19 will allow our monster to get an extra 10% chance to crit WITHOUT getting the Anger battle special. This stacks with the inherit 5% extra chance to crit from having 100 Fame, and 5% extra crit if opponent is also at 100 Fame.
    3500 Heavyweight Format (Tank)

    UwU. F. OwO (Niton/Metalner) by Selvious

    This monster was raised in MR2DX for AI v AI
    PVP UwU.F.OwO Monster Raising Route by Selvious
    PVP UwU.F.OwO Monster Raising Route by Selvious
    PVP UwU.F.OwO Monster Raising Route by Selvious
    Raising a Niton with all of the POW tech chains is a tight and time consuming raise no matter which format it is being used for. With fairly low stat gains other than DEF, paradoxines and peaches are basically a must.
    1. Raise a Niton/Niton, which was combined to have at least the GRIT battle special, to gain tech uses and learn all of the POW techs other than Violent Shell (Electric Stab, Numbing Stab, Electric Whip, Numbing Whip). Pick up Shock as well to acquire a total of 5 techs to make passing down the correct techs easier. through combining. Make sure Electric Whip has at least 50x uses.
    2. Combine the Niton/Niton with a Metalner/Metalner (which also has grit) along with any disc chips you wish for more battle specials. I used a dragon chip here to almost guarantee a Niton/Metalner baby with Grit and Fury. This is where you will save scum until you get a Niton/Metalner baby that has been passed down Electric Stab and Electric Whip.
    3. Immediately, from day 0, gave the Niton Gold/Silver Peaches and paradoxines in order to keep the Niton in baby stage for as long as possible while fighting in official tournaments to get to rank B as soon as possible while raising the Nition to be good natured in order to learn Million Whips. Keeping the Niton young will help by not gaining too many potential unwanted stats while doing the many many tournaments involved with learning Violent Shell.
    4. Freeze the Niton, and unfreeze it only to battle in official tournaments. It is time to get the Violent Shell line by using Shell Attack 50x times, then learn Spiked Shell by using that 50x times, and finishing with learning Violent Shell. Hopefully the Niton isn't too strong that it one shots all the opponents, because 50 uses is a lot. If you find the monster gaining too much INT after the battle, it may worth considering save scumming to not gain that INT after the tournament. A little bit of INT gain is ok since Swim drills are used later to decrease INT and gain DEF, but remember Niton/Metalner has a FIVE gain in DEF, so you won't be able to drop INT quickly while gaining massive DEF.
    5. After learning Violent Shell, it is time for cleanup. Get the rest of the stats needed. Get Fame to 100, Nature down as low as possible, Plump up the Niton, and max out the Niton's stress for the crit bonus.


    DX Versus Mode

    How to upload your monster for Competitive

    Tournament Hosts running MR2DX will require you to upload your submitted monster to the cloud so that it can be accessed for the tournament. The below process will copy the the chosen save number with every lab-frozen monster up to the cloud. Once copied/uploaded, they remain there in perpetuity, as-is and independent of your local save number or continued local game progress. If you change/progressed your monster and need it updated for online matchups, then you must upload the save file again (with the updated monster frozen at the lab). You can only have 1 save number uploaded at any given time. New uploads will overwrite your previous uploads.
    1. Make sure your monster is frozen at the Lab.
      Steps to upload monsters in DX
    2. Save your game on any numbered save slot.
      Steps to upload monsters in DX
    3. Exit the game and go back to the Title, and choose "Vs. Mode" in the menu.
      Steps to upload monsters in DX
    4. Choose the same numbered save slot from Step 2, to register the frozen monsters online.
      Steps to upload monsters in DX
    5. Once the Frozen monsters have been registered, Select "Check Frozen Monster".
      Steps to upload monsters in DX
    6. In the list, confirm your monster shown, then click "Display Search Key".
      Steps to upload monsters in DX
    7. Note the Search Key. Providing your Search Key may be required to submit your monster, if the monster name has censored characters. Censored character strings show up as question marks.
      Steps to upload monsters in DX
    Different Tournament Hosts may have different information requirements on their forms. This should help you correctly get your monster online, and collect everything that is required for any tournament submission in MR2DX.

    NOTE: you can only have 1 save slot uploaded at a time. Whatever is the last save uploaded is the only save in the cloud. You may overwrite the save slot on your local game however you want, it will not change what was already uploaded unless you re-register/upload it again.

    Credits: Discord Community, Nash, Teawch, SmilingFaces96
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