This page was last modified: December 11 2024
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Tabletop Simulator Mod for MRBC

Instructions for using Filipemqt's Tabletop Simulator mod for Monster Rancher Battle Card.

mqT's Tabletop Simulator Mod

How to use Deck Creator with TTS
Do I need to use Deck Creator? Using the Deck Creator website or desktop app is not required. Deck Creator is a way to easily and quickly build a deck, or save and manage multiple decks. If you prefer to do this manually, see the Other TTS Tips in the "Start/Join a game in TTS" section.

Create a new deck

  1. Visit the Deck Creator website and log in (Log in is required to build, save, and export decks).
  2. Click on the "Deck Builder" button in the upper right.
  3. On the left side navigation, in the Editor section, click "Create".
  4. In the Deck Summary area along the top, Select 3 monsters for your deck by clicking the Disc Logo on each monster slot, then clicking on the monster name/image.
  5. Below the Deck Summary area is where you will build your draw deck. you will see smaller icons for each of the monsters you selected in the step above, along with Any Monster cards and Breeder cards.
  6. Select Monster skill cards, Breeder skill cards, or Any Monster cards by clicking on the icon of the card type you want to add, then selecting the cards within that category (Up to 3 duplicates can be added. Toggling beyond 3 will reset it back to 0)
  7. Once you've completed building your deck, the Deck Summary area will indicate "100%" and "Total of Cards 50".
  8. Add a Name to your deck (Stall/Offense etc.) by clicking "New Deck", then name your deck. You can also similarly add tags to your deck.
  9. Save your Deck by clicking the save icon in the lower right. You can choose to save as a Public Deck so others can view, or a private deck.

Download and Import your deck into Tabletop Simulator MRBC mod

  1. On the left side navigation, in the Editor section, click "My Decks"
  2. Look for the saved deck you would like to use in TTS, and click the Download icon.
    • If you want the LegendCup cards and descriptions, click the Download Legend Cup button.
    • Or you can click Download Default button for the mod authors default cards.
  3. You will be prompted:
    "Do you want to download this deck? To import into Tabletop Simulator, extract the contents of the .zip file to the game folder:"
  4. A zip file will be downloaded named with your login name and deck name.
  5. Depending on your OS you will extract the ZIP file (2 files: .json & .png file) into one of the following 3 locations based on your TTS settings:
    • Windows: %USER_PROFILE% > Documents > My Games > Tabletop Simulator > Saves > Saved Objects
    • Linux: ~/.local > share > Tabletop Simulator > Saves > Saved Objects
    • MacOS: ~/Library > Tabletop Simulator > Saves > Saved Objects
  6. Your Deck is now ready to be used in Tabletop Simulator!

Switching or Updating Card Templates in TTS

You might find you prefer one deck style or verbiage over another, or have seen there was an update to a card, or there may be eventual support for other language cards that can be loaded.
  1. In TTS click the Gear icon to enter the Configuration
  2. In the Game tab, look for "Mod Caching" and uncheck the box.
  3. Follow the steps above for Downloading and Importing your Deck within Deck Creator, while clicking the alternate Download option of choice.
  4. Start a new game and load your Deck (See Start/Join a game for steps). This should ensure that everything is updated.
  5. Go back to the Configuration, and re-check "Mod Caching".
How to Start/Join a game in TTS
To load the MRBC Mod within TTS, be sure to Subscribe to the Tabletop Simulator MRBC Workshop Mod on Steam.

Create a Server (New Game)

  1. At the TTS Main Menu, Click Create and choose multiplayer
  2. Enter a server name, and set a server password, and max number of people able to enter (Board supports 6 players 3x 2v2)
  3. Set to Public if you want to be able to invite people that aren't your Steam friends, and click Create Server.
  4. Choose Monster Rancher Battle Card [Scripted], and Load it.

Join a Server (Existing Game)

  1. At the TTS Main Menu, Click Join
  2. In the Server Browser, search for the Server Name provided by the person who created a new game to play.
  3. Select the appropriate server, and click Connect. Enter the password if needed.

Load your Deck (from Deck Creator or previously saved TTS deck)

  1. In TTS, on the Top menu, click "Objects" button.
  2. Click Saved Objects, and select your deck.
  3. Your deck is now copied onto the board, and you can drag and drop your monster cards into position, and prepare your deck.
  4. Select your name and choose your color, this will open a panel to set your Monster names and Life Points, with controls to adjust Life Points as the game progresses.

TTS Usage Tips

  • Click a card/deck and press "F" to Flip it (or right-click and choose Flip)
  • Click your deck and press "R" to Shuffle it (or right-click and choose shuffle)
  • Hold Shift with the grab tool to move an entire deck
  • To view your hand, mouse over the bottom portion of the screen where you see the top of the cards.
  • To enlarge the card, hold ALT while mouse hovered over the card. To enlarge even more, scroll up while holding ALT.
  • Use W-A-S-D to position the camera over different areas of the board.
  • Use mouse Right Click and Drag to rotate the camera
  • Use Scroll Wheel to zoom in and out

Other MRBC TTS Tips

  • Pro Tip: Before you start playing, mouse-drag/selecting your playing field after all your cards and deck are positioned, Right Click and save objects. Next time you play you can load this saved objects to have everything ready to go, just shuffle the deck!
  • Do I need to use Deck Creator? No. All cards are available on one of the end of the table. If you prefer to manually build a complete deck, or need spare cards to swap out, click on a monster to spawn it's respective Monster and Skill cards to sort through and assemble manually.
  • Should I use Deck Creator? Deck Creator allows you to build, save and manage multiple decks and can be easier than manually assembling a deck within TTS. Deck Creator also has a Desktop app that can automatically synchronize your managed decks to Tabletop Simulator as well. It's not a requirement to use, but it is made by the Steam Mod author with the intent of making it easier on the player.

Credits: mqT manages the TTS mod, and folks involved in the Monster Rancher Battle Card restoration project.
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