This page was last modified: January 27 2025
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LackeyCCG Plugin AutoUpdate for
Monster Rancher Battle Card

Play a virtualized tabletop game of the physical Monster Rancher Battle Card Trading and Collectible Card Game. This includes all cards from the GameBoy Color MRBC and PlayStation MRBC:Ep II versions, plus the Japanese only Set 4 cards never before released on the consoles or in English.

This virtualization of Monster Farm Battle Card (モンスターファームバトルカード) fixes many typos and poor translations of the Set 1-3 English games and made to match for the new Set 4 translations for verbiage and syntax consistency.

100% Free - Play on Windows, Linux, Mac/iPad!

Tabletop view of LackeyCCG with Monster Rancher Battle Cards in hand an on the board

Promotional Video

Getting Started with LackeyCCG
It's really only a few clicks to get set up and start playing, please don't be intimidated by this lengthy guide. The thoroughness is to fully document every step of getting started, loading, and using Lackey to play, and a few common options that may be desired that might be looked over initially.

Step 1: Get the App, it's free!

You will need LackeyCCG, which is a desktop and tablet/mobile application that can run many different types of card games on lots of different platforms!

Download LackeyCCG

Step 2: Download & run the Plugin for MRBC

The plugin is just a URL that you copy and paste into Lackey, and it tells lackey were all the files are located to run the game, like card images and plugin-specific functions and settings for the specific game.
Assuming you check the option for Automatic Updates, using this URL will also automatically download any new updates made to the plugin.

  • Launch LackeyCCG.
  • With the Plugin Link copied, open the Plugin tab in LackeyCCG (A fresh install may have a default test game already loaded), and click the Paste AutoUpdate URL button, or paste it in the field manually.
  • Click the Install or Update from URL button to install the mrbattlecard plugin.
Install MRBC in LackeyCCG by pasting the URL

Step 3: Launch the MRBC Plugin

The first time you install the Plugin you are given the option to launch it immediately but you can also launch it with the following steps if you have multiple Plugins installed:
  • In the Plugin tab, click Browse installed Plugins to load one.
  • Click "mrbattlecard" in the list window.
  • Click the Choose button on the right side.
  • Monster Rancher Battle Card should now be loaded to start deck-building and play.

Step 4: Pre-download the Game Cards

LackeyCCG's default setting loads only on demand. However, this means an individual download to cache each new card you "haven't seen" yet, either while deck building, or even during a game, which can be annoying.

- The following steps will download all the cards at once, so that there's no loading/caching lag:

1. Enable the option to download all images in Preferences > Miscellaneous, and check the box for allowing pre-downloads.
  • Allow pre-downloading images for offline use?
Unhide the Download All option in LackeyCCG
2. Back on the Plugin tab, Click Download all missing card images button.
Force the Download All MRBC cards in LackeyCCG

Optional Recomended Setup Tips
There's a lot of options in the Preferences tab, but here's a few ones you probably want to set different from the defaults:
  1. In the Miscellaneous tab:
    • Enable Scripts - for handy things like auto-populating starting Life Points on monster cards.
  2. In the Appearance tab:
    • Click Browse game zone background images... choose MRBC_playerzonebg1 (or 2) for a custom MR theme player zone background.
    • Click Browse table playmat images... and choose MRBC_cardmat2p or MRBC_cardmat4p for an MR themed mat for 2 or 4 players.
    • Check the "Flip Table" option if you prefer the table's orientation to flip if you change sides.
    •     Uncheck "Opponent's Cards always face you" if you want the appearance of playing across from another person (their cards are upside down on the table, but mouseover and tooltips are still normal for you)
  3. In the Chat & Macros tab, Set up /Draw# macros for 1-click drawing of set number of cards. Draw 1 is a default function, but I've set up /draw 2 through /draw 5 custom macros which appear just below your Card Zone . Save your settings when you're done!
Appearance options for MRBC in LackeyCCG
create custom macros for MRBC in LackeyCCG

Import ready-to-Play Decks
.Dek Files

Right Click and Save As to your LackeyCCG\plugins\mrbattlecard\decks Directory. LackeyCCG will create this folder automatically if you save a deck within the app, but if you haven't done that yet, you may need to create the folder manually when saving these files for the first time. Hover over a deck for more details about it.

Beginner's Starter Decks (Included!):

These are already included with Plugin installation but if you deleted them or altered them, you can re-download them.
These are a reproduction of the Set 1 Yellow, Blue and Red Starter box kits, with cards identified in the card set list. These decks have simple cards and are for learning the game, but feel free to modify these decks with more complex cards for advanced play as you see fit!
What's in the Starter decks?
"Miracle Team"

Tiger, Suezo, Gali

3 Left Claw
3 Right Claw
3 Horn (Tiger)
2 Stab (Tiger)
1 Bolt (Tiger)
2 Backflip
1 Jump
3 Kick (Gali)
3 Scratch (Gali)
1 Holy Ray
1 Flame Wall
3 Flame (Gali)
2 Deflect
2 Lie Down
3 Spit
3 Tail Assault
2 Bite (Suezo)
2 Tongue Slap
1 Lick
1 Scouting
3 Side Roll
1 Will Power
2 Mango
2 Help
"Speed Team"

Dino, Hare, Mocchi

3 Punch (Dino)
1 Charge (Dino)
3 Bite (Dino)
1 Fire Dash
2 Flame (Dino)
3 Endure
2 Jump Aside
2 Head Butt (Hare)
3 Sobat
2 1-2 Punch
3 Spin Fist
1 Gas
1 Shriek
3 Footwork
3 Slap (Mocchi)
3 Roll Attack
1 Thrust
3 Head Butt (Mocchi)
1 Petal Swirl
2 Round
2 Roll
1 Will Power
2 Help
2 Mango
"Powerful Team"

Golem, Pixie, Naga

2 Help
2 Mango
1 Will Power
1 Quake
1 Roller
2 Defense
2 Protect
3 Brow Hit
3 Chop
3 Kick (Golem)
3 Scratch (Pixie)
3 Thunder (Pixie)
2 Bolt (Pixie)
2 Lightning (Pixie)
1 Kiss (Pixie)
1 Recover
3 Step
3 Stab (Naga)
3 Pierce (Naga)
3 Thwack
2 Life Steal (Naga)
1 Evil Shots
1 Glare
2 Counter

Community Decks:

These are optional, and more advanced decks than the starters.
These decks provided by players in the community may include cards that could be from any of the four sets, and may have sideboard card options for convenient swapping out between games.
What's in the Community decks?
Tiger Stack by SamRS:

3 Horn (Tiger)
3 Left Claw
3 Right Claw
3 Charge (Tiger)
3 Sonic Move
3 Stab (Tiger)
3 Backflip
3 Jump
3 Spit
3 Tail Assault
3 Teleport
3 Tongue Slap
2 Blow Away
3 Hurry
3 Jump In
3 Cool Judge
3 Excited

1 Tiger
1 Gray Wolf
1 Horn

3 Concentrate
1 Blow Away
3 Hot Battle
2 Pray
3 Kiss
3 Lick
Aggro by SamRS:

3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Power of the Sun
3 Slap (Plant)
3 Root Attack
3 Punch (Dino)
3 Tail Slap (Dino)
3 Charge (Dino)
3 Knee Kick
3 Bite (Dino)
2 Dust Kick
3 Leap Kick
3 Total Exertion
3 Anger
2 Good Luck
2 Persistence
3 Pride
2 Cool Judge

1 Plant
1 Shell Dino
1 Dino

1 Cool Judge
3 Hot Battle
3 Complicated
3 Blow Away
1 Persistence
2 Pray
2 Fire Dash
Aggro by Nash:

3 Bite (Dragon)
3 Tail Attack
3 Combination (Dragon)
3 Fly Away
3 Iron Scales
3 Million Stabs
3 Flash Slash
2 Cut-in-Two
2 V Slash
3 Meditate
3 Fist Missile
2 Punch (Henger)
2 Laser Sword
3 Transform (Henger)
3 Good Luck
1 Persistence
3 Powder
3 Excited
2 Cool Judge

1 Dragon
1 Vesuvius
1 Garlant

1 Moo
3 Fire Breath
3 Dragon Combo
3 Aerial Shot
3 Retreat
3 Fair and Square
Stall by SamRS:

2 Perceive
2 Insight
2 Mythical Power
2 Hide Head
3 Power of the Sun
3 Take the Hit
3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
1 Leaf Zero
3 Side Roll
1 Front Roll
3 Emergency Dodge
1 Good Luck
3 Awe
3 Fainted
3 Lock Tight
2 Nice Fight
2 Busy Time
3 Joy's Support
2 Pray
3 Resurrection

1 Plant
1 Usaba
1 Phoenix

1 Hide Head
1 Mythical Power
1 Insight
1 Perceive
1 Nice Fight
3 Ensnare
1 Busy Time
1 Good Luck
2 Retreat
2 Leaf Zero
1 Front Roll
Stall by Nash:

2 Nyah Nyah
3 Round
3 Roll
2 Hide
3 Mythical Power
3 Hide Head
2 Perceive
1 Insight
3 Blow Away
3 Emergency Dodge
3 Good Luck
1 Retreat
3 Resurrection
3 Busy Time
3 Fainted
2 Last Trump
2 Fake Cry
2 Confusion
2 Lock Tight
2 Awe
2 Pray

1 Gentle Mocchi
1 Mocchi
1 Phoenix
  1. Click on the Deck Editor tab.
  2. Click the Browse button in the top pane.
  3. In the Browsing Window, click the Open Directory button to launch a File Explorer window in the location where .dek files are saved.
  4. Copy/Paste, or download shared .dek files into the "decks" folder of the current Plugin the deck is for (In this case, mrbattlecard).
    • Example: C:\LackeyCCG\plugins\mrbattlecard\decks
  5. Once the files are copied to the decks folder, click the Refresh button in the browsing window and you should see the new decks available to Choose.
  6. This will also be in the same directory as your personally saved decks, so be sure they have a unique file name
How to import a shared deck in LackeyCCG

Tips: Using LackeyCCG to virtually play MRBC

Connecting with Others to Play

Finding people to play with is probably best done in the Discord server considering how niche the game is and how few people play it, but once you find someone to play with you'll want to connect with them online to have a card battle! Typically someone will start a game with a password to join and share it with those they wish to play with.
  1. Click the Server tab.
  2. Click the Connect to the game matching server! button.
  3. Click Host a game... button to set up a room with Public/Private/Password/Spectator settings. See Lackey's Online Demo for complete instructions if needed.
  4. If anyone is actively running a game for a plugin you have installed you will see it listed in the Player List. Any game you do not have installed will be listed as "(Not installed)" and you'll need the plugin to join it.
  5. By default, the game will be labelled "[Player's] Game", but this is a text field that can be changed if desired.
How to connect to the Match Making server to play MRBC online in LackeyCCG
Host or Join a game to play MRBC online in LackeyCCG

Joining someone else's game

If someone else is already hosting a game you can click on the game, then click the Join selected game button.
If they have allowed it (spectator for viewing, or provided you with the password to take a seat) you will be joined to their hosted game.

Load a deck for play

Whether you made one on the fly, opened a pre-built deck or one you built previously, you'll want to load it up ready for play.
  1. Click the Deck Editor tab
  2. You can make a New Deck, Open Recent or select one from the Drop-down list, or Browse saved decks to open that deck.
    • Several Pre-made beginner Starer Decks are already bundled with the Plugin and ready to use immediately!
    • Click Browse Click to select a Starter Deck from within the Browse window, then click Choose to load it.
  3. With the desired deck opened, click the Load entire deck to you button. This will load the current chosen Deck into your player zones on the Game tab.
How to load an opened deck for play readiness in LackeyCCG

Prep your Monsters for Battle!

Once your deck has been loaded to you, it's time to jump back into the Game tab, set the stage, and prep your monsters!
  1. On the Monsters tab, you can click and drag to select all 3 cards at once (or shift-click individually) then drag them onto the table.
  2. Left-Click and Hold a card, then use the Arrow Keys Up/Down to quickly increment and decrement starting Life points (this can be done with Right-Click context menu as well).
Once you're done with this you probably won't be using this tab/zone anymore, so switch to the Hand tab and get ready to draw cards and play! Get your monsters ready for play in LackeyCCG

Player Zones and tabs

  1. This Function bar has buttons for common actions
  2. The Player zone various piles/zones usable for a player. Cards in Hand, your Deck, your Monsters, Discard Pile, Guts to spend, and Sideboard cards to consider for the next game.
    • Switch between players using the arrow keys. Zones visibility is set to game rule defaults, so you cannot see your opponent's hand, but you can see your opponent's discard pile etc.
    • The side-bar can be expanded to see multiple zones simultaneously as well (Your hand and discard pile, or your hand and opponent's discard pile etc.)
  3. The card zone is a resizable zone that displays the cards within the various player zone tabs you've selected. Hovering over a card will also display the full sized card in the upper left of the window.
  4. Custom Macros bar. You can change or set macros in Preferences > Chat & Macros tab.
  5. Log and Chat area. This displays actions taken by players for tracking of things during a turn, and can also be used as a Chat.
    • If a player Draws a card, discarded, peeked at their Deck, etc. it would be displayed here.
    • Other LackeyCCG commands can be executed from here as well, such as comparing checksums to ensure both players are on the same game version.
Zones and Tabs for Players in LackeyCCG

Player Sidebar

Keep tabs on your opponent's Deck and Discards, plus optional tools that can help keep track of turns and phases if players are not on voice chat.
  1. "You" are the top player. Clicking any of the tabs in your player zone will display
  2. Other players are listed below your profile. If the Right-Sidebar has been expanded to be viewable, clicking on the opponent tabs will display their cards (if rules or player allows)
  3. Optional Turn and Phase controls. You do not need to use these, though they are there if additional tracking for game-play is required.

Player and Left Sidebar features for MRBC in LackeyCCG

Aerial, Ground, Underwater Tokens

Spawn any required token by expanding the side-bar panel. In the Tokens tab you can spawn as many tokens as needed, and move them around freely on the board. To remove despawn a token completely, simply drag them into the Discard Pile tab.

Spawning and despawning tokens for MRBC in LackeyCCG

Right Sidebar

Optional additional tools for easy access or visibility of multiple things at once. This is also where you can access the Monster Attribute Tokens.
  1. This behaves basically the same as the Player Sidebar or main Player Zone but with additional options, including viewing allowable opponent cards, such as the Discard Pile.
  2. Cards are displayed in this area. If you are not allowed to view an opponent card, you should only see card backs.
  3. Additional options!
    • Shuffle your Deck
    • Toggle Hidden to Others to show an opponent the cards in the Tab you have selected. Might be needed for cards that force your hand's visibility.
    • Fan ON/OFF allows you to adjust how the cards are displayed (fanned). Turn this off once it's set to preference to resume being able to move/manage the cards.

Right Sidebar features for MRBC in LackeyCCG

What are these dots/icons?

These are simply indicators for Self or Opponent visibility within a given zone/tab.
  • Blue dots indicate what is visible to the Owner
  • Red dots indicate what is visible to Others
  • NOTE!! It is legal for either player to view the contents of either Discard Pile!
Tab icon meanings in LackeyCCG

Saving and Using Guts

Convert cards in hand to Guts:
  • By default, using the Make 1 Guts button will convert the cards in your hand from the left, one at a time into your Guts tab.
  • Alternatively you can shift+click multiple specific cards, then drag those into the Guts tab to turn into guts.
Spending Guts for Attacks or Defense:
  • When playing an Attack or Defense card that uses Guts, click Use 1 Guts the same number of times for the amount of guts spent.
  • This automatically moves Guts into your Discard Pile tab.

Other Tips

  • Monster is KOd: Shift+Click a monster card to flip it over to indicate it is KOd.
  • Adjust Life Points: Left Click and Hold a card, then press the Up/Down arrow keys to quickly adjust a life point increment. (This can also be done as a right-click option)
  • Add Notes: Select a card (or multiple cards with Shift-Click) then Right-Click a card and choose "Set A/G/W or add Note". If you don't want to use Tokens you can use this to set a monster's attribute, or add a note for some other status effect like being unable to attack, etc.
  • Adjust Table: Click the " + " symbol at the top of the table screen to open options for zoom, tilt, pan, and scale.
  • Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts are in Preferences > Key Bindings and can be changed. A few useful defaults:
    • Table Tilt: ALT+Scroll Wheel will adjust the Tilt/Angle of the table.
    • Scale Objects: CTRL+ALT+Scroll Wheel will adjust the scale of the cards and objects on the table.
    • Card Text: Press the Tilde " ~ " with mousing over of any card to see card data in plain text.

Building a Custom Deck
While minding the rules for deck building, in LackeyCCG you can start building your deck right away like so:
  1. Click on the Deck Editor tab.
  2. You will see a Top and Bottom pane. The Bottom pane contains the card collection for Monster Rancher Battle Card. You can scroll or use filters to find any card you want.
  3. Add cards from the bottom All Cards (Total:###) tab, into the top pane's Deck Monsters or Sideboard tabs. Click any tab to see its contents.
    This can be done multiple ways:
    • Double Click to add into the currently opened tab
    • Select a card and click +1 or +3 buttons, or + and - keys on your keyboard to add it into the currently opened tab.
    • Click and Drag onto any tab whether it's opened or not.
  4. Be sure to give this a name in the "Deck Name" text field, then click the Save deck button so that you can easily access your deck in the future without rebuilding it.
  5. Create and Save as many decks as you like.

There are multiple ways to Search, Filter and Sort for specific cards by their columns. Use these to help select cards to build your deck more easily.

How to build a deck in LackeyCCG

Troubleshooting Plugin Issues

Plugin isn't autoupdating

Be sure the Checkbox for Automatic Updates hasn't been unchecked!
  1. Click the Plugin tab.
  2. Look for: "Automatically check for plugin updates (If the plugin supports it)" and Check the box

New plugin updates aren't showing

  1. SAVE any .dek files you've made. These should be located in LackeyCCG/plugins/mrbattlecard/decks
  2. Delete the mrbattlecard folder in LackeyCCG/plugins/mrbattlecard
  3. Re-install the Plugin from Step 2 in Getting Started
  4. Copy back any .dek files into your decks folder


Plugin Updates

2024, December 27th

  • Corrected the text/tooltip/card information for #251 "ANGER". It incorrectly stated Triple damage and has been corrected to Double Damage.

2024, December 19th

  • Corrected the text/tooltip information on Mew's Health to 6 Life Points (Card was correct already, just tooltip was wrong).
  • Added card function for Monster Cards that automatically add their Life Point counters to the card when moved to the table.
  • Added Skill card hover effect when playing Skill Cards to the table.
  • Added right-click option to turn cards 90 degress or back to 0 degrees.

2024, December 16th

  • The "Test Dummy" avatar is now Joy! Quack!
  • Added some additional SFX for the plugin. The Welcome message is now a brief intro of the MRBC:Ep II music. Phase and Turn sounds are replaced with MR menu sounds. A few additional sounds have been added.
  • Added some MR Themed Player Zone background (Player Hand area etc.)

2024, December 15th

  • Images that are saved to shared directories are replace with new images prefixed with "MRBC-"(filename.imgtype). This is to help keep the shared images directories organized, especially if you use LackeyCCG to play other games.
  • Added a small roster of Avatar images from MRBC:EpII to pick from. These will all also be prefixed with "MRBC-"(filename.imgtype) since the Avatars directory is shared between all plugins.
  • The Yellow, Blue, and Red Starter decks should now download automatically on a fresh mrbattlecard plugin installation. They can still be downloaded from this page if you delete or alter them and you want the original base starter back.

2024, December 6th

  • Added "Life" value column to allow sorting Monster cards by their Life Points. Because Monster and Skill cards are a shared table, this does mean an extra useless field for Skill cards, but I felt it was better to include the Monster Life Points with the extra field than to omit it.

2024, December 3rd

  • CARD FACE CORRECTION: C-020 and C-020S - Renamed from "Mocchi" to "Gentle Mocchi" on the card. New downloads will get the corrected images. If the auto-update doesn't trigger, To replace an existing downloaded image, simply delete them from your sets\setimages\S2 directory and re-run the "Download all/missing cards".

2024, December 2nd

  • Added images and descriptions to this Plugin page identifying core tips for installing and playing MRBC within LackeyCCG.

2024, December 1st

  • Switched card images from JPG to PNG to support transparencies (Got to have those rounded corners!). Files are roughly the same quality, dimension and filesize.
  • Added "Tokens" for Air, Ground, Water. and a new tab for Tokens on the right-side pane. These can optionally be used instead of the Notes if desired.

2024, November 30th

  • Added EDITNOTE option for Cards. Right Click a card to add a note such as changing the type from Ground to "AIR" or other notes as needed such as "Cannot attack this turn" etc.
    Cards with a note have an "N" in the top middle of the card. Mouseover the "N" to view the added note.

2024, November 29th

  • Changed Monster card Type description syntax to include "Monster" in the type for filter purposes. ("Ground" is now "Ground Monster" so searching "monster" will filter these apart from Power, Intelligence, Dodge card types etc.)

2024, November 28th

  • Added a Sideboard tab for Deck creation and play for ease of swapping out alternate cards between games.

2024, November 27th

  • Fixed some minor typos in the text descriptions.

2024, November 25th

  • Created the LackeyCCG Plugin for MRBC and autoupdate file, and a directory on LegendCup for hosting of this version's files. The previous version using the Legacy cards is abandoned and no longer being maintained, and removed at the request of the originator.

Credits: MonsterFenrick and folks involved in the Monster Rancher Battle Card restoration project, LackeyCCG.
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  • Thanks Tecmo! We Love Monster Rancher!
  • DISCLAIMER: has been granted permission from Tecmo, in writing, for use of images and sounds throughout the site. All images and sounds related to Monster Rancher are property of Tecmo, inc. and it's associates do not claim to own any of these properties, images, graphics or sounds.
  • Reproduction of data on LegendCup is forbidden without written permission from LegendCup or their individual authors.
  • Please see the Legal page if there are any concerns.