This page was last modified: December 15 2024
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Monster Rancher 2 Training Planner
Stop your monster from dying early! Learn how items and activities work to increase your monster's lifespan, and what feeding and drill schedules will be best. This Training Planner will show you the math and values behind the items you use and actions you perform while showing you how it affects your monster's lifespan.Version
Life Stage
Gemini's Pots
Weeks lost
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Tutorial: How to use Training Planner
Things to consider:
- All new born monsters start at 0 Stress/0 Fatigue.
- The planner assumes you are starting with 0 Stress / 0 Fatigue and start on any Week 1 but you can adjust the starting Stress/Fatigue values if you know them.
- If you're not sure/don't have access to tools to see what you're starting with, but want to start with the best condition:
- Reset to 0/0 by starting at week 3 with a Mint Leaf + Rest
- Mint Leaf + Rest for week 4
- then Tablets on a week 1.
Lifespan Index Calculation (How much lifespan am I losing?)
- LI = Fatigue + (Stress * 2)
- If LI hits 70 or higher you begin to lose additional weeks of lifespan.
- Monsters have a finite lifespan. Every week lived subtracts 1 week from their lifespan. the LI column indicates additional weeks of lifespan lost during that week lived.
Rest & Life Stages
- Rest has different values based on life stage. Rest also has a range of values in each life stage. See Rest Values in the Lifespan Index information for the values per stage.
- When resting you can randomly get any value within this range of values.
- This calculator assumes the lowest possible benefit from Rest for the input Life Stage value as a worst-case safety measure, rather than assume the highest value which might lead you to a false sense of security and take unexpected lifespan hits.
Form values
- Form affects the amount of fatigue received from Battles.
- Use this chart to make a best guess on your numerical Form value.
Form Value Ranges Plump Fat Normal Slim Skinny -100 to -60 -59 to -20 -19 to 19 20 to 59 60 to 100
Stress values that Training Planner doesn't factor
- There are too many factors and ranges to try and factor in the below Stress values into the Training Planner.
- You can use Save Scumming to avoid a particular Monster behaviour, but if not, consider the below and be sure to correct for it.
- Denying requests, and Scolding Truants, Failures, and Cheats can also can increase stress. The amount varies depending on your monster's Nature & Training Style. Click an action to see the detailed Drill Processing tables.
Ranges based on style -100 to +100 Action Nature >= 0 Nature < 0 Truant scold 0 to 8 stress 0 to 16 stress Cheat scold 0 to 8 stress 0 to 24 stress Failure scold 0 to 4 stress 0 to 8 stress Deny Request 1-10 Stress* Broken Promise 10-30 Stress
Magic Bananas
- Please see the Item List for Magic Bananas for specifics of the 3 possible effects.
- At very high (or very low) loyalty you may not get exactly +10 (or -10) loyalty, especially if either Spoil or Fear is already at 0, or capped at 100.
- Loyalty is just the only in-game way to see which effect you've received without 3rd party tools like Advanced Viewer.
DX Expedition
- Expedition in DX does not subtract the 4 weeks "lived" during the expedition. Instead you lose 1 week + any remaining LI lifespan hit from Stress and Fatigue.
- If you started with 0 fatigue, this makes it appear to get +2 weeks of lifespan (your age advances by 4 weeks but only lose lifespan from the Fatigue which is a minimum of 2)
- DX Expedition doesn't actually add weeks of remaining lifespan to your monster but it can make it appear much older than it actually is because of this.
Credits: Teawch, MonsterFenrick