This page was last modified: February 13 2025
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Monster Rancher 2 Combo Breaker 2025 Live Tournament

Monster Rancher 3 consolidated item list

Please be aware that MR3 is one of the least data mined games with actual confirmed discovery. Much of this game has proven difficult to work with to pull definitive values. Many items are still only vaguely descript. Any help gathing numerical values would be very welcomed!

Reactions to Items
A lot of the old guesswork on MRM and GFs claimed that specific foods increase or decrease stress, but be wary. It might actually be their reaction to a food that led to the assumption.

Not every item has been solved, however, a monster's reaction to a given item adjusts stress like so:

Reaction MessageAdjustment
It looks like [monster] likes this a lot! -7 Stress.
It looks like [monster] likes this. -4 Stress.
[no message] -1 Stress.
It seems [monster] doesn't like this very much +2 Stress
It looks like [monster] hates this +5 Stress

Nutrition Basics

The Nutrition indicator in game is a simplified 4-block scale from empty to full, that can help indicate which food your monster might need the most due to lacking one of the food's hidden attributes, though it does not indicate which one.

Nutrition is a food's value comprised of 3 hidden attributes:

  • Protein
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins

Your monster can reach a maximum value of 15 for each of these food attributes based on items fed, and each progressive week the attribute is decrimented by 1. The specific formulas for the following aren't fully plotted out, but the simplified explanation is:

  • Having a high value, or 15 in these attributes seems to lead to your monster getting more traits during a change of Life Stage.
  • Having a low, or 0 value for too long seems to start to develop negative conditions for your monster, like Arthritis, or Cold etc.

Managing Nutrition

While not exclusive, here are several different ways to manage your nutrition:
  1. Feed Nuts almost exclusively, and accept the lack of any traits from keeping Protein and Minerals in check, but leaving Vitamins to drop to 0 two weeks of every month.
  2. Feed Peaches, Mushrooms, or Morx Mushrooms every month, and feed a Moak Soup every two months to make up the 0 Protein these foods have.
  3. Feed Vine Grass if your monster likes it, and accept that your monster is going to get Gourmet as a trait.


Monthly Foods

On the first week of every month you have an opportunity to feed a monster a special food that is not normally available on other weeks.

Nothing - No Food MR3
Feed Nothing
  • Causes no increase in nutrition values.
  • Increases Stress.
  • Decreases motivation.
If your money reaches 0 G, your monster will automatically eat nothing.
Potato Monthly Food MR3
  • 2 Minerals
  • 5 Vitamins
  • -1 Fatigue
  • -1 Stress
Macky Fish Monthly Food MR3
Macky Fish
  • 8 Protein
  • 6 Minerals
  • 3 Form
  • -2 Stress
Meat Monthly Food MR3
  • 12 Protein
  • 6 Form
  • -3 Fatigue
Carrot Monthly Food MR3
  • 12 Vitamins
  • -2 Form
Nuts Monthly Food MR3
  • 4 Protein
  • 7 Minerals
  • 2 Vitamins
  • 1 Form
  • -1 Fatigue
Stem Mushroom Monthly Food MR3
Stem Mushroom
  • 5 Minerals
  • 6 Vitamins
  • -1 Form
Hagsan Peach Monthly Food MR3
Hagsan Peach
  • 10 Minerals
  • 6 Vitamins
  • -4 Fatigue
  • -3 Stress
Vine Grass Monthly Food MR3
Vine Grass
  • 10 Protein
  • 10 Minerals
  • 10 Vitamins
  • -1 Form
  • -2 Fatigue
  • -2 Stress


Monthly Regional Foods

Feeding the Regional food enough times on the first week of the month can evolve your monster to a new subtype. Doing so allows the benefit of the new subtype's stat gain values. This can be beneficial for intentionally evolving to raise a new stat that it might be better at with the new subtype. See Monster Data for details on each subtype's stat gains.

Morx Mushroom regional food  MR3
Morx: Mushroom
  • 7 Minerals
  • 7 Vitamins
  • -1 Form
Takrama regional food  MR3
Takrama: Pepper
  • 3 Vitamins
  • -4 Form
  • 2 Fatigue
  • -7 Stress
Mango Kalaragi regional food  MR3
Kalaragi: Mango
  • 1 Minerals
  • 6 Vitamins
  • -2 Fatigue
  • -2 Stress
Salmon Brillia regional food MR3
Brillia: Salmon
  • 9 Protein
  • 7 Minerals
  • 5 Form
  • 2 Stress
Shellfish Goat regional food  MR3
Goat: Shellfish
  • 5 Protein
  • 8 Minerals
  • 1 Form
  • -2 Fatigue


Consumable Items

The consumable items in this category give significant value adjustments when fed to your monster. Consumable items can be acquired several ways. Some can be purchased directly from Mucchi, while others can found on Ran Ran adventure, gifted to you by other NPCs, etc.

Bitter Garlic MR3
Bitter Garlic
  • +6 Fear
  • -9 Spoil
Default Mucchi Shop Item
Broiled Fish MR3
Broiled Fish
  • -50 Fatigue
  • -10 Stress
Sansha gives one in Kalaragi.
Diet Grass MR3
Diet Grass
  • -40 Form

Available from Mucchi after unlocking Brillia
Dodorin Fruit Ripe MR3
Dodorin Fruit (Ripe)
  • -50 Fatigue
  • -50 Stress
This item is received during a story event. The game hints that it might be possible to find more, but no one has ever discovered or been gifted additional ripe fruits.
Dodorin Fruit Unripe MR3
Dodorin Fruit (Unripe)
  • -10 Fatigue
  • -10 Stress
This item is received during a story event (v1.1 only). No one has ever discovered or been gifted additional unripe fruits.
Energy Ball MR3
Energy Ball
Cures the following characteristics:
  • Arthritis
  • Cold
  • Cold Limbs
  • Dry Skin
  • Easily Tired
  • Hay Fever
  • Migrain
  • Sleepless
  • Split Ends
Default Mucchi Shop Item
Gao Gao Nut MR3
Gao Gao Nut
  • -10 Fatigue
  • -50 Stress
Shimuka gives one in Takrama.
Gassy Potato MR3
Gassy Potato
  • 6 Protein
Available from Mucchi after unlocking Takrama
Large Egg MR3
Large Egg
Cures the following characteristics:
  • Arthritis
  • Cold
  • Cold Limbs
  • Dry Skin
  • Easily Tired
  • Hay Fever
  • Nearsighted
  • Sleepless
  • Split Ends
  • Stinky Feet
  • Thirsty
  • Tires Easily
  • Weak vs Heat
  • Weak vs Ltng
  • Weak vs Magic
  • Weak vs Water
Available from Mucchi after unlocking Kalaragi
Moak Soup MR3
Moak Soup
  • 8 Protein
Default Mucchi Shop Item
Saucer Fruit MR3
Saucer Fruit
  • -50 Stress
Mosha gives one in Morx
Scorpion Claw MR3
Scorpion Claw
  • +15 Fear
  • -20 Spoil
Available from Mucchi after unlocking Takrama
Tonburi Sap MR3
Tonburi Sap
  • -50 Fatigue
Taz gives one in Morx
Yam Rice Cake MR3
Yam Rice Cake
  • -20 Form
Default Mucchi Shop Item


Mundaine Consumable Items

If your monster "likes" items in this category, it can help drop stress: See Reactions to Items, obviously avoid items they dislike. Outside of monster preferences, the consumable items in this category give very little direct value adjustments when fed to your monster.

Black Pearl MR3
Black Pearl
Available from Mucchi after unlocking Goat or Kalaragi
Bone MR3
Coral MR3
Available from Mucchi after unlocking Goat
Flower Crown MR3
Flower Crown
Honey Candy MR3
Honey Candy
  • -1 Fatigue
Default Mucchi Shop Item
Monster Nip MR3
Monster Nip
Default Mucchi Shop Item
Mud Doll MR3
Mud Doll
Nitro Juice MR3
Nitro Juice
Default Mucchi Shop Item
Pretty Flower MR3
Pretty Flower
Spiced Cookie MR3
Spiced Cookie


Durable Items

Durable items are among the most important items for getting the most out of your monster before they begin to require Rest. In MR3 there is no possibility of a completely "No-Rest" method as with previous games, but these passive items can help allow your monster to do more drills before requiring a Rest.

Glowing Rock MR3
Glowing Rock
  • 5000 G
  • Reduces Stress by 0 to 1 at random at the start of each week
Default Mucchi Shop Item
Shining Rock MR3
Shining Rock
  • 25000 G
  • Reduces Stress by 0 to 3 at random at the start of each week
Default Mucchi Shop Item
This item replaces Glowing Rock
Beaming Rock MR3
Beaming Rock
  • 125000 G
  • Reduces Stress by 0 to 5 at random at the start of each week
This item replaces Glowing and Shining Rock
Available from Mucchi after unlocking Kalaragi
Silver Goblet MR3
Silver Goblet
  • 5000 G
  • Reduces Fatigue by 0 to 1 at random at the start of each week.
Default Mucchi Shop Item
Golden Goblet MR3
Golden Goblet
  • 25000 G
  • Reduces Fatigue by 0 to 3 at random at the start of each week.
Default Mucchi Shop Item
This item replaces Silver Goblet
Holy Goblet MR3
Holy Goblet
  • 125000 G
  • Reduces Fatigue by 0 to 5 at random at the start of each week.
This item replaces Silver and Golden Goblet
Available from Mucchi after unlocking Brillia
Herbal Incense MR3
Herbal Incense
  • 3000 G
  • Reduces Fatigue and Stress by an extra ???* when resting.
Default Mucchi Shop Item
* Because the amount reduced is random from both resting and the item, it is difficult to pin down the exact amount.
Aroma Pot MR3
Aroma Pot
  • 15000 G
  • Reduces Fatigue and Stress by an extra ???* when resting.
This item replaces Herbal Incense
Available from Mucchi after unlocking Takrama
* Because the amount reduced is random from both resting and the item, it is difficult to pin down the exact amount.
Medicine Box MR3
Medicine Box
  • 4000 G
  • Reduces the "forced retiremed from injury" threshold from tournaments from ~2x max life in overkill, to ~3x max life in overkill.
Default Mucchi Shop Item


Ran Ran Adventure items

Different Ran Ran items will give you differing amounts of starting energy. Moving around the area uses a small bit of energy over distances. Searching locations consume a larger portion of energy. Running out of energy will end the current adventure. Be sure to check out the Ran Ran Adventure Maps

Ran Ran Leaf  MR3
Ran Ran Leaf
  • 200 Starting Energy
Ran Ran Fruit  MR3
Ran Ran Fruit
  • 400 Starting Energy
Ran Ran Extract  MR3
Ran Ran Extract
  • 600 Starting Energy
Ran Ran Smell  MR3
Ran Ran Smell
  • 30 Starting Energy
The item looks identical to Ran Ran Leaf


Tech Items: Bits, Stones & Orbs

Please see the Tech Chart for details on which Bits, Stones and Orbs give which techs to which breeds of monster. The items are listed here mostly for a visual reference.

  • BITS: A Chance to find these at "Bad Feeling" spots during Ran Ran Adventures. Morx can be random, but others correspond to their locales.
  • STONES: These can be won at the "Free" tournaments (Free for All) at the bottom of the Battle Calendar.
  • ORBS: A Chance to find these at "Bad Feeling" spots during Ran Ran Adventures when your monster is C grade or Higher. Morx can be random, but others correspond to their locales.

Flare Bit MR3
Flare Bit
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Jade Bit MR3
Jade Bit
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Aqua Bit MR3
Aqua Bit
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Aurora Bit MR3
Aurora Bit
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Flare Stone MR3
Flare Stone
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Jade Stone MR3
Jade Stone
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Aqua Stone MR3
Aqua Stone
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Aurora Stone MR3
Aurora Stone
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Flare Orb MR3
Flare Orb
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Jade Orb MR3
Jade Orb
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Aqua Orb MR3
Aqua Orb
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.
Aurora Orb MR3
Aurora Orb
  • Bring to a Lord Monster during Ran Ran Adventure to learn the Tech associated with this item.

Credits: Lexi for pioneering the data mine efforts, Alchius, MonsterFenrick, Kuup, MRM Archives

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