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Monster Rancher 3 Characters & Story

The cast of Main Characters, and characters encountered in other regions. Monster Rancher 3 is the first of the games that includes a bit more depth in background story and character development than the first two. You must finish a story that is in progress before you can begin a story in another locale. Story Spoilers can be clicked to reveal a locale's events.


Morx Characters
Fleria (US Version) MR3
Fleria (EN Version)
  • Make history alongside one of the first Tochikan monster breeders. Remember, you're HER apprentice (cough). In the US Version, Fleria has been aged up a bit.
Fleria (JP Version) MR3
Fleria (JP Version)
  • If you've ever thought Fleria's dialogue in the US version seemed awkward for an adult, imagine the original, younger Fleria from the JP version, and suddenly things make much more sense.
Grandpa Bragma MR3
"Grandpa" Bragma
  • Runs the shrine that allows you to regenerate monsters. Also acts as a mentor, and announcer.
A Greatest 5 contender in his past but was only able to beat 4 of them before having to retire and take care of the Shrine, something only Tochikans can operate.
Gadamon MR3
  • Fleria's main rival. A mean-tempered, vain young female trainer. Always causing trouble, mostly for Fleria, but for others as well.
Gadamon's incompetence shines when considering Fleria's original age. The humor of being constantly bested by a child is lost in the English localization.
Mitia MR3
  • A young female trainer around Gadamon's and Fleria's age, much kinder and gentler. Considers you a worthy opponent to match her skills against.
Grandma Mosha MR3
"Grandma" Mosha
  • An elderly female native of Morx and longtime trainer. Knows many things, and has a past with Bragma.
Taz MR3
  • Mosha's nephew, a boy that loves to train Beaklons, which can cause him to stir up trouble.
Morx Story & Spoilers:

Hello. Hello Again.

At the game opening you are promptly turned away by Bragma to make your first monster, but lucky for you, you run into his granddaughter Frelia, who bumps you to the front of the line.

You pick your monster, and find a nice cozy place called Morx to begin your training, as Fleria's apprentice, and raise your first monster, and meet new characters and rivals along the way.

Watch Part 1 (New game story, Introductions)

If You Steal My Fungi

Someone has stolen your mushrooms and Fleria says you can no longer train without them. Later a threatening sign appears asking you to "Return the tree!" (most likely it was meant to ask you to leave). Eventually you discover a young Beaclon enthusiast is trying to bully you out of Morx so their Beaclon can eat the sap from the tree.

It turns out to be Mosha's nephew Taz. Mosha helps you get your mushrooms back and Fleria is relieved you are able to resume training. Shortly after, Taz stops by after being told by Mosha to make amends, and gives you a gift.

Watch Part 2 "If You Steal My Fungi"

This concludes this story part.

Love Cats

After Bragma visits a few times, Mosha indicates they've known each other for a long time, and may have been friends as well as rivals. Mosha doesn't think Bragma will be too happy if Fleria asks about their history.

A visit to the shrine continues the story where, of course, Fleria will bring it up anyway, making Bragma a bit uneasy. Eventually Bragma asks you to talk with Mosha and ask if she'll return a treasured thing back to him, and begs you that if you get it, please do not look inside.

Return back to the ranch until Mosha returns to continue the discussion of the treasure, where she agrees to hand it over if you fight for it. After winning, she hands over a love letter, explaining that she used to be quite the catch back in the day and Bragma seemed to send her more than just one letter of affection.

Mosha asks you to say "Hi" to Bragma next time you see him. So, back to the Shrine we go. Fleria teases Bragma a bit, that all this time the treasure was his heart.

Watch Part 3 "Love Cats"

This concludes this story part.

Having completed both of these concludes all stories in Morx.


Kalaragi Characters
Lek MR3
  • A young male breeder. Fairly carefree, knows the area fairly well.
Sansha MR3
  • A female breeder, but cares more for fishing than for training it seems. Pretty laid-back.
Jimsey MR3
  • A younger male trainer. Loves money too much, to the point of thievery.
Kalaragi Story & Spoilers:

Fruit There It Is

Lek greets you with an introductory, but friendly battle. Shortly after, you are visited by Sansha who says she was using this spot and only left for a short bit only to find it occupied by Fleria upon return. Sansha requests a challenge of you to keep the spot, winner take all. Fleria prepares for a battle but to her surprise, Sansha wants a challenge with fishing. Fleria explains she doesn't know how to fish, so Sansha settles for a battle after all. When it's over, Sansha decides to find another spot. After the encounter with Sansha, Fleria asks you if you have been using some of your money without telling her. She thinks that it appears some money has gone missing, or maybe you've spent it on something she can't remember.

Lek returns for a friendly follow-up, and Fleria explains to him that your money is somehow disappearing, suggesting it may have been stolen. Lek suspects something but isn't sure. When he departs, Fleria is certain there is a thief in the area.

A few weeks later, Fleria spots a strange kid nearby. When she tries to confront him, instead of talking he goes straight to fighting. After it's over she accuses him of stealing their money, but he runs away. Fleria is upset and hopes he will not return. When Lek visits again Fleria tells him about the kid they saw, and Lek identifies him as Jimsey, a child that likes money so much that he learned to raise monsters just for the prize money, but has recently resorted to stealing it. Lek assures you that while he's troublesome, he's not a bad kid, and just ask him to stop stealing next time you see him, and that he's gonna talk to Jimsey too. Fleria is determined to catch Jimsey now.

SAVE your game if you have not yet done so. Identify your game version as There is a potential and permanent game-breaking bug in the v1.0 version of MR3.

A couple of months later Gadamon will show up looking for a fight. It appears Gadamon has Jimsey in tow as well, after he tried to steal from her. Fleria asks Gadamon to let him go. Gadamon makes a deal to release him if you fight her.

Win VS Gadamon: (Either version)

    Gadamon is pretty upset about losing but hands over Jimsey anyway. Fleria tries to reason with Jimsey but he says he won't give the money back. She tells him Lek is worried for him but he seems not to care and once again takes off. The following week, Jimsey returns and gives you a Dodorin Fruit, claiming the debt is now repaid, and you see money deposited back into your funds. Lek stops by asking about Jimsey and they discuss the Dodorin Fruit, which Lek says is pretty rare and potent, and must have been Jimsey's way of apologizing and thanking you. Lek thanks you as well, and says goodbye, and Fleria feels like maybe you've done some good with Jimsey's redemption.

Lose VS Gadamon (v1.0):

    You will be sent on a quest to find an item that cannot be found (Covered in v1.1 below). The game will never progress beyond this point. Since no other stories can be started until a previous story is finished, you are permanently locked out of progressing through any other stories since this one cannot finish. The only way to work around this bug in v1.0 is to save-scum until you win, or move to another zone and return to fight Gadamon when you can win.

Lose VS Gadamon (v1.1 only):

    Gadamon boasts of her victory. Fleria demands Jimsey be released but Gadamon refuses, but says she'll think about it if you can acquire a Dodorin Fruit that grows in the area for her. Gadamon takes off with Jimsey before Fleria can ask what a Dodorin Fruit is, so she suggests asking Lek. Lek returns hearing news that Jimsey was caught. Fleria explains the dilemma. Lek says it is a powerful item that can be found in Kalaragi though it is quite rare. Fleria and Lek both express concern over Jimsey's well being, and both say they'll do their best to find a Dodorin Fruit. Fleria indicates that maybe one can be found next time they search.

    Sansha shows up a few weeks later and Fleria asks about the fruit. Sansha indicates she also heard from Lek that it is found in Kalaragi but Fleria has no idea where it could be. Sansha shows you a spot in your training area that should have some (Just to the right of where you would start RanRan, across the lily pad by two palm trees next to the cliff), then says she'd like some private fishing time, and leaves.

    On the next Ran Ran adventure, go to the spot indicated and you will find a Dodorin Fruit (Unripe/green). Fleria confirms this is the right item to give to Gadamon to get Jimsey back. After the Ran Ran adventure, Gadamon shows back up and Fleria hands over the fruit. After asking about Jimsey he is handed over to your care. Jimsey seems less than pleased to be helped without asking, and after Fleria explains the trouble she went through to get him back, he flees again. Gadamon feeds her monster the fruit expecting it to be powered up, but appears to choke on it and die. Gadamon, clearly annoyed, decides to leave. Fleria is pretty upset with Jimsey and hopes not to have to deal with him again.

    Jimsey shows up the following week and gives Fleria a Dodorin Fruit. Fleria says it's not a very good (after seeing what happened with Gadamon's monster) item but Jimsey explains that you have to wait a year for it to ripen before feeding it to your monster for it to work well. Jimsey teases Fleria for being Tochikan and not knowing about Dodorin Fruits. He gives you your money back and quickly runs off. Lek stops by asking about Jimsey and they discuss the Dodorin Fruit, which Lek says is pretty rare and potent. He thanks you and says it's good to know people like you, and says goodbye, and Fleria feels like maybe you've done some good afterall.

Watch Part 4 "Fruit, There It Is"

This concludes this story in Kalaragi.


Takrama Characters
Haz MR3
  • A young male breeder, very serious about his work.
Shimuka MR3
  • An impetuous young male breeder, but good-hearted, if too impulsive. Pursuing a bad monster trainer in the area.
Master Lus MR3
Master Lus
  • An elderly male trainer and Haz's teacher. Fairly quiet and serious, and calm.
Takrama Story & Spoilers:

We Will Rock You

Haz drops by at some point to ask if you and Fleria are doing OK, and brings up the topic of a bad monster trainer with a Golem having been seen in the area, and hurting people they've encountered.

Later on, Shimuka appears and surprises you with a fight. Fleria mistakes him for the bad monster trainer, but then discover he thought you were the bad monster trainer, hence why he started the fight. During the back and forth, a Golem appears and immediately begins a fight with you, after which it takes off behind the dunes.

Shimuka deduces that the bad monster trainer must be Lus, who also trains in Takrama. After an apology, Shimuka takes his leave. Haz shows up again and admits he doesn't know who the bad monster trainer is either, but defends Master Lus isn't that kind of person, and is his mentor. Haz offers to do some research and bids you farewell.

During another nice, sunny day, A Golem appears with it's trainer and Fleria jumps at the chance to capture the bad monster trainer and corners him. The man asks why you attacked him and discover that he is Haz's teacher, Master Lus (If you were paying attention, the first Golem had a different name than the second). During the exchange, a second Golem appears from behind the dunes and sneaks around some rocks. Fleria apologizes for the mistaken identity, and Lus thanks you for the fun battle. After leaving, Fleria thinks she heard a voice that sounded familiar.

A while later, the first Golem encountered reappears and attacks you again. After the fight is over, Fleria catches the bad monster trainer and it is no other than Gadamon, Fleria's rival, who says she'll beat you next time and then runs away.

Haz revisits and sees you've solved the mystery of the bad trainer, and is happy they've been driven off. Haz leaves to tell everyone the news, including Shimuka who later drops by to congratulate you. Finally Master Lus pays a visit in recognition of your efforts, and gives a gift before departing.

Watch Part 5 "We Will Rock You"

This concludes this story in Takrama.


Brillia Characters
Maya MR3
  • A young female breeder who is lonely in the cold area. Her family owns the land that you and Fleria use to train in this locale.
Taya MR3
  • Maya's young brother. Very shy at first, somewhat less so as he gets to know you.
Nahze MR3
  • A trainer that modifies monsters through creating and altering accessories. A bit naive in other matters. Owns a strange monster that he discovered, called a Zan.
Brillia Story & Spoilers:

Zan On The Run

Maya appears and Frelia quite rudely dismisses her to leave, but it turns out it's Maya's family's land, and she kindly still allows you to use the area for raising your monster. Because there's almost no one there, and Maya is bored, she asks if you'll battle her for the use of their land. After, the asks if you'd be kind enough to battle her shy younger brother if he shows up. which in short order, he does, and you do. Taya seems still to shy to say much and leaves once it is done. After a break, Taya comes back a little more confidant but still hiding his face, and you have another go at it before he leaves again. A while later, Taya returns a third time and seems to have warmed up to you enough to no longer hide his face, and wants to battles again. His confidence is warranted with a stronger monster this time. Once it's over he cheerfully leaves now that he's used to you. Maya visits later to thank you for being a good sport with Taya who has had a lot of fun battling with you, and gives you a gift.

Allow some time to pass, and Maya returns concerned. She comes to check up on you and bearing a warning of a stray monster with an accessory she's never seen before which injured her monster. The next week you are surprise attacked by a highly accessorized Metanix, when it's done Fleria hopes it will not return, but alas, several weeks later it attacks without warning again. After beating it, Gadamon is discovered to have been attacking you and she mumbles about needing to modify it some more to make it stronger. Taya visits you to give warning and tells you that a battle broke out after being attacked by a strange monster wearing an never before seen accessory, the same which injured Maya's monster. Gadamon re-appears with a new monster with modifications. Fleria asks why Gadamon would do such things to her monster and attack Maya, but Gadamon shrugs it off that it can't be helped if Maya's monster is so weak. This disagreement starts a battle. When it's over Gadamon blames the lack of modifications. Fleria asks her who is making these accessories, and she gives up the name, Master Nahze before making her leave.

Several weeks later, a man makes an appearance. He identifies you and Fleria by name so he's obviously been told about you. He is shocked that his modified monsters have lost to people like you. Fleria figures out this must be Nahze, just as he reveals himself and goes a bit Mr. Hyde, exclaiming he will not lose this time! A monster not yet seen before with multiple modifications appears up the hill. Nahze is ready to test his powered up version of Zan against you and battle ensues. Once the battle is finished, Nahze is surprised to see his Zan's accessories appear to have been broken. Nahze calms down and Fleria says this is his punishment for modifying Gadamon's monsters and making it attack other people. He states he only powered up Gadamon's monster because she was volunteering to help him with his research and he was unaware she was attacking anyone. He further defends himself saying he only came because Gadamon told him Fleria visited her and beat up her monster. Fleria, upset about Gadamon's lie, begins to say something but Nahze suddenly states he's going home, and leaves. Fleria is concerned about what should be done if he returns, and admits to never having seen a Zan before and wonders where he got one.

Nazhe returns with an open apology, and offers you a gift for your troubles, a Saucer Stone that should revive a Zan monster. According to Nahze, the Zan was created when he attempted to modify a Saucer Stone for research. Fleria offers some friendly advice that maybe Nahze should just train his monsters to be more powerful instead of just modifying them. Nahze completely misunderstands the suggestion, and agrees that of course, he should modify them after they've been trained instead. Nervously, Frelia just asks him not to cause trouble for people. Nahze agrees and happily goes on his way. Fleria is excited about getting a new monster and encourages a visit to Grandpa Bragma. After an excited visit to the shrine, Bragma asks what's up. Fleria shows off the modified Saucer Stone, and Bragma admits as never having seen one like it before. Fleria explains that it will revive a new monster called a "Zan", and Bragma seems in disbelief that it could be a new monster, asks how you got it. Explaining the events of Nahze's research of modified and new accessories, Bragma admits hearing the name before. Wondering how Nahze even revived one in the first place, without Bragma, they discuss ancient Tochikan revival locations and that he must have found one to do it. Bragma says he needs to research the Zan Saucer Stone and when he's finished you should be able to revive a Zan.

(Bragma never actually has any followup dialogue in regards to Zan and the Saucer Stone)

Watch Part 6 "Zan On The Run"

This concludes this story in Brillia.


Goat Characters
Lord Burn MR3
"Lord" Burn
  • A somewhat arrogant, hot-headed young male trainer, although after the first impressions he turns out to be a decent guy.
Ms. Jenna MR3
Ms. Jenna
  • A well-known female breeder, has acted as a mentor toward Fleria. She likes to battle, but is still good-tempered and fairly easygoing.
Kai MR3
  • A deceitful male trainer that brings trouble with him and trying to bait you into a fight. He claims to know something about the mysterious Joker monster.
This character never reappears after the story event is over.
Dagga MR3
  • A mysterious ageless man that can be summoned when the time and conditions are right, along with his powerful Joker.
Goat Story & Spoilers:

Bad Moon Rising

Upon arriving to Goat, you'll have a rather egotistical introduction and immediate fight with Lord Burn will eventually lead to Ms. Jenna showing up, having yet another brawl, only to find out it was all in good fun. Lord Burn returns to apologize after Ms Jenna suggests that he do so. Afterward, Ms Jenna will return to discuss with you about someone named Kai who likes to hang around and cause trouble, so be on the lookout and just ignore him.

In January, Kai makes his appearance and tries to convince you to join up in a tournament and offers to pay you to lose on purpose, but Fleria will have none of that, and after the exchange, they battle and you send him packing. Ms Jenna comes by a second time to tell you again to pay no attention to Kai. Shortly afterward Lord Burn stops by to give the same advice which leads to a battle to test if you're strong enough to fend for yourself if he comes around again.

Kai eventually returns in August to apologize to Fleria with a peace offering, giving her an item with instruction to bring it to the Luna Battle the second week of November, with the promise of unlocking Joker. After a short while, Ms. Jenna shows up, not pleased that you've taken Kai's bait, but mentions that Mosha might know if the rumors of Joker are true, but adamantly suggests not to pursue it.

But, of course, Fleria immediately suggests asking Mosha in Morx, so follow her lead. After arriving in Morx, Mosha appears and Fleria begins to tell the tail of Kai and the gifted item. Mosha is dismissive until the mention of Joker and relives a moment of a past invitation to spectate a battle in a moonlit forest. She speaks of a strange man she saw and thinks the invitation could be dangerous, and suggests taking care if you go.

Returning to Goat prior to the date, you join the mysterious tournament and meet up with Kai who reveals the gift was junk and it was just a ploy to fight you. However it turns out the mysterious item did have some powers after all and summons a Joker along with its trainer Dagga. The Joker destroys Kai's monster and Dagga tells him to scram. Now focused on Fleria, he asks if she wants to fight.

Amused that Fleria thinks she can win, he offers to show her how to revive a Joker if she can beat him, or else he'll steal your monster's life. Agree to the fight and win, and Dagga keeps his promise and gives you the item that summoned him and the joker, suggesting to take it to the Shrine.

The next week Ms Jenna shows up and Fleria explains that she did, in fact, not listen to her advice and reveals the events that took place. Ms Jenna is disappointed but forgives you this once. And why not follow up with Grandma Mosha who finds it very strange that the man Dagga is still middle aged instead of old, but is very impressed with your accomplishments and rewards you for it.

lastly, a visit with Bragma at the Shrine reveals that Bragma has heard of Kai and Dagga before, and was also fairly upset Fleria fought against him. Dagga revives Jokers in places used by ancient Tochikans, and steals life from his opponents. Bragma admits respect, however, and will revive a Joker for you from now on if you bring him such a Saucer Stone in the future.

Watch Part 7 "Bad Moon Rising"

This concludes the Story in Goat.


Other Characters
Muto MR3
  • A friendly, though absent minded young lady with a bit of prosopagnosia in regards to Mocchis.
This rival unlock requires bringing a pure Mocchi (Mocchi/Morx) to Goat. This event can only be triggered in Goat.
Date MR3
  • A somewhat young male breeder who is rich and arrogant. He doesn't seem to be intentionally rude, he just doesn't realize how his attitude rubs others. He seems to think many problems can be solved most easily with money.
This rival's first appearance is not region exclusive, but requires Morx fame to unlock.
Yuikyo MR3
  • A new female breeder who is looking for a place to train monsters and gain experience. Very quiet, and not very confident.
This rival must be unlocked while in Morx. It is unlocked with enough Morx fame.
Rip and Rap MR3
Rip and Rap
  • A pair of little sisters who used to live near Fleria, and who can really hold a grudge when it comes to food.
This rival's first appearance is not region exclusive, but requires Morx fame to unlock.
Mucchi MR3
  • A young man who wanders throughout the regions to sell and buy items, also sells the ran ran items at venturing time. Is a bit sensitive to Fleria's teasing.
Mucchi appears everywhere and is never a rival but we needed to put him somewhere.
Other Character Spoilers:

Thank You For Bring A Friend

A collection of the stories of the extra characters. All of these are 1 week event/encounters.

Muto: Eyes Without A Face

This encounter is Goat Exclusive. While raising a "pure" Mocchi (Mocchi/Morx) while in Goat you will be visited by Muto. She mistakes your Mocchi for her own and is adamant it can be no other. During this silly event, eventually her own Mocchi, Syrup, comes out from hiding and the confusion is cleared up. While the event is short lived, You will never see this character show up as a rival until you've triggered this event.

Date: All About The Benjamins

This encounter is not region specific. A gentleman named Date shows up on the ranch, wink wink nudge nudge. He wants to buy your spot to train in, but Fleria won't budge. He concedes the purchase and doesn't want to fight -he's too powerful afterall- His monster, on the other hand, needs a workout and surprise; You fight. After, he gives you an item and gracefully takes his leave.

Yuikyo: You're too Shy Shy

This encounter is Morx Exclusive. One day you'll hear something around the ranch and discover a monster is training on your mushrooms. An insecure and humble trainer that didn't know where to start training just found your place and started at it. Introducing herself as Yuikyo she apologizes. You have an introductory battle which she thanks you for and gifts you a reward when it is finished. But she says she'll be back!

Rip and Rap: Eat It

This encounter is not region specific. Sisters by the name of Rip and Rap have a history with Frelia and show up with accusations of a culinary culprit. They are pretty upset by some historical tasty transgressions leaving Frelia full from cake, and the Sisters without a bite. After a battle they leave you alone for now, but you better not forget about those churros!

Watch Part 8 for the short stories of the extra characters

Mucchi: Boys Don't Cry

Mucchi can appear in any region as he is the "Shop" and can be summoned any time you want to buy or sell items. There's really no story with Mucchi. He's there, has some basic dialogue, and some occasional comic relief between his interactions with Frelia which is a lot funnier if you consider Frelia's original age in the JP version.

Credits: Lexi, MonsterFenrick, Kuup, MRM Archives, Trickster

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