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Monster Rancher 3 Monster Attributes

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ID (Decimal)Japanese NameTranslationEnglish NameTypeConflicts with:EffectAcquisition:
0ふつうNormalNormalPersonality None. Were you expecting anything from "Normal"? 
1クールCoolCoolPersonality Your monster's motivation is hard to change - positively or negatively. 
2そっけないTerseUnfriendlyPersonality Your monster's motivation is hard to change - positively or negatively. 
3ぶあいそUnsociableAloofPersonality Your monster's motivation is hard to change - positively or negatively. 
4こんじょうGutsyConfidentPersonality None. 
5ようきCheerfulCheerfulPersonality None. 
6いじっぱりObstinateIndignantPersonality Incoming Heart attribute attacks are less effective. (?) 
7がんこStubbornStubbornPersonality Incoming Mental attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
8プライドが高いHigh PridePridePersonality None. 
9おちょうしものOver-excitableShow-offPersonality Repeated attacks cause an increase in accuracy. The effect is undone after three misses. 
10おっとりEasygoingSlowPersonality Your monster will have reduced stress and fatigue from training, but the stat gains are also lessened. 
11のんびりやLeisurelyRelaxedPersonality Your monster will have reduced stress and fatigue from training, but the stat gains are also lessened. 
12のんきCarefreeEasygoingPersonality Your monster will have reduced stress and fatigue from training, but the stat gains are also lessened. 
13わがままSelfishSelfishPersonality Your monster will be more likely to request items. Refusal will cause a large hit to Motivation. 
14まじめEarnestSeriousPersonality The likelihood of Success or Great in drills is increased, but the Stress gain is also increased. Resting reduces less Stress. 
15きまぐれWhimsicalWhimsicalPersonality Your monster's motivation will increase or decrease at random at the start of each week. 
16ストイックStoicStoicPersonality Your monster will not request items, and it will be easier to succeed in drills. 
17じょうひんElegantRefinedPersonality None. 
18やさしいFriendlyNicePersonality None. 
19ヒステリックHysteric[al]HystericalPersonality None. 
20おこりんぼGrumpyImpatientPersonality None. 
21たんきIrritableTouchyPersonality None. 
22ナルシストNarcissistNarcissisticPersonality Incoming Fascination attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
23みずにつよいWater ResistantResists WaterTrait Incoming Water attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
24みずによわいWater SensitivityWeak v. WaterDebuff Incoming Water attribute techniques are more effective. (?) 
25れいせいComposedCalmPersonality Reduces Guts damage of opponent's techniques. Incoming Heart attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
26こうせんてきMilitantCombativePersonality Your monster loves battle, and will not refuse a tournament. (There are monsters that refuse to fight??) 
27おおぐいGluttonyGluttonousTrait Your monster is more likely to ask for second helpings of food. Your monster can use two items a week.(?) (週に2回アイテムを与えられる) 
28あまえんぼSpoiledSpoiledPersonality Your monster will be less likely to beg. 
29はずかしがりやShyBashfulPersonality None. 
30シャイShyShyPersonality None. 
31おとなしいTimidQuietPersonality Your monster is less likely to beg for items. 
32でんきにつよいLightning ResistantResists Ltng.Trait Incoming Lightning attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
33むよくSelflessUnselfishPersonality Your monster will not beg for items, or second helpings of food. 
34でんきによわいLightning SensitivityWeak v. Ltng.Debuff Incoming Lightning attribute techniques are more effective. (?) 
35まほうにつよいMagic ResistantResists MagicTrait Incoming Magic attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
36こわいものしらずFearlessFearlessPersonality Your monster will not refuse to battle. (Likely related to rivals.) 
37ゆうかんBraveBravePersonality Will not refuse a battle. Increases the likelihood of getting Success or Great during drills. 
38つよきSelf-assuredAggressivePersonality Your monster will not refuse to battle. (Likely related to rivals.) 
39せっきょくてきActiveOptimisticPersonality Increases the likelihood of Success and Great during drills. 
40ずぶといBoldIndifferentPersonality Stress is less likely to build up, and the training style is likely to go towards Soft. Reduces Guts damage from incoming techniques. 
41せんさいDelicateSensitivePersonality Stress is more likely to build up, and the training style is likely to go towards Hard. Increases Guts damage from incoming techniques. 
42おくびょうCowardiceTimidPersonality Your monster is hesitant before battle. (Likely related to rivals) 
43よわきDefeatistPessimisticPersonality Your monster is hesitant before battle. (Likely related to rivals) 
44うけみUkemi (martial arts)Defence RollTrait Reduces the damage from Throwing attribute techniques. 
45けんじつReliableReliablePersonality Increased drill Success rate, but reduced Great chance. "Small" techniques are more accurate, "Large" techniques are less accurate. 
46すなおHonestHonestPersonality Training style and loyalty are more likely to change. 
47かわりものOddballWeirdoTrait None. 
48まほうによわいMagic SensitivityWeak v. MagicDebuff Incoming Magic attribute techniques are more effective. (?) 
49けんきょModestyHesitantPersonality Your monster will not beg for items. 
50かっぱつLivelyActivePersonality Fatigue is randomly decreased at the start of each week. Requests for rest are less likely. 
51こころがつよいStrong HeartStrong HeartTrait Reduces the damage received from Heart attacks. 
52しんちょうCautiousCarefulPersonality Accuracy increases with accumulated Guts during battle. Unrelated to accuracy modification by Guts total difference. 
53かぜにつよいWind ResistantResists WindTrait Incoming Wind attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
54しんけいしつNervousNervousPersonality Stress increases faster during training, but Great or Success are more likely. (may need retranslation) 
55きちょうめんScrupulousPerfectionistPersonality Your monster will sort your items as it wishes. 
56きれいずきTidyCleanPersonality None. 
57ほこりたかいProudHonorablePersonality Refuses to battle lower-ranked monsters, and is unlikely to request items. Increased chance of Success and Great in drills. 
58まけずぎらいSore LoserSore LoserPersonality Your monster will demand a rematch against a monster it lost to. Your monster will not take direct praise well, and will do a unique pose on Great. 
59かぜによわいWind SensitivityWeak v. WindDebuff Incoming Wind attribute techniques are more effective. (?) 
60かれいなステップBrilliant StepsGroovy MovesTrait Increases the effect of Dance attribute techniques. 
61めんどうくさがりSlackerContraryPersonality Decreases the likelihood of Success and Great during drills. Your monster is more likely to ask for Rest. 
62なまけものLazyLazyPersonality Decreases the likelihood of Success and Great during drills. Your monster is more likely to ask for Rest. 
63ふまじめFrivolousChildishPersonality Increases the likelihood of Success and Great during drills, however your monster will ask for items more often. 
64高出力High OutputHigh OutputTrait Increases the effect of Beam attribute techniques. 
65きむずかしいMoodyDifficultPersonality None. 
66よくばりGreedyGreedyPersonality Your monster likes gifts - More likely to ask for items. 
67げんきんAvariciousEnergeticPersonality Increased motivation from item requests, decreased motivation from other sources. Literally reads as: "ready money". (did the devs read this as genki-n!) 
68マイペースMy PaceIndependentPersonality Training style and loyalty are less likely to change. 
69しょうしょくNibblerSmall StomachTrait Your monster will not ask for extra helpings of food. [also; nice.] 
70めざといSharp-sightedPerceptive(?)Personality Item discovery becomes easier. (???) 
71にぶいBlunt / DullDim-wittedPersonality Training style and loyalty are less likely to change. Item discovery becomes more difficult.(???) 
72[カン]かんがするどいSharp IntuitionIntuitiveTrait Your monster is more likely to evade incoming attacks. 
73もちはだSoft SkinSoft SkinTrait None. 
74ゲルボディGel BodyJell BodyTrait Reduces the damage from Beat attribute techniques. 
75かんそうによわいDryness SensitivityThirstyDebuff Adaptability to life in Takrama is reduced. Incoming Fire attribute techniques are more effective. (?) 
76あつがりHeat SensitivityWeak v. HeatDebuff Adaptability to life in Takrama or Kalaragi is reduced. Incoming Fire attribute attacks are more effective. (?) 
77みずぎらいAquaphobeAquaphobicTrait Adaptability to life in Goat and Kalaragi is decreased. Incoming Water attribute techniques are more effective. (?) 
78いわのはだRock SkinStone BodyTrait Reduces evasion, however you take reduced damage. 
79さむさにつよいCold ResistantResists ColdTrait Adaptability to life in Brilla is increased. Incoming Ice attribute attacks are less effective. (?) 
80フットワークFootworkFast FootworkTrait Increases evasion, however damage received will be increased if a hit is landed. 
81かたいヒフHard SkinTough SkinTrait Reduces evasion, however you take reduced damage. 
82レーダーRadarRadarTrait Increases the accuracy of all attacks. 
83ヨロイArmourArmorTrait Reduces evasion, however the damage from Beat/Slash/Thrust attribute techniques is reduced. 
84ひかりのオーラAura of LightLight AuraTrait Incoming Magic attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
85やみのオーラAura of DarknessDark AuraTrait Incoming Heart attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
86ようりょくそChlorophyllChlorophyllTrait Increased Fatigue recovery during a Rest. 
87こころがよわいWeak HeartWeak HeartTrait Incoming Heart attribute attacks are more effective. (?) 
88いしあたまHard HeadedRock HeadTrait Increases the effect of Head attribute techniques. 
89するどいツメSharp ClawsSharp ClawsTrait Increases the damage of Claw attribute techniques. 
90するどいキバSharp FangsSharp FangsTrait Increases the damage of Fang attribute techniques. 
91するどいツノSharp HornSharp HornTrait Increases the damage of Horn attribute techniques. 
92さむがりCold SensitivityWeak v. ColdDebuff Adaptability to life in Brilla is reduced. Incoming Ice attribute attacks are more effective. (?) 
93あせっかきProfuse SweatSweatyTrait Adaptability to life in Takrama or Kalaragi is reduced. Incoming Fire attribute attacks are less effective. (?) 
94あつさにつよいHeat ResistantResists HeatTrait Adaptability to life in Takrama or Kalaragi is increased. Incoming Fire attribute attacks are less effective. (?) 
95ぶあついけがわThick FurThick FurTrait Reduces evasion, but also reduces incoming damage. Adaptability to life in Takrama or Kalaragi is reduced, Brilla is increased. 
96するどいやいばSharp BladeSharp EdgeTrait Increases the damage of Weapon attribute techniques. 
97はがねのこぶしFist of SteelIron FistsTrait Increases the damage of Fist attribute techniques. 
98しなやかなしっぽSupple TailFlexible TailTrait Increases the accuracy of Tail attribute attacks. 
99おんちTone-deafTone-deafTrait Increases the damage of Song attribute attacks. 
100おおきなこえLoud VoiceLoud VoiceTrait Increases the damage of Voice attribute techniques. 
101はいかつりょうLung CapacityLung CapacityTrait Increases the damage of Breath attribute techniques. 
102ていけつあつHypotension / LBPHypotensionTrait None. 
103ほのおのちしきKnowledge of FlameFire WisdomTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Fire attribute techniques.Exploration (Desert)
104げんわくのマントDazzling CloakIllusion CapeTrait Your monster is more likely to evade incoming attacks. 
105チャーミングアイCharming EyeCharming EyeTrait Increases the effect of Charm attribute techniques. (?) 
106スイートボイスSweet VoiceSweet VoiceTrait Increases the success rate of Song attribute techniques. 
107かたいウロコHard ScalesHard ScalesTrait Reduces evasion, however you take reduced damage. 
108あまいかおりSweet FragranceSweet SmellTrait Increases the effect of Charm and Pollen attribute techniques. 
109ぼうすいかこうWaterproofWaterproofingTrait Adaptability to life in Goat and Kalaragi is increased. Incoming Water attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
110たいねつかこうHeat InsulationHeat-ProofingTrait Adaptability to life in Takrama or Kalaragi is increased. Incoming Fire attribute attacks are less effective. (?) 
111ぜつえんかこうInsulation TreatmentInsulationTrait Incoming Lightning attribute techniques are less effective. (?) 
112じごくみみSharp EarsSharp EarsTrait None. 
113ひえしょうSensitive to ColdCold LimbsUnique Illness Adaptability to life in Brilla is decreased. 
114ベジタリアンVegetarianVegetarianTrait Your monster hates Meat. 
115あじおんちFlavour-blindEats AnythingTrait Your monster has no particular preference for food. 
116ほうこうおんちDisorientatedDirectionlessTrait None. 
117くさいあしSmelly FeetStinky FeetUnique Illness Stress is randomly increased at the start of each week. Increased Guts damage when using foot attribute attacks. 
118かたこりStiff Shoulders/NeckArthritisIllness Stress is randomly increased at the start of each week. 
119はなづまりNasal CongestionStuffy NoseUnique Illness Stress is randomly increased at the start of each week. 
120ずつうもち[Has a] HeadacheMigraineIllness Stress is randomly increased at the start of each week. 
121かぜぎみSlight ColdColdIllness Stress and Fatigue are randomly increased at the start of each week. 
122かふんしょうHay FeverHay FeverUnique Illness During Spring, Stress is randomly increased at the start of each week. Incoming Pollen attribute techniques are more effective. (?) 
123ふみんしょうInsomniaSleeplessIllness The positive effects of Rest are reduced. 
124いびきSnoringSnoringTrait None. 
125きんがんNear-sightednessNearsightedDebuff Your monster's close range moves gain accuracy; however your long range moves lose accuracy. 
126えだげSplit EndsSplit EndsIllness None. 
127はだあれDry SkinDry SkinIllness None. 
128てつのしんぞうHeart of IronIron HeartTrait Your monster will gain slightly less fatigue during drills. 
129フェロモンPheromonePheromonesTrait Increases the effectiveness of Charm techniques. 
130スナイパーSniperSniperTrait Increases the accuracy of Projectile attribute attacks. 
131つかれやすいEasily TiredEasily TiredIllness Your monster has increased fatigue from drills, and is more likely to request Rest. 
132やえばProtruding ToothExtra TeethTrait None. 
133えくぼDimplesDimplesTrait None. 
134たんこぶLumpLumpTrait None. 
135アザBruise / BirthmarkBruiseTrait None. 
136グルメGourmetGourmetTrait Your monster's taste in food grows more specific - foods it disliked, it will now loathe. Your monster loves to eat. 
137キズScratchesInjuryTrait None. 
138やけどBurn MarkBurnTrait None. 
139どうたいしりょくKinetic VisionSharp EyesTrait Increases the accuracy of all attacks. 
140ほのおのごくいSecrets of FlameFlame SecretsTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Fire attribute techniques significantly.Exploration (Desert) [Needs #103]
141ひかえめReservedModestPersonality Your monster is less likely to beg for items. 
142ちゅうじつFaithfulFaithfulPersonality Your monster is less likely to request items, and drills are more likely to end in a Success or Great. 
143みずのちしきKnowledge of WaterWater WisdomTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Water attribute techniques.Exploration (Coast)
144みずのごくいSecrets of WaterWater SecretsTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Water attribute techniques significantly.Exploration (Coast) [Needs #143]
145こおりのちしきKnowledge of IceIce WisdomTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Ice attribute techniques.Exploration (Snowfield)
146こおりのごくいSecrets of IceIce SecretsTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Ice attribute techniques significantly.Exploration (Snowfield) [Needs #145]
147かぜのちしきKnowledge of WindWind WisdomTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Wind attribute techniques.Exploration (Deep Forest)
148かぜのごくいSecrets of WindWind SecretsTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Wind attribute techniques significantly.Exploration (Deep Forest) [Needs #147]
149だいちのちしきKnowledge of EarthEarth WisdomTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Earth attribute techniques.Exploration (Forest)
150だいちのごくいSecrets of EarthEarth SecretsTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Earth attribute techniques significantly.Exploration (Forest) [Needs #149]
151いなづまのちしきKnowledge of LightningLtng. WisdomTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Lightning attribute techniques.Exploration (Spring)
152いなづまのごくいSecrets of LightningLtng. SecretsTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Lightning attribute techniques significantly.Exploration (Spring) [Needs #151]
153こころのちしきKnowledge of the HeartHeart WisdomTrait Increases the Guts damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Heart attribute techniques significantly.Exploration (Summer???)
154こころのごくいSecrets of the HeartHeart SecretsTrait Increases the Guts damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Heart attribute techniques.Exploration (Summer???) [Needs #153]
155まほうのちしきKnowledge of MagicMagic WisdomTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Magic attribute techniques.Exploration (Autumn)
156まほうのごくいSecrets of MagicMagic SecretsTrait Increases the damage of outgoing / Reduces the damage of incoming Magic attribute techniques significantly.Exploration (Autumn) [Needs #155]
157いのちのちしきKnowledge of LifeLife WisdomTrait Increases the success rate of recovery techniques.Exploration (Winter)
158いのちのごくいSecrets of LifeLife SecretsTrait Significantly increases the success rate of recovery techniques.Exploration (Winter) [Needs #157]
159ねっけつHot BloodedPassionatePersonality Motivation randomly increases at the start of the week, however, so does Stress.

Credits: Lexi's Research (Also to note a work in progress - 4/20/22)
This page was last modified: February 15 2024
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