This page was last modified: January 29 2025
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Monster Rancher 2 (and MR2DX) Complete Unlocking Guide

An extensive guide covering unlocking conditions for all 38 breeds. 22 breeds are locked in the Playstation version. MR2DX's errantry + boss monsters bring the total up to 39 locked monsters!
  • Discover the requirements for all of the ranch upgrades: Stable, Altar, House!
  • Includes bonus info for Cocooning a Worm into Beaclon or other other breeds.


    Getting Monsters

    Starting Monsters

    From the Market

    From the Shrine

    Authorized IMa trainers

    Chaille (from the shrine) gives this message when you have attempted to shrine a monster that is locked behind in-game events or accomplishments.

    When you see I regret to tell you that... this rare monster can be generated only by an authorized IMa Trainer. Please come again, You have attempted to create a monster that is locked behind such an event.

    Chaille Shrine Authorize IMa Trainer

    Chaille's message does not indicate which monster was attempted. This guide explains each hidden monster's unlock event process in detail. Once all monsters have been unlocked, you will no longer see this message from Chaille.


    Ranch Upgrades
    Some unlocks are gated behind your ranch upgrades. Which one(s) are needed will be specified under a given monster's unlock guide.

    For the House and Stable

    • You must be on the ranch on Week 4 of May to trigger the events (Be on ranch week 3 and rest/drill into week 4 etc.).
    • Have at least 2k Gold + the upgrade cost or the event won't trigger (The game won't leave you with too little cash and risk a Game-Over)
    104x M4 (S)
    93x M4 (S)
    82x M4 (S)
    71x M4 (S)
    Basic House:
    (Start of Game)
    MR2 Game Start basic house
    Basic Stable:
    (Start of Game)
    MR2 Game Start basic stable
    1st House Upgrade:
    (Trainer Grade 3)
    MR2 First House Upgrade
    1st Stable Upgrade:
    (Trainer Grade 4)
    MR2 First Stable Barn Upgrade
    2nd House Upgrade:
    (Trainer Grade 5)
    MR2 Second House Upgrade
    3rd House Upgrade:
    (Trainer Grade 6)
    MR2 Third House Upgrade
    2nd Stable Upgrade:
    (Trainer Grade 7)
    MR2 Second Stable Barn Upgrade
    4th House Upgrade:
    (Trainer Grade 8)
    MR2 4th House Upgrade


    Altar & Upgrades
    The Altar and upgrades are directly related to a Death Event and also exclusively used for the Ghost unlock. These are separate from Ranch upgrades. They don't require any specific Trainer Grades to be achieved, only the passing of a monster, time and money.
    Basic Altar:
    Monster Altar for Funeral
    1st Altar Upgrade:
    Monster Altar Upgrade 1
    2nd Altar Upgrade:
    Monster Altar Upgrade 2


    Unlock Baku & Golem


    Baku and Golem have the same requirements:
    • You have previously purchased the first House upgrade from Binto on any May Week 4 (Requires Trainer Grade 3 from beating C Grade Official).
    • You have achieved Trainer Grade 4 (You have beaten at least B Grade official with any monster).

    Unlock Steps

    1. If you have 17,000 G or more on the next May Week 4, Binto will arrive again and upgrade your stable for 15,000 G.

    After this is done, Baku and Golem are unlocked.

    1st Stable Upgrade:
    MR2 First Stable Barn Upgrade


    Unlock Bajarl


    • Achieve Trainer Grade of 8 (Beat two of the Major 4 with any monster).
    • You have already purchased the first three house upgrades and two stable upgrades from Binto.

    Unlock Steps

    1. If you have 22,000 G on May 4th, Binto will arrive again and upgrade the house for the final fourth time.
    2. After this is done, you will be given the Magic Pot
    3. Combine any two monsters with the Magic Pot to unlock/make a Bajarl.
    4th House Upgrade:
    MR2 4th House Upgrade
    Magic Pot:
    The Combining Item
    Bajarl Magic Pot


    Unlock Beaclon


    Unlock the Worm.

    Unlock Steps

    After Worm is unlocked, Raise Any Worm with any sub-breed (including ???) while satisfying ALL of the following conditions:
    • The Worm’s Grade is C, D, or E (Shown next to monster's name on monster data screen - Card letter is irrelevant)
    • The Worm’s loyalty is 80 or higher.
    • The Worm must have been fed 30 Cup Jelly. (More is OK but not required)
    • The Worm is between 4yr. 0m. and 4y. 11mo. (Over 4, under 5)
    • On June Week 4, The Worm has 0 Fatigue and 7 Stress or less (Resting on June Week 3 required)

    If all of the above conditions are satisfied, this will provide a 100% chance the Worm will cocoon into a Beaclon.

    • If the Worm cocoons into a different monster, less than 30 Cup Jelly were fed to it.
    • If the Worm doesn't cocoon at all, then one of the other above parameters was not adhered to.

    A successfully cocooned worm (Beaclon or alternate breeds below) will retain the original worm's remaining Lifespan, current Stat values, Stat Gains, Guts rate, Nature etc. It is essentially a reskinned worm but with the new cocooned breed's skin and techs. If you want a "true" Beaclon you will need to combine for one, or generate one at the Shrine.

    Cocooning Guide for other species

    MYTH Alert:
    Older guides and forums may specify that the worm must not ever be stressed for the entire lifespan of the Worm, however, this is likely a simple misunderstanding of how Stress mechanics worked at the time.

    The Stress and Fatigue requirements only need to be met for the week of cocooning, though management of these values can certainly help your Worm live long enough so that it can cocoon!


    Unlock Centaur


    • Achieve Trainer Grade of 4 (You have beaten at least B Grade official with any monster).
    • You have finished the first expedition Phoenix Volcano Adventure at Kawrea.

    Unlock Steps

    1. Send a monster that is B Grade or higher to the Heavy Errantry (Mandy Desert) between the months of March and August. If the monster is uninjured, it will return with a Spear. Your monster and the Centaur will fight (this will take an entire week so you will lose additional lifespan).
      There is no particular penalty for losing this fight- but it is not difficult.
    2. Combine any two monsters with the Spear in to unlock/make a Centaur.
    The Combining Item
    Centaur Spear


    Unlock Dragon


    • Achieve Trainer Grade of 6 (You have beaten S Grade official with any monster).
    • Have Binto renovate your stable at least once.
    • You have participated in at least one IMa vs. FIMBA meet.

    Unlock Steps

    1. Having done all of the above, have an exactly B Grade monster (not higher or lower) on the ranch, when a week rolls over into July 1st - 4th, and you will be invited to the Dragon Invitational.
    2. Going forward, Attend the Dragon Invitational on August 2nd with any exactly B Grade monster, and defeat Lagirus to receive the Dragon’s Tusk.
    3. Combine any two monsters with the Dragon Tusk to unlock/make a Dragon (You may attend this match multiple times to receive more tusks for selling or as a combining item).
    Dragon Tusk:
    The Combining Item
    Dragon Tusk


    Unlock Ducken


    • You have finished the first expedition Phoenix Volcano Adventure at Kawrea.
    • A thing of note: Both "Quack Doll" items mentioned here have the same name in-game. This is not a typo on the guide, they are "different" items.

    Unlock Steps

    1. Create your first Quack Doll by collecting 5 Diamond Marks*, randomly received from feeding your monster Cup Jelly. Once 5 Diamond Marks are received, Colt will mail them off to receive a Fun Can and assemble the first Quack Doll.
    2. After the first Quack Doll is made, attend the Torles expedition with Rovest (Requires a C Grade or higher monster with 210+ LIF, 50+ Fame) and Retrieve the Strong Glue from the tree near the beginning of the expedition.
      • You must assemble the first Quack Doll before the Strong Glue can appear in the Torles expedition.
      • Your monster must also have 350+ INT for the Strong Glue to have a chance to appear.
    3. With the Strong Glue in inventory, create a second Quack Doll by collecting another 5 Diamond Marks from Cup Jelly and it will automatically become the Quack Doll that can be used as a combining ingredient.
    4. Combine any two monsters with the fully assembled Quack Doll to unlock/make a Ducken.

    *You can soft reset/save scum for Diamond Marks
    You cannot get rid of the Strong Glue without cheating/using a cheat device such as a Gameshark to remove the item from inventory
    Fixed in DX, Once Ducken is unlocked in fusion, you are allowed to sell the Strong Glue. Even after selling the glue you will continue to create the "Glued" version of the Quack Dolls.

    1st Quack Doll: (No Glue)
    Not the Combining Item
    quack doll without glue
    Strong Glue:
    Strong Glue from Torles
    Quack Doll: (With Glue)
    The Combining Item
    quack doll with glue


    Unlock Durahan


    Unlock Steps

    1. Attend the Parepare expedition with Kavaro (Requires a C Grade or higher monster with 140+ LIF, 40+ Fame). Visit the Decaying Palace behind the huge pumpkin, and search for and find the Old Sheath.
      • Your monster must have 300+ INT, for the Old Sheath to have a chance to appear.
    2. Go to the Shop to hear Aunt Verde’s rumor.
    3. From there, any monster must be exactly A Grade, and it will be invited to the Double-Edged Invitational on February 1st (to fight in an A Grade match on February 4th) to Win the Double-Edged Sword.
    4. Combine any two monsters with the Double-Edged Sword to unlock/make a Durahan.

    * The act of finding the Old Sheath triggers the conversation with Auntie Verde at the item shop. You don't need to have Old Sheath in your inventory, and it can even be discarded after you found it on expedition.

    Old Sheath:
    Not the Combining Item
    Old Sheath Decaying Temple
    The Combining Item
    Double-Edged Sword


    Unlock Gali, Henger, Mew, Worm


    Gali, Henger, Mew, Worm have the same requirements:
    • Achieve Trainer Grade of 1 (You have beaten at least E Grade official with any monster).

    Unlock Steps

    1. With a D Grade or higher monster on the ranch on July 1st[1], you’ll be invited to the "ELIMINATION" qualifying match on July 4.
    2. Win the qualifying ELIMINATION match and you can attend the IMa - FIMBA Meet on August 4th.
    3. Attend the IMa - FIMBA meet[2], and whether your team wins or loses the meet, you will unlock all four breeds afterwards.
    Other notes:
    • [1] This tournament only occurs once every 4 years, starting from the first year that you received the invitation!
      (If your first invite was year 1003, the Elimination will show up next in 1007, 1011, 1015 etc.
    • You are only invited once to the "ELIMINATION" tournament.
      Afterwards, this tournament silently appears on July wk 4, every 4 years from your first initial invite.
      • It is only visible on the calendar if your monster is D+ Grade, and you've been invited, or it is currently one of the "every 4th year" afterward dates.
      • You cannot look ahead into future years on the Battle calendar, it just loops through the current year. You will have to remember to check every year.
      • It will only show up in the calendar's Grade slot matching your current monster's Grade.
      • The IMa - FIMBA Tournament will never appear without first winning the "ELIMINATION" tournament.
    • [2] The participating monster in the August IMa - FIMBA Meet MUST be the same monster that wins the Elimination tournament in July.
    • If your monster dies immediately after the tournament, the dialogue about unlocking the monsters will occur after you get a new monster on the ranch and allow a week to pass.
    Having trouble finding this tournament?
    Get ready to take several screenshots.
    • On the current year, check the Battle Calendar for July Week 4's "Elimination tournament. If it's not there, Capture the screen, which includes the current year/date.
    • Every time the calendar rolls over into the next year, repeat the process and take another screenshot of the Battle Calendar for July that includes the current year.
    • Do this for 4 years in a row. You'll know if you accidentally skipped over a year because you can reference your screenshots.
    • Assuming no years were missed, and your monster qualifies (D grade+), you'll see the ELIMINATION tournament appear within 4 years.


    Unlock Ghost


    Unlock Steps

    1. After a monster has died, and a funeral was held, a Basic Altar will have been created.
    2. 1st Altar upgrade: After 140 weeks have passed, you will be prompted on March Week 3 to upgrade the Altar for 5,000 G (if you have at least 8,000 G).
    3. 2nd (final) Altar upgrade: After another 140 weeks later, you will be prompted again on March Week 3 to upgrade the Altar for 8000 G (if you have at least 13,000 G).
    4. With both upgrades completed, The following year on March 3rd, you will have a brief cut-scene and then receive the Stick.
    5. Combine any two monsters with the Stick to unlock/make a Ghost.
    Monster Death:
    Monster Death Scene
    Basic Altar:
    (Funeral Required)
    Monster Altar for Funeral
    1st Altar Upgrade:
    Monster Altar Upgrade 1
    2nd Altar Upgrade:
    Monster Altar Upgrade 2
    The Combining Item
    Ghost Stick


    Unlock Jill


    • Achieve Trainer Grade 6 (You have beaten S Grade official with any monster).
    • You have finished the first expedition Phoenix Volcano Adventure at Kawrea.

    Unlock Steps

    1. Attend the Torles expedition with Rovest (Requires a C Grade or higher monster with 210+ LIF, 50+ Fame), and acquire the Big Footstep from the Large Snowman at the top right of the map.
      • Your monster must have 500+ INT, for the Big Footstep to have a chance to appear.
    2. Afterwards, send a B or higher rank monster to the Sharp Errantry (Papas Mountains). You will be warned about "Bighand."
    3. Defeat Bighand during the errantry to receive the Big Boots
    4. Combine any two monsters with the Big Boots to unlock/make a Jill.

    (Finding the Big Footstep itself has no rank requirement but the rest does)
    * The act of finding the Big Footstep flags the game to allow the Bighand encounter when meeting the requirement. You don't need to have Big Footstep in your inventory, and it can even be discarded after you found it on expedition.

    Big Footstep:
    Not the Combining Item
    Big Foot Step Torles Snowman
    Big Boots:
    The Combining Item
    Big Boots Jill combining item


    Unlock Joker


    Unlock Steps

    1. Attend the 2nd Kawrea Expedition (Requires a B Grade or higher monster with 280+ LIF, 50+ Fame) and Visit the Burnt Altar on the upper right side of the map and find the Joker Mask.
      • Your monster must have 300+ SKI, for the Mask to have a chance to appear.
    2. Head back to the ranch- sit through Pab’s idiocy, and then receive the Joker Mask
    3. Combine any two monsters with the Joker Mask to unlock/make a Joker.
    The Combining Item
    Joker Mask


    Unlock Metalner


    • Achieve Trainer Grade 8 (Beat two of the Major 4 with any monster).
    • The year is at least 1010.
    • You have a B or higher rank monster on the ranch.
    • This event is also weather dependant, and it must not be raining. On any given week the weather is random. By saving in August, you can reload and try again until the weather is clear on Sept. week 1.

    Unlock Steps

    1. With the above conditions satisfied, on September 1st you’ll be visited by "Aliens." This can continue to happen through November 4th or until the event is finished.
    2. Once concluded, you will receive a crystal and some alien smack-talk.
    3. Take this Crystal to the Shrine in town (The crystal itself is not a combination item).
    4. After a short discussion with Chaille, Metalner is now unlocked. However you do not acquire a metalner from the event. You must create a Metalner from the Shrine directly.
    You aren't smart enough
    Metalner event
    Not used in fusion/Take to Shrine
    Metalner Crystal
    MYTH Alert:
    1. The questionnaire at the beginning of the game has no relevance or bearing for being able to unlock Metalner. Regardless if you answer "Yes" or "No" to believing in Aliens, you will always be able to unlock Metalner.

    2. Metalner will not return after flying away. This is a unique animation for a Death Event.


    Unlock Mock


    • Phoenix and Metalner cannot trigger this event.
    • You have already visited the shop at least once.
    • There's not a Shop sale active this week (through Trainer Promotion sale or Discount Sale in the mail).
    • Magic Banana is currently available at the shop.
    • It's not a week that a new item is being introduced into the shop (Unless that item is Magic Banana).
    • Achieve Trainer Grade 4 (You have beaten at least B Grade official with any monster).

    Unlock Steps

    1. With the above conditions met, visit the Shop on occasion until you receive the Seeds, which will be planted on your ranch.
      • 1999 version/NTSC: This event is tied to "new unlocked item countdown timer" being greater than 0. If you unlock "Manseitan" and an additional 200 weeks pass before reaching Trainer Grade 4, then the timer will remain at 0; therefore, locking you out of being able to get Mock forever. Though, this takes almost 30 game years to occur.
      • DX: This is fixed: you can't be locked out of acquiring Mock anymore.
    2. Allow 576 weeks to pass (12 years) after planting the tree
      • Several brief events and dialogue will occur over the years in regards to the planted tree (It sprouts, grows, possibly buds the flower, moves, blooms, and dies).
    3. The next April Week 1 after the 576 weeks have passed, the tree will appear to have died.
    4. Allow any monster to die on the ranch (funeral not required).
    5. Afterwards, you will receive a free Mock which appears in your Stable, and Mock will be unlocked.

    * If both Mock and Wracky are ready to be unlocked after the death of a monster, the game will prioritize Mock first.

    Mystic Seed:
    (Shop Event)
    Mystic Seed Shop Event
    Tree Progression:
    (576 Week Event)
    Mock Tree Growing Progression Event
    Monster Death:
    Monster Death Scene


    Unlock Niton & Undine


    Niton and Undine have the same requirements:

    • Achieve Trainer Grade 4 (You have beaten at least B Grade official with any monster).

    Unlock Steps

    1. Raise Any Hopper with any sub-breed (including ???) to at least B Grade (Beat the C Grade official), and have it on the ranch during the Winter months (December to February).
    2. Ensure that the Hopper has 0 fatigue and less than 30 stress at the start of a week (resting is mandatory).
    3. It will dig up Hot Springs and you'll have a scene with Pabs. Afterwards you will receive the Undine Slate.
      • Niton: When the Hot Springs cutscene is over, the Niton is quietly unlocked (no combination item or notice is given, it will simply be available at the Shrine now).
      • Undine: Combine any two monsters with the Undine Slate to unlock/make an Undine.
    (Any sub-breed)
    Any Hopper breed to dig up Hot Springs
    Hot Springs:
    Hot Springs Dig Event
    Undine Slate:
    The Combining Item
    Undine Slate


    Unlock Phoenix


    • Achieve Trainer Grade 1 (Have beaten E Grade official with any monster).
    • There are 2 different expedition maps (Both in Kawrea) that the Fire Feather can be acquired from.

    Unlock Steps

    Option 1: One time opportunity during the "Training" expedition.
    1. Monster must have 140+ LIF, 40+ Fame and is D Grade or higher.
    2. Attend the Phoenix Volcano Adventure at Kawrea.
    3. Acquire the Fire Feather from the only searchable location at the center of the map.
      • Save prior to the 1st expedition and reset until you get the Fire Feather.

    Option 2: All Future visits to Kawrea Expedition will be "Kawrea Volcano Adventure" with higher requirements.

    1. Monster must have 280+ LIF, 50+ Fame and is B Grade or higher.
    2. Attend the Kawrea Volcano Adventure
    3. Acquire the Fire Feather from the Phoenix Statue or Magma Tower locations during the regular and future expeditions to Kawrea.
    Combine any two monsters with the Fire Feather to unlock/make a Phoenix.

    Fire Feather:
    The Combining Item
    Phoenix Fire Feather
    MYTH Alert:
    1. "Phoenix eventually returns" False: Phoenix will not return after flying away. This is a unique animation for a Death Event.
    2. "If you miss the feather on the first expedition you are locked out forever" False: The Fire Feather can still be acquired in the full Kawrea expedition later on, even if you missed it in the tutorial expedition, however the requirements are different.


    Unlock Wracky


    Unlock Steps

    1. When you have a monster with 90+ Fame on the ranch, you will receive the Doll. Regardless of your chosen options, you will always receive the doll.
    2. Colt will ask to throw it away the next week. (It doesn’t matter what choice you pick, If you Throw it away, it will continue to get delivered 3 times over 3 months until Colt decides to keep it).
    3. After the doll is kept, and after Colt asks you if you moved the doll, allow a monster to die.
    4. Afterwards, you will receive a free Wracky which appears in your Stable, and Wracky will be unlocked.

    * If both Mock and Wracky are ready to be unlocked after the death of a monster, the game will prioritize Mock first.

    Wracky Doll:
    Fan Gift
    Wracky Doll item gift from fan
    Monster Death:
    Monster Death Scene


    Unlock Zilla


    • Achieve Trainer Grade 6 (You have beaten S Grade official with any monster).
    • You have upgraded the stable at least once
    • You have completed the requirements to unlock the Niton and Undine.

    Unlock Steps

    1. With the above met, Send a B Grade or higher monster to the Hit Errantry (Torble Sea), you will be warned about a big water creature.
    2. Complete the Errantry and defeat the random encounter "Zilla King" to receive a "Zilla Beard"
      Like with Bighand, whether or not Zilla King will appear or not at the end of the errantry is random.
    3. Combine any two monsters with the Zilla Beard to unlock/make a Zilla.
    Hot Springs:
    Hot Springs Dig Event
    1st Stable Upgrade:
    MR2 First Stable Barn Upgrade
    Zilla Beard:
    The Combining Item
    Zilla Beard


    Death Unlock Exceptions
    The "Death" of Phoenix and Metalner will not trigger the unlocking of Mock, Wracky, or Ghost.
    • After their unique death animations of flying away, you return to Town instead of back on the ranch where the event would normally occur with a vacant stable.
    • Because you're in Town, this means you cannot go back to the ranch without another monster from the Market, Shrine, or Lab. As such, the stable won't be empty and the event is not triggered.
    MYTH Alert:
    Neither the Phoenix or Metalner can return from the dead, or come back after flying away. Any person or website reporting this information as truth has learned it from an old intentionally false post from 1999.

    The original claim about Phoenix returning as a baby after 100 years and with it's previous stats, led to many trying (and failing) to reproduce the results to much frustration.

    By March 2000, the author that previously published the false information that it was possible, had admitted that they completely made it up, but not before the rumor perpetuated and spread to other forums. This rumor still persists over 25 years later.

    Similar myths perpetuated for Metalner as well since it also has a unique flying away Death animation, but this is also untrue.


    Gold Suezo

    PS1 / 1999 version:

    • Combine a Silver Suezo and a Bronze Suezo to acquire a Gold Suezo.
    Gold Suezo is the only rare monster in the 1999 NTSC version of the game can naturally be acquired through combining. (This does not count DNA capsules for those rares, which are normally only available in the JP version but can be cheated into the game)

    MR2DX version:

    In MR2DX this is no longer necessary.
    There are over 1,615 Title/Artist entries that can create one of the 3 variants of Gold Suezo directly at the Shrine, however you can still do the original process to create a Gold Suezo.



    PS1 / 1999 version:

    This requires slating a monster from Monster Rancher 1.
    • Unlock and raise a Doodle in MR1, then freeze it.
    • In MR2, at the Shrine, use the Slate option instead of the Disc Stone option
    • Point towards your MR1 save file with your frozen Doodle to create a Scribble at the Shrine.

    MR2DX version:

    • PS1 steps are optional but not required!
    • Directly from the Shrine, there are 1,126 Title/Artist entries that can create one of the 2 variants of Scribble.


    Cocooning Guide
    Coocon a Worm into a species that is not Beaclon

    Using Less than 30, or no Cup Jelly at all, but meeting all other Beaclon requirements will randomly result in one of the Non-Beaclon breeds below.

    Saving prior to cocooning will allow you to reset and try again for the desired breed.

    Whatever Tech the worm has prior to cocooning, will become a new tech listed to the right of it, under the new breed.

    MR2 Worm Cocooning Tech Information

    Cocooning Tech Transitions

    Cocooned Worm

    Before Cocooning

    Techs After Cocooning
    Bonus: +30 LIF

    Bite, Sting (Basic)Punch, Horn Strike (Basic)
    Pierce (Withering)Tremor (Withering)
    Poison Gas (Withering)Tremor (Withering)
    Tusk Slash (Sharp)Horn Combo (Sharp)
    Injection (Sharp)Horn Cannon (Sharp)
    Pierce-Throw (Heavy)Dive Assault (Heavy)
    Pinch-Throw (Heavy)Flying Press (Heavy)
    Somersault (Hit)Heavy Punch (Basic)
    Somersaults (Hit)Maximal Punch (Basic)
    Tail Lash (Hit)Horn Attack (Basic)
    Two Lashes (Hit)Top Assault (Hit)
    Three Lashes (Special)Punch Combo (Special)
    Roll Assault (Special)Beaclon Combo (Special)
    Wheel Attack (Special)Frantic Horn (Special)

    Notes: Original documentation from Alchius
    • The guts regeneration and arena movement speed of the original worm are retained after changing.
      • This can be used in the case of the Gali, Monol, and Hare to create a monster with higher arena movement speed and/or guts regeneration than could be created by any other means via cocooning a Worm/Pixie or Worm/Plant. Some tech chains like Needle Stabs -> Spike Stabs can also be skipped by this.
    • # of Uses of a worm's tech are not inherited to the corresponding tech of the cocooned monster.
    • NightFlyer does not start with Kick
    • Worm Jell does not start with Whip
    • Three Lashes is only accessible on a Worm specific to the MR DX port.
    • Due to rank requirements, the techs converted from Roll Assault aren't accessible without a special Worm.
    • Wheel Attack's conversion currently is a data mining only result.


    Boss and Errantry Monsters
    • Even if you have the main breed unlocked, Enemy and Bosses are locked until you ENCOUNTER them, with the exception of Bighand and Zilla King. These two MUST be defeated to acquire the combining items to unlock their respective main breeds.
    • In the PS1/original game, only their Cards are unlocked after you encounter them.
    • In MR2DX, once encountered/unlocked, you can generate Boss and Errantry monsters at the Shrine.

    TOURNAMENT : Unlockable Encounters

    Boss Monsters are unlocked in the Legend Cup tournament after you've beaten the M4 tournaments. See Calendar for Invite and Tourney dates.

    You can only WIN one Legend Cup tournament (and Hall of Fame) with a given monster! To win the alternating year Legend Cup tournament you must raise a new monster. However, you can unlock both White Suezo and White Mocchi with the same monster as long as you forfeit the first Legend Cup (This will still unlock the Enemy Card and ability to shrine it), so that you can participate in the next one and acquire that monster's Enemy Card..

    Legend Cup (Even years):
    (White Mocchi)
    Legend Cup (Odd years):
    (White Suezo)

    ERRANTRY : Unlockable Encounters

    All of the S & A class enemy bosses (the /??? Rares) require at least a B Grade monster or higher. Some have additional exceptions or requirements, listed below.
    Papas Mountains:
    S: Bighand[1] (Jill)
    A: Kamui (Tiger)
    A: Crescent (Kato)
    Mandy Desert:
    S: Sniper[2] (Centaur)
    A: Sand Golem (Golem)
    A: Burning Wall (Monol)
    Parepare Jungle:
    S: King Ape[3] (Ape)
    A: Wild Saurian (Zuum)
    A: Mad Clay (Gaboo)
    Torble Sea:
    S: Zilla King[4] (Zilla)
    A: Silver Face (Arrow Head)
    A: Bloody Eye (Hopper)
    Kawrea Volcano:
    S: Blue Phoenix[5] (Phoenix)
    A: Punisher (Naga)
    A: Magma Heart (Dragon)

    Encounter Conditions & Chances:

    Additions to requiring a B grade or higher monster.
    • [1] Bighand can be encountered after Jill unlock pre-requisite conditions are met. "Bighand" will be unlocked as soon as the main breed Jill is unlocked after using the fusion item that is won from the encounter.
    • [2] Requires Centaur to be unlocked before it can be encountered. Once encountered it is unlocked.
    • [3] 1999/Original version: King Ape can only be encountered while Magic Bananas are the most recent Shop item. Fixed in DX; You can encounter forever. Once encountered it is unlocked.
    • [4] Zilla King can be encountered after Zilla unlock pre-requisite conditions are met. "Zilla King" will be unlocked as soon as the main breed Zilla is unlocked after using the fusion item that is won from the encounter.
    • [5] Blue Phoenix can be encountered if Phoenix is unlocked, and the Year is 1010 or higher. Once encountered it is unlocked.

    Encounter Chance with a B+ grade monster
    Enemy RankS contition
    is met
    S contition
    is NOT met
    S Encounter chance20%0%
    A Encounter chance8.9%11.1%
    A Encounter chance8.9%11.1%


    Credits: Lexichu, MonsterFenrick, SmilingFaces96, Teawch
    Built from MRM, and Alchius' consolidated info as a groundwork with additional modifications and new discoveries amended.

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