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Monster Farm 2 Translations and Reference guide

Additional Credits: Big Baku-huna for providing translation screenshots.

Work In Progress
This is simply a collection of Menu images for those playing the Japanese version of Monster Rancher 2 (Monster Farm 2) and need help referencing the English menu selections while playing the Japanese version to navigate and play the game. I don't plan to capture or translate all dialogue in the game, as most of it isn't really needed to play the game in terms of raising/training/battling your monster.


Generic options
Yes/No selections always have "Yes" on top of, or to the left of "No"
    Yes or No choice vertical or Yes or No choice horizontal


Colt Translations
Colt's Wellness Indicators
    Colt's Wellness indicator

Colt's Prime State indicator

    Colt's Prime indicator

Colt's retirement indicator

    Colt's retirement indicator


Dadge Translations
Dadge's Combining indicators
    Main Menu

Dadge's Battle Specials

    Dadge's Battle Specials


Monster Data and Other Translations
Monster Data translations
    Monster Data translations

Sweet & Sour Jellies

    Sweet & Sour Jellies

Monster Names

    JP NameEN nameJP nameEN name
    ピクシー Pixieニャー Mew
    ドラゴン Dragonヒノトリ Phoenix
    ケンタウロス Centaurゴースト Ghost
    コロペンドラ Color Pandoraメタルナー Metalner
    ビークロン Beaclonスエゾー Suezo
    ヘンガー Hengerジール Jill
    ラッキー(チャッキー) Wrackyモッチー Mocchi
    ゴーレム Golemジョーカー Joker
    ロードランナー Zuumネンドロ Gaboo
    デュラハン Durahanゲル Jell
    アローヘッド Arrow Headウンディーネ Undine
    ライガー Tigerナイトン Niton
    ホッパー HopperモックMock
    ハム Hareダックン Ducken
    バクー Bakuプラント Plant
    ガリ Galiモノリス Monol
    アーケロ Katoラウー Ape
    グジラ Zillaワーム Worm
    バジャール Bajarlナーガ Naga

Battle Specials

    JP NameEN nameJP nameEN name
    状態変化Battle Special我慢Guard


Town Menus
Main Menu
    Main Menu

Market selections

    Market Get or Sell

Shrine Options

    Shrine Options

Laboratory (Note: Analyze only shows up with a monster unfrozen)

    Laboratory menu choices


    File save or load choices


Ranch Menus
Main Menu
    Ranch main menu choices

Training choices

    Training Drill or Errantry

Training Drill Choices

    Monster Rancher 2 light and heavy drills

    Light Drills summary

      DominoPow ↑Fatigue ↑
      ShootSki ↑Fatigue ↑
      StudyInt ↑Fatigue ↑
      DodgeSpd ↑Fatigue ↑
      RunLif ↑Fatigue ↑
      EndureDef ↑Fatigue ↑

    Heavy Drills summary

      Pull Pow ⇈ Lif ↑ Spd ↓ Fatigue ⇈
      Leap Spd ⇈ Int ↑ Pow ↓ Fatigue ⇈
      Meditate Int ⇈ Ski ↑ Def ↓ Fatigue ⇈
      Swim Def ⇈ Lif ↑ Int ↓ Fatigue ⇈

Training Errantry Choices

    Monster Rancher 2 Errantry Locations

    Errantry summary
      1. Papas (Sharp Tech) Spd ⇈ Lif ↑ Fatigue ⇈
      2. Mandy (Heavy Tech) Pow ⇈ Lif ↑ Fatigue ⇈
      3. ParePare (Withering) Int ⇈ Lif ↑ Fatigue ⇈
      4. Torble Sea (Hit Tech) Ski ⇈ Lif ↑ Fatigue ⇈
      5. Kawrea (Special Techs) Def ⇈ Lif ↑ Fatigue ⇈


Battle options
This includes giving up as well as deciding to control your monster.
  • MR2 Battle menu
  • MR2 Battle Advice


New Game and initial setup
You only ever see this event once. This is how to navigate through the beginning events to get to the Town main menu. I left the dialogue out that does not give you any choices, but you will see each option here where you must provide input to proceed.
  • Monster Rancher 2 start button
  • Monster Rancher 2 Start Menu
  • MR2 registration
  • MR2 registration confirmation
  • MR2 question 1
  • MR2 Question 2
  • MR2 Question 3
  • MR2 Question 4
  • MR2 Question 5
  • MR2 Question 7
  • MR2 Question 8
  • MR2 Question 9
  • MR2 Question 10
There will be some exchange as you are introduced to Colt. Afterwards she asks if you want to know about anything, simply choose the last option to proceed, otherwise you can watch Colt explain various things to you for the other options.
  • MR2 Colt Assistance
  • MR2 exit setup
Once you have told Colt you are done, you will now be at the Town main menu (minus the Hall option, until you get a Hall of Fame monster).


Funeral Options
When that sad moment comes, you can either hold a ceremony, or not. Most of this is dialogue without any choice options regardless if you hold the ceremony. Once it is finished, you will be at the Town main menu.
  • MR2 my monster died
  • MR2 Ceremony choice
This page was last modified: July 26 2024
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