This page was last modified: January 14 2025
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Monster Rancher 2 Combo Breaker 2025 Live Tournament

Monster Rancher 2 consolidated item list

Item effects and information for Monster Rancher 2 and MR2DX. Items are an important and often overlooked aspect of Monster Rancher. See what items do and what effects they have on your monster!


Monthly Food & Monster Preferences
Monthly food choices have varying effects based on monster preferences. It is only offered on Week 1 of the month. Typically a monster can only be fed 1 item per week, but the Monthly food is in addition to the weekly food. This shouldn't be considered "reward/punishment item" for your monster; This is an opportunity to reduce stress with an extra item! (or, increase stress with the wrong item).

Potato MR2
Milk MR2
Fish MR2
Cup Jelly MR2
Meat MR2
Tablet MR2

Likes & Dislikes

All monsters have 1 of 3 preference for each of the 5 monthly foods at all times; Liked, Neutral, and Disliked.

The benefits of the monthly foods are altered based on a monster's preference for them.

  • The preferences on the status screen will override their natural preferences if there is a conflict.
    • If they naturally like Tablet but were born with Dislikes Tablet, then they Dislike Tablet
  • A monster’s Likes/Dislikes shown on the Status screen are randomized at birth. You can repeatedly shrine a monster to try and get a liked food preference or avoid a disliked food.
  • Liking something on the status screen in addition to liking innately does not provide additional benefit.
  • Liking/Disliking "You" does not override the born with Likes/Dislikes items, or their natural preferences.
    • If they "Like Tablet" at birth, and eventually "like you", they still Like Tablet.
  • Liking/Disliking Battle adjusts post-tournament stat gains.
    • Liking Battle gives you +1 stats to the post-tournament gains.
    • Disliking Battle gives -1 stats to post-tournament gains.
Monster Natural Preferences (Before Likes/Dislikes)
Click header to sort columns
(Stg 1&10)
FishCup JellyMeatTablet
Monthly Food Effects
Click header to sort columns
LikesMilk: Stage 1 or 10-30+3+1
NeutralMilk: Stage 1 or 10-20+1+1
LikesCup Jelly-7+1+2-3
NeutralCup Jelly-5+1+1-3
DislikesCup Jelly+1+1-1-3
Food Preferences List (Older version)

Potato natural preference:

  • Liked: +1 Spoil, -1 Form
    Baku, Beaclon, Colorpandora, Ducken
  • Neutral: +4 Stress, +3 Fear, -4 Spoil, -1 Form
    Centaur, Henger, Metalner, Jill, Mock, Plant, Worm
  • Disliked: +16 Stress, +4 Fear, -10 Spoil, -1 Form
    Ape, Arrowhead, Bajarl, Dragon, Durahan, Gaboo, Gali, Ghost, Golem, Hare, Hopper, Jell, Joker, Kato, Mew, Mocchi, Monol, Naga, Niton, Phoenix, Pixie, Suezo, Tiger, Undine, Wracky, Zilla, Zuum

Milk natural preference:

  • Liked: -3 Stress, +3 Spoil, +1 Form
    Ape, Baku, Colorpandora, Ducken, Gaboo, Ghost, Hare, Hopper, Mew, Mock, Plant, Wracky
  • Neutral: -2 Stress, +1 Spoil, +1 Form
    Arrowhead, Bajarl, Beaclon, Centaur, Golem, Henger, Jell, Metalner, Mocchi, Monol, Niton, Suezo, Tiger, Undine, Worm, Zilla, Zuum
  • Disliked: +4 Stress, -4 Spoil, +1 Form
    Dragon, Durahan, Gali, Jill, Joker, Kato, Naga, Phoenix, Pixie

    Milk (Stage 1/Baby & Stage 10/Twilight Info):
    • Liked: -3 Stress, +3 Spoil, +1 Form
      All Stage 1 & 10 monsters except the below
    • Neutral: -2 Stress, +1 Spoil, +1 Form
      Bajarl, Dragon, Durahan, Gali, Henger, Joker, Kato, Metalner, Niton

Fish natural preference:

  • Liked: -6 Stress, +3 Spoil, +2 Form
    Arrowhead, Baku, Ducken, Golem, Hare, Jell, Jill, Kato, Mew, Mocchi, Mock, Naga, Niton, Phoenix, Pixie, Plant, Undine, Zilla, Zuum
  • Neutral: -3 Stress, +2 Spoil, +2 Form
    Bajarl, Beaclon, Colorpandora, Dragon, Durahan, Gaboo, Gali, Ghost, Henger, Hopper, Metalner, Monol, Suezo, Tiger
  • Disliked: +2 Stress, +1 Fear, -2 Spoil, +2 Form
    Ape, Centaur, Joker, Worm, Wracky

Cup Jelly natural preference:

  • Liked: -7 Stress, +1 Fear, +2 Spoil, -3 Form
    Beaclon, Centaur, Ducken, Gaboo, Gali, Ghost, Metalner, Mocchi, Monol, Pixie, Suezo, Worm, Wracky
  • Neutral: -5 Stress, +1 Fear, +1 Spoil, -3 Form
    Ape, Arrowhead, Bajarl, Colorpandora, Dragon, Durahan, Hare, Henger, Hopper, Joker, Mew, Mock, Niton, Phoenix, Plant, Tiger, Zilla, Zuum
  • Disliked: +1 Stress, +1 Fear, -1 Spoil, -3 Form
    Baku, Golem, Jell, Jill, Kato, Naga, Undine

Meat natural preference:

  • Liked: -8 Stress, +6 Spoil, +6 Form
    Ape, Bajarl, Baku, Centaur, Dragon, Ducken, Durahan, Gali, Golem, Henger, Hopper, Jill, Joker, Naga, Phoenix, Suezo, Tiger, Wracky, Zuum
  • Neutral: -6 Stress, +4 Spoil, +6 Form
    Beaclon, Colorpandora, Gaboo, Ghost, Hare, Jell, Kato, Metalner, Mew, Mocchi, Mock, Monol, Zilla
  • Disliked: +1 Fear, +1 Spoil, +6 Form
    Arrowhead, Niton, Pixie, Plant, Undine, Worm

Tablets natural preference:

  • Liked: -15 Stress, +2 Fear, +3 Spoil, +3 Form
    Arrowhead, Bajarl, Beaclon, Centaur, Colorpandora, Ducken, Durahan, Gaboo, Gali, Golem, Hare, Henger, Jell, Metalner, Mocchi, Naga, Plant, Tiger, Worm
  • Neutral: -13 Stress, +2 Fear, +1 Spoil, +3 Form
    Ape, Dragon, Ghost, Hopper, Jill, Joker, Mew, Mock, Monol, Niton, Phoenix, Pixie, Suezo, Wracky, Zilla, Zuum
  • Disliked: -10 Stress, +2 Fear, -1 Spoil, +3 Form
    Baku, Kato, Undine


Special Shop Items
Visit the Shop immediately on a new game!
New Shop items are released every 200 weeks (4 years 2 months) from your first visit to the shop.
The following dates are the soonest the items can appear:
    ItemYear AvailablePurchase PriceSell Price
    Magic BananaJune 1004150g100g
    NageelAugust 10081000g500g
    TroronOctober 10121200g600g
    KasseitanDecember 10161500g750g
    LaroxFebruary 10212200g1000g
    ManseitanApril 10253000g1500g
    Details on these items below


Consumable Items
Consumable Items are items that can be used any week of the month. Many can eventually be purchased at the shop. Some items can be acquired early by winning them from tournaments, or finding on expedition etc.

Shop Consumables
Table View of shop items

Click on a column heater to sort
Item Stress Fatigue Fear Spoil Form Lifespan (wks) Other Effects Note
Mango - -10+1+1+1 - - -
Candy-2 - - +1+10 - - -
Smoked Snake - - +40%-20%-10 - - -
Apple Cake - - -10%+10%+10 - - -
Mint Leaf-50% - - -2-5 - - -
Powder - +5 - - -24 - - -
Sweet Jelly - - - - +5 - -5 Nature Shift -
Sour jelly - - - - +5 - +5 Nature Shift -
Nuts Oil-20% (HAD)-28+1+1 - - - HAD = Henger, Arrowhead, Durahan
in main or sub.
Star Prunes - - - +5+1 - +20 Fame -
Magic Banana
- - +10+10-1-1 - -
Magic Banana
- - -10+100 - - -
Magic Banana
- - -10-10+1+1 - Of the 3, usually desired for PSX version.
(+1 wk & drops loyalty)
Magic Banana
-100+10+10-1 - - Of the 3, usually desired for MR2DX.
(-10 stress & raises loyalty)
Magic Banana
-5-15-10+100 - - -
Magic Banana
0-30-10-10+1 - - -
Nageel - - - - - -20+50% to SKI & DEFTemp Stats for 1 tourney on week used
Troron - - - - - -6+10 POW, +5 SKI Per week, for Non-failed drills. Lasts 4 weeks.
Kasseitan - - - - - -20+50% to POW & SPDTemp Stats for 1 tourney on week used
Larox - - - - - -4+10 to POW & DEF, -10 LIF -
Manseitan - - - - - -5+10 to LIF & SKI, -10 SPD

Mango MR2
  • -10 Fatigue
  • +1 Fear
  • +1 Spoil
  • +1 Form
Candy MR2
  • -2 Stress
  • +1 Spoil
  • +10 Form
Smoked Snake MR2
Smoked Snake
  • +40% Fear
  • -20% Spoil
  • -10 Form
Apple Cake MR2
Apple Cake
  • -10% Fear
  • +10 Spoil
  • +10 Form
Mint Leaf MR2
Mint Leaf
  • -50% Stress
  • -2 Spoil
  • -5 Form
Powder MR2
  • +5 Fatigue
  • -24 Form
Sweet Jelly MR2
Sweet Jelly
  • +5 Form
  • -5 Nature shift
Sour Jelly MR2
Sour Jelly
  • +5 Form
  • +5 Nature shift
Nuts Oil MR2
Nuts Oil
  • -28 Fatigue
  • +1 Fear
  • +1 Spoil
Additional -20% Stress for any monster with "H.A.D." Main or Sub-breeds (Henger, Arrow Head, Durahan)
Star Prune MR2
Star Prune
  • +20 Fame
  • +5 Spoil
  • +1 Form
Nageel MR2
Use this item to gain temporary stats for a tournament that week:
  • +50% SKI
  • +50% DEF
  • -20 weeks lifespan on use.
Kasseitan MR2
Use this item to gain temporary stats for a tournament that week:
  • +50% POW
  • +50% SPD
  • -20 weeks lifespan on use.
Troron MR2
Use this item to gain permanent stats weekly for any non-failed Drill or Errantry:
  • +10 POW
  • +5 SKI
  • -6 weeks lifespan on use.
Effect lasts 4 weeks. It is not alerted directly on the result screen but are silently applied to the stats as long as the result is not "Failure"
Larox MR2
  • +10 POW
  • +10 DEF
  • -10 LIF
  • -4 weeks lifespan on use.
Manseitan MR2
  • +10 LIF
  • +10 SKI
  • -10 SPD
  • -5 weeks lifespan on use.
Magic Banana 1999 MR2
Magic Banana (1999/PS1)
    Desired effect highlighted
Loyalty drops for a +1 week lifespan
Magic Banana 2021 MR2DX
Magic Banana (2021/DX)
    Desired effect highlighted
Loyalty increases for -10 Stress

Notes about Magic Banana

Magic Bananas are an item with a random effect on use. Without using tools, you can observe Loyalty in-game to determine which effect is received.
How Loyalty works: Loyalty = (Fear/2) + (Spoil/2) . Fear and Spoil cap at 100, and cannot drop below 0. When loyalty is at the extreme ranges (close to 0 or close to 100) you will likely only see Loyalty shift a few points.
  • Desired Effects: For PSX version, 1 Magic Banana will drop loyalty and increase lifespan by 1 week. This must be done every week and will keep loyalty at 0. It is very tedious but you can achieve an immortal monster in this manner.
  • Desired Effects: For MR2DX version, 1 Magic Banana will raise loyalty and and reduce stress by a static amount of 10. Using only 1 per month with the right raising schedule and Gemini Pots, every monster can have access to 3 heavy drills per month without lifespan hits. While this does not extend lifespan, it allows you to do more rigorous training in less time and 75% less save-scumming.

Expedition Acquired Consumables
Paradoxine MR2
Use this item to gain/lower permanent stats weekly for any non-failed Drill or Errantry:
  • +30 POW & +30 SKI
  • -10% SPD & -10% DEF
  • -18 weeks lifespan on use.
  • Acquired on Expedition in Torles Mountains location "i"; Sells for 1500 G.
*Effect lasts 4 weeks. It is not alerted directly on the result screen but are silently applied to the stats as long as the result is not "Failure"
Gold Peach MR2
Gold Peach
Half Eaten MR2
Half Eaten
  • +1 Form
Rock Candy MR2
Rock Candy
  • +1 Form
Irritater MR2
  • +10 Fatigue
  • +15 Stress
  • -1 Form
Griever MR2
  • +10 Fatigue
  • -40% Stress
  • -1 Form

Tournament Acquired Consumables
Teromeann Teromeamn Teromeann MR2
Use this item to gain temporary stats for a tournament that week:
  • +100% SPD
  • +20% POW
  • +20% SKI
  • -20 weeks of lifespan on use.
  • Acquired from September, Wk 1 Telomeann Cup
Other spellings in-game: Teromeamn and Telomeann
Silver Peach MR2
Silver Peach
Quack Doll MR2
Quack Doll
  • +50% Fatigue
  • -50% Stress
  • Applies automatically if you give it to monster.
  • Sells for 3000 G.


Additional Peach Information
  • Weeks are immediately added (+50 for Gold Peach, +25 for Silver Peach).
  • The monster's life stage is adjusted the week after the peach is fed.
  • It is not possible to roll back a monster's life stage to Stage 1 using peaches.
How/Why does this happen?
  • The game's code calculates Life Stage breakpoints based on a monster's born-with Aging type and lifespan. At the beginning of each week, the game checks if the lifespan of the current monster has reached a breakpoint. If it does, the Life Stage is updated.
  • However, there is no breakpoint for Life Stage 1 (the beginning lifespan weeks of a given monster). There are only breakpoints from the beginning of stage 2 onward. This is why feeding a peach can never revert a monster's higher Life Stage back to Life Stage 1, because the game simply isn't coded to check for it.
  • In most scenarios with normal lifespan monsters while feeding the peaches after prime, The weeks of the peach are added, and the clock is moved back the number of added weeks, usually incrementing your monster 1 more Life Stages prior.
  • In PVP, peaches are often used in Life Stage 1, adding weeks into this stage for use with competitive strategies for using Cheat! drills to lower unwanted stats.
  • In Single Player peaches are most often used after Life Stage 5 (Prime) when X # of weeks have passed from the start of stage 5 as the peach being fed, allowing one to live through stage 5 multiple times when the stat gains are scaled the highest.
  • Very short lived monsters can have an odd behavior. Using the 98 week Prince Hare with a Normal Aging Type in MR2DX as the example:
    • The first check for Life Stage 2 is at 88 weeks.
    • Feeding a Gold Peach at Stage 4 with 63 weeks remaining adds 50 weeks of lifespan bringing the lifespan up to 113 weeks.
    • The game is looking for the next breakpoint, which in this case is going to be 88 weeks remaining.
    • You'll notice the monster doesn't leave stage 4 the following week, or even 14 weeks later when it should. This particular monster will remain in Life Stage 4 for 25 weeks, at which time it will have 88 weeks remaining (the first "stage 2" check), then finally revert to Life Stage 2 the next time the game rolls into a new week.


Passive Items
Passive Items take effect every 1st week and are stackable -- Just having them in your inventory will provide the benefit.
They are not given or fed to your monster. Since the effect is automatic, your are still free to use the Monthly food and Weekly items while also benefiting from the passive effects of these items.
Table View of Passive items

Passive Item Table
"FL" is floored/rounded down (remove anything after decimal)
ItemFatigueStressFearSpoilNatureSells for GNotesGet from
Artemis Sculpture-3% FL  +1 1500 Tournament
Artemis Sculpture
-3% FL    1500 Tournament
Dino Tail-1% FL    100 Expedition
Fire Stone-3% FL    5000Dec - Feb onlyExpedition
Flower -2% FL   10 Monster Gift
Gemini Pot -3% FL+1  1500 Tournament
Gemini Pot
 -1+1  1500Also up to -3% FLTournament
Hero Badge    +15000 Tournament
Heel Badge    -15000 Tournament
Lump of Ice-3% FL    150Jun - Aug onlyExpedition
Pure Gold-1% FL-1% FL   6000Gold Suezo onlyTournament

Artemis Sculpture MR2
Sculpture (1999/PS1)
  • -3% Fatigue (Floored)
  • +1 Spoil
  • Acquired from Tournament
  • Sells for 1500 G.
No Fatigue reduction below 34, but can raise loyalty through Spoil (though not really worth holding onto).
Artemis Sculpture MR2DX
Sculpture (2021/DX)
  • -3% Fatigue (Floored)
  • Acquired from Tournament
  • Sells for 1500 G.
No Fatigue reduction below 34. Item is truly vendor trash in DX.
Dino Tail MR2
Dino Tail
  • -1% Fatigue (Floored)
  • Acquired from Expedition
  • Sells for 100 G.
No Fatigue reduction below 100.
Fire Stone MR2
Fire Stone
  • -3% Fatigue (Floored)
  • Acquired from Expedition
  • Sells for 5000 G.
Effect only works Dec - Feb. No Fatigue reduction below 34.
Flower MR2
  • -2% Fatigue (Floored)
  • Given as a gift from your monster.
  • Sells for 10 G.
No Fatigue reduction below 49.
Gemini Pot MR2
Gemini's Pot (1999/PS1)
  • -3% Stress (Floored)
  • +1 Fear
  • Acquired from Tournament
  • Sells for 1500 G.
No stress reduction below 34, but helps raise loyalty through Fear. Best passive item.
Gemini Pot MR2DX
Gemini's Pot (2021/DX)
  • -1 Stress Minimum
  • -3% Stress (Floored)
  • +1 Fear
  • Acquired from Tournament
  • Sells for 1500 G.
Always at least -1 Stress, and helps raise loyalty through Fear. Best passive item buffed in DX.
Hero Badge MR2
Hero Badge
  • +1 Nature
  • Acquired from Tournament
  • Sells for 5000 G.
Tournament rewards the badge corresponding to your monster's current nature.
Heel Badge MR2
Heel Badge
  • -1 Nature
  • Acquired from Tournament
  • Sells for 5000 G.
Tournament rewards the badge corresponding to your monster's current nature.
Lump of Ice MR2
Lump of Ice
  • -3% Fatigue (Floored)
  • Acquired from Expedition
  • Sells for 150 G.
Effect only works Jun - Aug. No Fatigue reduction below 34.
Pure Gold MR2
Pure Gold
  • -1% Fatigue (Floored)
  • -1% Stress (Floored)
  • Acquired from Tournament or Expedition
  • Sells for 6000 G.
Effect only works for Gold Suezo. No Stress or Fatigue reduction below 100.

Note about the passives
  • Passive Items only work on Week 1, and assumes your monster is actually on the ranch when the week rolls into week 1 (this means you are prompted to feed it the monthly item), and not brought out after it is already week 1.
  • Passives can be stacked, but they are calculated 1 at a time.
    • e.g. 10 Artemis Sculptures doesn't reduce Fatigue by 30%, it reduces it by 3% one at a time. If you were at 100 Fatigue, the first pot would be 3% of 100 (-3), the second would be 3% of 97 (-2) etc.)
    • WHAT DOES FLOORED MEAN? It removes anything after a decimal (e.g. 0.9 is not rounded up to 1, it's just "0").
    • You can see that for all items that don't have a static reduction, Stress or Fatigue values must be incredibly high to receive minimal benefits.
      Break points for Floored %
      Effect at 100-3-2-1
      Effect at 99 or less-2-10
      Effect at 66 or less-1-10
      Effect at 49 or less-100
      Effect at 33 or less000
  • Stacking Gemini Pots is incredibly strong. The extra Fear helps raise loyalty quickly, and DX's additional guaranteed -1 stress reduction per each pot makes this the most important passive item in the game, guaranteeing stress reduction even at lower values where originally it would stop working.
  • Heel & Hero badges are also stackable. However, having an equal amount of both badges cancels each other out. Situational for specific use-cases but are also safe to vendor, since Nature can more quickly and easily be adjusted with Jellies.
  • Artemis Sculptures are generally not useful to keep due to rounding down and also being calculated separately (one at a time), but they can have minor use when returning to the ranch on week 1 after Errantries. The extra Spoil isn't as valued as Gemini's Pot's extra Fear since it's much easier to give Spoil with praises and such but fewer opportunities for Fear. In DX The extra spoil was removed and is purely a vendor item.
  • All other Passives aren't beneficial enough to justify using up your limited inventory space, and many provide zero benefit due to flooring/rounding unless you're already at critical levels, and even then you're looking at 1 to 3 points. Compare this to the effect of a single Nuts Oil or Mint Leaf and the remaining passives are just clutter. Sell anything that isn't a Gemini Pot, and if you're keeping badges, only keep the one you need.


Combination Items
These are items that can be used in the Lab when fusing two monsters together. Fusion items have many purposes. Some will unlock new monsters, while others may give breed traits or battle specials.

DNA Capsules:

    In NTSC/1999 version for PlayStation, the DNA capsules must be cheated in, as the PocketStation was never released outside of Japan. In MR2DX, the PocketStation mini-game is built into the game and accessed virtually by setting a monster to a "Job" in town, then accessing the mini-game from the Game Start screen option. You must score 225 points (or higher) to be rewarded a random DNA capsule. The color of capsule determines outcome when using as an item while combining two monsters.
    Explanation of the PocketStation Mini-Game (Translation from Japanese)

    DNA CapsuleMR2 (1999)MR2DX (2021)
    Acquire by:Use CheatScore 225+ Points
    Pink Gentle Mocchi Gentle Mocchi
    BlackForwardGolem Dream Golem
    White White Mocchi White Mocchi
    Grey Moo Moo
    Gold Gold Suezo Gold Suezo
    Yellow Mia Mia
    Red Poison Poison

Visual Disc Chip Guide
Ape Disc Chips
(+1) on Parepare Jungle Errantry
(sell: 1000 G)
Arrow Head Disc Chips
Arrow Head:
Guard Battle Special
(sell: 500 G)
Bajarl Disc Chips
Vigor Battle Special
(sell: 1000 G)
Baku Disc Chips
+50 Form
(sell: 500 G)
Beaclon Disc Chips
(+1) on Pull
(sell: 500 G)
Centaur Disc Chips
(+1) on Mandy Desert Errantry
(sell: 2000 G)
Color Pandora Disc Chips
Color Pandora:
+50 Spoil
(sell: 500 G)
Dragon Disc Chips
Fury Battle Special
(sell: 2000 G)
Ducken Disc Chips
+50 SPD
(sell: 1000 G)
Durahan Disc Chips
(+1) on Domino
(sell: 1500 G)
Gaboo Disc Chips
Fight Battle Special
(sell: 500 G)
Gali Disc Chips
+50 Base Nature
(sell: 1000 G)
Ghost Disc Chips
(+1) on Dodge
(sell: 1000 G)
Golem Disc Chips
+50 POW
(sell: 500 G)
Hare Disc Chips
Grit Battle Special
(sell: 500 G)
Henger Disc Chips
(+1) on Shoot
(sell: 1000 G)
Hopper Disc Chips
-50 Form
(sell: 500 G)
Jell Disc Chips
(+1) on Endure
(sell: 500 G)
Jill Disc Chips
(+1) on Papas Mountain Errantry
(sell: 1500 G)
Joker Disc Chips
-50 Base Nature
(sell: 1500 G)
Kato Disc Chips
(+1) on Meditate
(sell: 500 G)
Metalner Disc Chips
+50 Fear
(sell: 1500 G)
Mew Disc Chips
Hurry Battle Special
(sell: 1000 G)
Mocchi Disc Chips
+50 Fame
(sell: 500 G)
Mock Disc Chips
+10 Lifespan
(sell: 2000 G)
Monol Disc Chips
+50 DEF
(sell: 500 G)
Naga Disc Chips
+50 SKI
(sell: 500 G)
Niton Disc Chips
(+1) on Swim
(sell: 500 G)
Phoenix Disc Chips
(+1) on Kawrea Volcano Errantry
(sell: 2000 G)
Pixie Disc Chips
+50 INT
(sell: 1000 G)
Plant Disc Chips
+10 Lifespan
(sell: 1500 G)
Suezo Disc Chips
Ease Battle Special
(sell: 500 G)
Tiger Disc Chips
Will Battle Special
(sell: 500 G)
Undine Disc Chips
(+1) on Study
(sell: 1000 G)
Worm Disc Chips
+50 LIF
(sell: 500 G)
Wracky Disc Chips
(+1) on Leap
(sell: 1500 G)
Zilla Disc Chips
(+1) on Torble Sea Errantry
(sell: 1500 G)
Zuum Disc Chips
(+1) on Run
(sell: 500 G)

All disc chips persuade combination % outcome to their respective monster/breed, which can also lower the % outcome for other results (which can actually be good, since lower % outcomes can give higher Stat Bonuses if properly aligned), but the breed of the Disc Chip used must be present in at least one of the parent monsters to see this effect.

Sortable Combination Items Table
ItemEffectValue (G)
Ape Chips +1 on Parepare Jungle Errantry1000
Arrowhead Chips Guard Battle Special500
Bajarl Chips Vigor Battle Special1000
Baku Chips +50 Form500
Beaclon Chips +1 on Pull Drill500
Big Boots Generate Jill 0
Big Footstep +10 LIF, +10 DEF 1000
Centaur Chips +1 on Mandy Desert Errantry2000
Colorpandora Chips +50 Spoil500
Crab's Claw +50 SKI, +50 DEF 2000
Double Edged Generate Durahan5000
Dragon Chips Fury Battle Special2000
Dragon Tusk Generate Dragon3000
Ducken Chips +50 SPD1000
Ducken Doll Generate Ducken3000
Durahan Chips +1 on Domino Drill1500
Fire Feather Generate Phoenix 0
Gaboo Chips Fight Battle Special500
Gali Chips +50 Nature1000
Ghost Chips +1 on Dodge Drill1000
Golem Chips +50 POW500
Hare Chips Grit Battle Special500
Henger Chips +1 on Shoot Drill1000
Hopper Chips -50 Form500
Jell Chips +1 on Endure Drill500
Jill Chips +1 on Papas Mountain Errantry1500
Joker Chips -50 Nature1500
Kato Chips +1 on Meditate Drill500
Magic Pot Generate Bajarl 0
Mask Generate Joker 0
Metalner Chips +50 Fear1500
Mew Chips Hurry Battle Special1000
Mocchi Chips +50 Fame500
Mock Chips +10 Lifespan2000
Monol Chips +50 DEF500
Naga Chips +50 SKI500
Niton Chips +1 on Swim Drill500
Old Sheath -10 DEF 50
Phoenix Chips +1 on Kawrea Volcano Errantry2000
Pixie Chips +50 INT1000
Plant Chips +10 Lifespan1500
Spear Generate Centaur 0
Stick Generate Ghost 0
Suezo Chips Ease Battle Special500
Taurus' Horn +25 Nature2000
Tiger Chips Will Battle Special500
Undine Chips +1 on Study Drill1000
Undine Slate Generate Undine 0
Worm Chips +50 LIF500
Wracky Chips +1 on Leap Drill1500
Zilla Beard Generate Zilla 0
Zilla Chips +1 on Torble Sea Errantry1500
Zuum Chips +1 on Run Drill500

Things of Note

  • Strong Glue: 1999/NTSC - The only way to get the Strong Glue out of your inventory in the original game is to use a Gameshark or cheat device to remove it from inventory.
    2021 MR2DX/JP Ports - You are able to sell the Strong Glue. Even after selling you will continue to make the Ducken dolls instead of the Quack Dolls
  • Monster wants [item]: The items your monster will request for a drill have very minor effects like +1 form, -2 form, or -1 stress. For the most part they do the same thing but cost different amounts. None of them are important- they’re just there to cause stress to your monster if you say "No.". Monsters requesting Nuts Oil still receive the full benefit of Fatigue relief (H.A.D. monsters do not get the extra Stress relief from a requested Nuts Oil).


Mundane Items
You might find these on expedition, or a monster may request them, or even bring them to you etc.
Sortable Table of mundane items
ItemStressFatigueSpoilFearFormValue (G)
Bay Shrimp    +1 
Bone    +1 
Cedar Log-1     
Clay Doll-1     
Colart Tea-5   +5 
Colt's Cake    +15 
Cup Jelly[3]    -3 
Disc Dish    +1 
Fish[3]    -2 
Fish Bone    +1 
Galoe Nut    -1 
God's Slate[1]     50
Gold Medal[2]     400
Griever-40%+10  -1 
Half Cake  +5-2+5 
Half Eaten    +1 
Ice Candy    +1 
Ice of Papas-1     
Irritater+15+5  -1 
Meat[3]    +6 
Meteorite     400
Milk[3]    +1 
Mock Nut    +1 
Music Box[2]     2500
Ocean Stone     1000
Olive Oil-1   +1 
Parepare Tea-1   +1 
Perfume Oil-2   +5 
Pile of Meat    +12 
Potato[3]    -1 
Pure Platina     8000
Pure Silver     4000
Razor Blade-1     
Rice Cracker    +1 
Rock Candy    +1 
Seaweed    -2 
Shaved Ice-12   +1 
Shiny Stone     750
Silk Cloth-1     
Silk Hat-1     
Steamed Bun    +2 
Stick of Ice-1     
Sun Lamp-1     
Sweet Potato-5   +10 
Tablet[3]    +3 
Torles Water-1     
Whet Stone-1     
Wool Ball-1    

  • [1] God's Slate: An errantry lore/quest item. It is speculated to be related to an encounter with Moo that was cut from the game, due to finding unused Moo stat data in the game code. It's also possible it just never had a purpose outside of being Talico's object of desire and why he wants to go to Kawrea in the first place.
  • [2] PocketStation "Job" reward
  • [3] Effect only when item is requested by the monster before doing a drill. This is NOT the effect when fed as the Week 1 monthly food!

Credits: Multiple MRM Food, Item, Disk Chip lists, and Alchius' consolidated info and assessment.
This information is not new, but has been consolidated into a single page for all items for ease of access.

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