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Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher consolidated item list

A List of items and their effects in Ultra Kaiju MR. It should be noted that not all items are available at the start of the game. Many items are found, gifted, or unlocked by winning them in tournaments. Additionally, every 4 years and 2 months from Year 10/Month 4/Week 1, a new item will be unlocked that hasn't been found.


Monthly Food items

Standard Food

Dried Grass--5715-5Bad
6-Grain Brothers800011--1Light
Heaping Salad1000032-62Cold
Fresh Fish Plate1200023-7-3Cold
Ultra Meat1500062-86Warm
Nutrition Pellets20000-3-133Bad
Giant Egg250008-5-2010Fancy

Standard Food (Robot)

Old Oil--5515-5Bad
Light Oil50003--1-2Light
Heavy Oil8000-6-63Rich

Spices to use with Standard Food

Spices are found randomly from doing Drills, Monster gifts, and during Adventure (both randomly while walking, and from specific search locations)
Space Chili Pepper5000-8515Spicy
Space Lemon5000-6--Sour
Zestium Pepper5000-3--5Spicy
Honey Jellion5000-1-7Sweet
Garamon Sauce50006--8Bitter
Neronga Sichuan500082-15Numbing
Grigio Salt500010--20Strong


Cooking Items / Alternate Monthly Food

Feasts from Cooking Drill

The Cooking drill can occasionally reward an alternate monthly food.
Kanezo Omelet9-2-155Good
Shocking Oden33-205Good
Ultraman Curry7--187Good

Feasts from Ingredients

The ingredients required for these Feasts are obtained randomly and are stored in the Cooking Ingredients tab. Once enough ingredients have been obtained for a particular feast, you will see one of the below listed as an option for the Monthly (week 1) feeding. If you choose to feed it to your monster, the specified ingredient amounts are consumed on use.
Palm Nut Bread63-206GoodOasis Palm Nut x10
Wheat Flour x5
Sea Bream Sashimi35-15-GoodUltra Sea Bream x10
Huge Radish x10
Shark Fin Soup36-123GoodGiant Shark x10
Hot Spring Water x10
Space Carrot x10
Tempura Udon54-153GoodDimensional Pumpkin x10
Twin Tail Shrimp x10
Wheat Flour x5


Passive Items
These items are passive. They are not used or consumed. Instead they have an effect just by obtaining and keeping them. (Note: Charm of Light and Ring of Darkness cancel each other out. If you want either effect, make sure to sell the other of the two. You can always repurchase this again at the shop if you need it later.)
Passive ItemBuyback/
Sell Price
Artemis Statue3000001 -3% Effect on week 1 all year
Gemini's Pot300000 1 -3%-3%1Effect on week 1 all year
Peguila Stone400000 -3%-2% Effect on week 1 on months 6-8
Pandon Stone400000 -3%-2% Effect on week 1 on months 12-2
Charm of Light450000 -1On Anger actions
Ring of Darkness450000 1On Anger actions

1This is -3% of current maximum anger, not current level of anger


Consumable Items
Kaiju can be fed 1 consumable item per week. (The monthly feeding does not count as a consumable item)
Item nameBuy PriceSale PriceSell PriceLifespanDependencyFearFameFatigueStressWeightAngerLIFPOWINTSKISPDDEF
Adrenaline Apple200001600010000       10% 5    
Astro Mint200001600010000 -2   -50%-5       
Black Coffee600004800030000 -20%40%   -10       
Bouquet1000008000050000 5% 20  1       
C-Pin 929300002400015000      30 1515 -10-10 
Cosmic Rum Raisin15000120007500  -5   5-20%      
Devil Splinter135000-50-2-2    20%200200200200200200
Disaster Dish1000080005000-5-1010   -150%      
Dodge Capsule300000240000150000-1       -100  100100 
Galactic Health Tea1000080005000    5 -24       
Gan-Q Candy1200096006000 1   -210    10  
Giant Cake600004800030000 10%-10%   10-10%      
Gold Peach225000050             
Half Cake300002400015000 5   -5%5-5%      
Huge Roasted Potato300002400015000 5   -10%10       
Ice Block300002400015000 5   -10%-10       
Kaiju Biscuit200001600010000 5    5-5      
Kalaragi Mango10000 22 -15 2       
Leftovers200016001000      110%      
Log10000     -1 -10 5    
Magic Banana315000120007500 1010  -10        
Magic Banana315000120007500 10-10 -15-5        
Magic Banana315000120007500 -10-10 -30         
Mandarin Juice200001600010000 11 -28-20%  -5-5-5-5-5-5
Niigata Mochi300002400015000 2   -5%10-10%      
Power Capsule300000240000150000-1       -100100   100
Red King Confection700005600035000 1   21  10    
Relaxing Cacao300002400015000      1-30%      
Reset Powder30000              
Shallots300000240000150000-1         100 100-100
Silver Peach215000025             
Skill Capsule300000240000150000-1       100  100-100 
Smoked Snake10000 -50%10   -5%       
Speed Capsule300000240000150000-1        100  100-100
Spring Water200001600010000     -2% -2%1     
Strong Capsule A300000240000150000-5       505050505050
Strong Capsule Z500000400000250000-10       100100100100100100
Ultra Mango15000120007500 11 -8 1       
Vexatious Walnut300002400015000      140%      
    1You can feed only 1 Devil Splinter to a Kaiju in it's lifetime. Devil Splinter does NOT incur the lifespan hit for Skull Gomora, Thunder King, or Pedanium Zetton.
    2You can feed only 1 of each peach type (Gold + Silver) to a Kaiju in it's lifetime.
    3Magic Bananas will be one of three results on use.


Kaiju Gift items

Kaiju Specific Gifts

Kaiju Specific Gifts can be found by the indicated Kaiju, are considered a consumable, and use up your allotted 1 consumable item fed per week. These are random weekly items that your Kaiju can gift to you.

Item nameSellPriceDep.FearFatigueStressWeightAngerLIFPOWINTSKISPDDEFGiven by:
Black Coffee30000-20%40%---10-------Nova
Blue Balloon5000----2--2-----Zetton
Castle Model5000----2-------2Gomora
Coffee Table5000------2%--1---Metron
Control Unit15000----2----2---King Joe, Sevenger, Ace-Killer, Windom, Garamon
Dark Crystal12500---2-2--------Tyrant, P-Zetton, SkullGomora, Thunder Killer, Five King
Eye Drops5000----2-----2--Gan-Q, Suezo
Galactic Glow Stick5000----2-2-----2-Metron
Gas Balloon5000----2-------2Bemstar
Generator25000----2----11--Neronga, Eleking, Thunder Killer
Ger Model5000----2--2-----Golza
Human Specimen7500----2----2---Metron
Ice Block150005-----------Gandar
Ice Pop5000----22-----2-Mocchi, Red King, Reicubas
Joint Parts15000----2-------2King Joe
Kalaragi Mango1000022-15-2-------Mocchi, Suezo
Meteorite Fragment5000----2----1--1Eleking, Zetton, Bemstar, Reicubas, Tyrant
Moai Statue5000----2-------2Melba
Mystery Meteorite7500----2-----1-1Super C.O.V.
Piping-hot Rock5000----2--2-----Golza, Telesdon
Pyramid Model5000----2-------2Melba, Golza
Red King Confection350001--21--10----Red King
Red King Boulder5000----2---2----Red-King
Red Teru Teru Bozu5000----2------2-Nova
Rice Cracker5000----2-------2Suezo, SkullGomora, Gandar
Small Change2500----2----2---Kanegon
Smoked Snake10000-50%10--5%--------Mocchi, Suezo
Super Rigid Core Drill Fist15000----2---1---1Sevenger

Generic Gifts

Generic Gifts can be found by any Kaiju, are considered a consumable, and use up your allotted 1 consumable item fed per week. These are random weekly items that your Kaiju can gift to you.

Item NameSellPriceLifespanDep.FearFameFtgStressWeightAngerLIFPOWINTSKISPDDEF
Adrenaline Apple10000-------10%-5----
Astro Mint10000--2----50%-5-------
Beach Ball5000------2--2%---1--
Chocolate Truffles5000-2-2---2--------
Comfy Pillow5000-----2-2--------
Cosmic Rum Raisin7500---5---5-20%------
C-Pin 92915000------30-1515--10-10-
Galactic Health Tea5000----5--24-------
Gan-Q Candy6000-1----210----10--
Giant Cake30000-10%-10%---10-10%------
Half Cake15000-5----5%5-5%------
Huge Roasted Potato15000-5----10%10-------
Kaiju Biscuit10000-5----5-5------
Luxury Macarons25000-2-2---2--------
Mandarin Juice10000-11--28-20%---5-5-5-5-5-5
Muscle Dumbbell5000------2---2----
Niigata Mochi15000-2----5%10-10%------
Relaxing Cacao15000------1-30%------
Spring Water10000------2%--2%1-----
Ultra Mango7500-11--8-1-------
Vexatious Walnut15000------140%------


Drill Reward Items
The following are acquired from the specifically listed drills.
  • The chance to receive a reward (or not) is determined first.
  • Once determined, there is an equal chance for each reward from Drills with multiple rewards.
  • Cookie Trait "Ruler of Dark Cosmos" grants +5% for Success & Super Success only at 100% Territory gauge. Probably not worth the trait slot.
Chances for Drill Rewards: Click headers to sort by column
Drill TypeItem NameFailureSuccessSuper Success
Planting SeedsDimensional Pumpkin0%50%50%
Planting SeedsHuge Radish0%50%50%
Planting SeedsSpace Carrot0%50%50%
Planting SeedsUltra Mango0%50%50%
Watering PlantsDimensional Pumpkin0%50%50%
Watering PlantsHuge Radish0%50%50%
Watering PlantsNeronga Sichuan0%50%50%
Watering PlantsSpace Carrot0%50%50%
Windmill TurnerSpace Chili Pepper0%50%50%
Windmill TurnerWheat Flour0%50%50%
Removing TreesLog0%50%50%
Removing TreesZestium Pepper0%50%50%
Treasure HuntingGaramon Sauce0%50%50%
Treasure HuntingGolden Kanegon Statue0%0%50%
Treasure HuntingGrigio Salt0%50%50%
Treasure HuntingPedanium Alloy0%50%50%
FishingGiant Shark0%50%50%
FishingTwin Tail Shrimp0%50%50%
FishingUltra Sea Bream0%50%50%
Snow SculptingIce Block0%0%50%
SnowproofingNiigata Mochi0%50%50%
Dig a Hot SpringHot Spring Water0%50%50%
CookingDisaster Dish50%0%0%
CookingKanezo Omelet0%50%50%
CookingShocking Oden0%50%50%
CookingUltraman Curry0%0%50%
SculptingOasis Palm Nut0%50%50%
SculptingSpace Lemon0%50%50%
Fossil SurveyingBone Fossil0%50%50%
Fossil SurveyingHoney Jellion0%50%50%
Fossil SurveyingOasis Palm Nut0%50%50%


Combining items
In addition to the Unlock Items for gaining access to new Kaiju, there are Disc Chips that can be used in fusion to provide additional charactaristics to the fusion outcome:
Alien Baltan--350-150-50000-
Alien Metron------50000Preferred Drill "Planting Seeds"
Birdon------50000Preferred Drill "Windmill Turner"
Dada------50000Preferred Drill "Cooking"
Eleking------50000Preferred Drill "Fishing"
Five King100100-100100100200000-
Gandar------50000Preferred Drill "Snow Sculpting"
Golza1------50000Preferred Drill "Dig a Hot Spring"
Gomora------50000Preferred Drill "Removing Trees"
King Joe-500----50000Preferred Drill "Treasure Hunting"
Melba1------50000Preferred Drill "Sculpting"
Miclas------50000Preferred Drill "Fossil Surveying"
Mocchi------50000+25 Fame
Mutation Chip------250000Removes chance to receive a pure breed from Fusion
Mystic Chip------250000Force "Rare" result if 1 parent is rare.
Allow chance for rare, if neither parent is rare.
Nova------50000Preferred Drill "Watering Plants"
Pedanium Zetton250----250200000Also used with Pedanium Zetton unlock
Red King-500----50000-
Reicubas1------50000Preferred Drill "Snowproofing"
Skull Gomora-250--250-200000Also used with Skull Gomora unlock
Super C.O.V.1150----35050000-
Thunder Killer--250250--200000Also used with Thunder Killer unlock
Tyrant------50000+10 weeks lifespan
Windom------5000025 Dependence
Zetton------50000+25 Fear

1These chips have a special additional property for Five King fusion after it's unlocked.


Cookies / Traits
  • Cookies are created at the Inheritance Cookie shop. You can use the built in method or NFC to generate cookies randomly. It costs a small amount of gold to have them made, and which cookies you get is random.
  • Cookies have 3 levels of quality.
    1. Basic (Common from Shop Special)
    2. Strong (Common from NFC, also from Shop Special, Higher stats than Basic cookies.)
    3. Rainbow cookies (Small random chance From NFC. Higher stats than Strong. The cookie's color will be rainbow tinted)
  • Cookie quality determines the values of Stats (Lif, Pow, Int, Ski, Spd, Def), It does not change the Cookie Trait values.
  • There are 3 Cookie slots + Kaiju's default trait.
    • 1st slot is availabe at birth for a total of 2 traits.
    • 2nd slot is available at 1 year of age for a total of 3 traits.
    • 3rd slot is available at 2 years of age for a total of 4 traits.
  • These provide passive effects and bonuses and are permanently consumed when equipped.
Resetting Cookies / Traits:
  • You can clear all of the equipped cookie traits with Reset Powder (found on June/October Adventures), and equip new traits.
Cookie Stats are ordered: Basic / Strong / Rainbow
1Jet-Black CarapaceAntlarRear50/90/12080/130/190Boost Defense only during Territory Battles
2Piercing BeamsAlien IcarusRear50/90/12040/70/10030/50/70Boost Skill only during Territory Battles
3Self Repair1InpelaizerBattle40/70/10090/150/210Recover Life when Life drops below 20% (once per battle)
4Capsule RecallWindomRear20/40/5050/90/12050/90/120Make Fatigue easier to reduce
5Terminator of LightAce-KillerBattle80/130/19050/90/120Heavy tech boost
6Frill ExpansionErimaki-TelesdonBattle30/50/7090/150/210Hit Tech boost
7Electric BiologyElekingBattle30/50/7070/120/16020/40/50Electric techs paralyze the opponent more easily
8Petrification BeamGargorgonBattle40/70/10080/130/190Inflict Guts damage on an opponent twice in a row to lower Move Speed
9Great DarknessGatanothorBattle40/70/100110/180/260Reduce opponent's SKI If Guts is above a certain level in final 20 seconds
10Invincible GutsAlien GutsBattle70/120/16060/100/140Reduce opponent's Guts if it is higher than your Guts in final 30 seconds
11InquisitiveKanegonRear60/100/14060/100/140Items are easier to find at the start of the week
12Radio ControlledGaramonBattle40/70/10080/130/190Reduces confusion duration
13Big EyeGan-QRear40/70/10080/130/190Make Skill easier to raise with drills (+30)
14-140°CGandarBattle30/50/7030/50/7060/100/140Ice techs freeze the opponent more easily
15Overnight Revival1Star Bem GyeronBattle120/200/280Recover 1 Life when Life is reduced to zero (once per battle)
16Perfect EvolutionGalactronRear60/100/14070/120/160Weight is easier to reduce
17Burning FuryKyrieloidBattle70/120/16050/90/120Fire tech boost
18Pedanium Space AlloyKing JoeRear20/40/50110/180/260Makes Defense easier to raise with drills (+30)
19Robotic CommanderKing Joe ScarletRear50/90/12070/120/160Rampages occur less often
20Berserk RobotKing Joe BlackRear50/90/12070/120/160Rampages occur more often
21Big BirdyGuebasserBattle40/70/10080/130/190Boost the distance opponents are knocked back
22Fit to SurviveGudonBattle50/90/12070/120/160Deal damage to the opponent three times in a row to recover Life
23Depth LurkerGubilaRear80/130/19040/70/100Raise the Territory gauge more easily in training grounds
24From the VoidGreezaBattle40/70/100110/180/260Stops the timer if your Life gauge is lower than your oppoent with 1 second left
25Grigio BarrelGrigio KingBattle40/70/10080/130/190Long-range tech boost
26Inferno BeastGrigio BoneBattle60/100/14060/100/140Boost critical chance for fire techs
27Speedy HumanoidKemurBattle30/50/7090/150/210Boost Move Speed when Guts drops to a certain level in final 20 seconds
28Cosmic WingGerrandaRear80/130/19040/70/100Boost Speed only during Territory Battles
29Primordial PowerGomessRear20/40/5040/70/10060/100/140Boost Power only during Territory Battles
30Ancient SlumberGomoraRear60/100/14040/70/10020/40/50Recover Fatigue more easily when resting at the Ranch
31Earth ShakerGolzaRear40/70/10050/90/12030/50/70Make Life easier to raise with drills (+30)
32The Space SwordsmanZamsherRear120/200/280Make Skill easier to raise with Errantry
33Covert OperativeAlien ZarabBattle60/100/14060/100/140Reduce opponent's INT when Guts drops to a certain level in final 30 seconds
34Dimensional ThunderThunder KillerBattle50/90/12090/150/210Electric tech boost
35Spoiled Space ChildZandriasRear50/90/12070/120/160Dependence on breeder is easier to raise
36Out for RevengeJamilaRear30/50/7090/150/210Make Anger harder to reduce
37Instinctual RestingSuper C.O.V.Rear80/130/19040/70/100Recover Anger more easily when resting at the Ranch
38HerculeanSkull GomoraBattle50/90/12090/150/210Close-range tech boost
39Massive JawScullaBattle70/120/16050/90/120Boost Power if opponent's Life gauge is higher than yours in final 30 seconds
40Penetrating VenomSegmegerBattle40/70/10080/130/190Sometimes causes poison when you knock back an opponent
41Energy AbsorptionZettonBattle90/150/21050/90/120Boost INT when hit by Long-range techs and Life falls below a certain amount
42Fighting RobotSevengerBattle80/130/19050/90/120Melee tech boost
43Designed for RageZoa-MuruchiRear50/90/12030/50/7040/70/100Make Anger easier to raise
44Eternal GrudgeTyrantRear40/70/10060/100/14040/70/100Make Fatigue harder to increase
45Syndicate MemberDadaRear60/100/14060/100/140Fear of breeder is easier to raise
46GourmetTwintailRear90/150/21030/50/70Rival Kaiju appear more often in territories
47Sharp SensesTsurugi DemaagaBattle90/150/21030/50/70Deal damage with knockback
48Jewelic BlazeDarebolicBattle50/90/12030/50/7040/70/100Reduce opponent's SPD If Guts is above a certain level in final 30 seconds
49Cyber IntelligenceDeath FacerRear70/120/16040/70/10020/40/50Make Intelligence easier to raise with Errantry
50Dirty TacticsDeathremBattle40/70/10090/150/210Boost INT if opponent's Life gauge is higher than yours in final 20 seconds
51HeavyweightTelesdonBattle50/90/12040/70/10030/50/70Reduce the distance opponents are knocked back
52Extremely SkilledAlien TemporerBattle40/70/10090/150/210Mid-range tech boost
53Moth MenaceDoragoryBattle60/100/14060/100/140Boosts critical chance for poison techs
54Nightmare WaveNight FangBattle30/50/7090/150/210Take Guts damage twice in a row to lower opponent's Guts and recover your own Guts
55Perfect PlanningAlien NackleRear60/100/14060/100/140Boost Life only during Territory Battles
56Electric AbsorptionNerongaBattle60/100/14030/50/7030/50/70Recover Guts when hit by electric techs and Guts falls below a certain amount
57Poison WebNovaBattle60/100/14060/100/140Poison tech poison the opponent more easily
58Poison SacBirdonBattle60/100/14070/120/160Poison tech boost
59The Demon AwakenedHyper Zetton (Imago)Battle40/70/10040/70/10070/120/160Boost POW and INT if Life gauge is less than opponent's in final 10 seconds
60Sky-SmasherVakishimBattle50/90/12070/120/160Take damage from the opponent two times in a row to boost Speed
61Bone-Wing ManeuversBasilissBattle30/50/7090/150/210Boost Speed if opponent's Life gauge is higher than yours in final 30 seconds
62Ruler of Dark CosmosAlien BabarueRear30/50/7050/90/12040/70/100Items are easier to obtain during drills in a territory
63FuryAlien ValkyBattle40/70/10040/70/10040/70/100Take damage twice in a row to boost Power and reduce Intelligence
64Darkness LurkerAlien BaltanRear60/100/14070/120/160Makes Speed easier to raise with drills (+30)
65Two-Headed BlazePandonBattle50/90/12070/120/160Fire techs burn the opponent more easily
66Careful TrapAlien HipporitRear80/130/19050/90/120Boost Intelligence only during Territory Battles
67Victorium AmpFive KingBattle70/120/16030/50/7040/70/100Special Tech Boost
68Magma AbsorptionFire GolzaBattle60/100/14060/100/140Boost Power when hit by fire techs and Life falls below a certain amount
69Tempered BodyguardBlack KingRear70/120/16050/90/120Makes Defense easier to raise with Errantry
70Energy OverloadPedanium ZettonBattle50/90/12020/40/5070/120/160Boosts Power and Intelligence when confused
71Omni-AttractorBemstarRear50/90/12070/120/160Weight is easier to gain
72Blue FugitiveBemularBattle30/50/7040/70/10050/90/120Boost Move Speed when Life drops below 30%
73Villainous InstinctHellberusBattle70/120/16050/90/120Take damage from the opponent three times in a row to boost Power
74Acid TearsHoeRear70/120/16050/90/120Make Anger easier to reduce
75Beastly ClawsHoroborosBattle90/150/21040/70/100Critical tech boost
76World EaterMaga-OrochiRear100/170/23030/50/70Make Life easier to raise with Errantry
77Magma Devil AwardAlien MagmaRear20/40/5040/70/10060/100/140Rival Kaiju appear less often in territories
785 Million HorsePowerMiclasRear60/100/14040/70/10020/40/50Make Power easier to raise with Errantry.
79Silent InfiltratorAlien MetronBattle60/100/14060/100/140Withering tech boost
80Test of the SpiritAlien MefilasRear110/180/26020/40/50Makes Intelligence easier to raise with drills (+30)
81Sky-CleaverMelbaRear120/200/280Make Speed easier to raise with Errantry
82InterceptorMons-AhgarRear80/130/19040/70/100Territory gauge harder to reduce by rival Kaiju
83Icy BreathReicubasBattle40/70/10080/130/190Ice tech boost
84Land SoldierLegionoid (α)Battle30/50/7050/90/12040/70/100Deal damage to the opponent three times in a row to boost Power
85Space SoldierLegionoid (B)Battle50/90/12030/50/7040/70/100Deal damage to the opponent three times in a row to boost skill
86King of StrengthRed KingRear120/200/280Make Power easier to raise with drills (+30)
87Giant of Light1UltramanBattle70/120/16070/120/160Recover Guts when Life drops below 30% (once per battle)
88Young Warrior1Ultraman ZeroBattle70/120/16070/120/160Reduce the Guts cost of techs when Life falls below 30%
89Accelerated HealingUltraman TigaBattle70/120/16070/120/160Speeds up recovery while afflicted with a status ailment
90Giant TongueSuezoBattleWither opponent on Knock back
91SoftheartedMocchiRearMake Anger harder to raise

1Giant of Light, Young Warrior, Self Repair and Overnight Revival are applied in the order they are applied in your traits. See competitive tips


Supplemental Battle Cookie Technical data
Trait NameBattle Effect Description# of UsesTrigger By:Action/Example
Sharp SensesDeal damage with knockbackInf.Delivering a KnockbackDeliver Physical Damage equal to 4% of Rival Starting Life during Current Knockback
Electric BiologyElectric techs paralyze the opponent more easilyInf.Delivering a Hit with an Electric TechIncrease Chance to Inflict Paralysis by an Additive 20% during Current Attack

i.e. 50% ailment chance would increase to 70% ailment chance

Silent InfiltratorWithering tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Withering TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Radio ControlledReduces confusion durationInf.Being ConfusedReduce Confusion Time to 50% of Starting Time
-140°CIce techs freeze the opponent more easilyInf.Delivering a Hit with an Ice TechIncrease Chance to Inflict Freezing by an Additive 20% during Current Attack

i.e. 50% ailment chance would increase to 70% ailment chance

Poison SacPoison tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Poison TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Poison WebPoison techs poison the opponent more easilyInf.Delivering a Hit with a Poison TechIncrease Chance to Inflict Poisoning by an Additive 20% during Current Attack

i.e. 50% ailment chance would increase to 70% ailment chance

Fighting RobotMelee tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Melee-range TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Terminator of LightHeavy tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Heavy TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Dimensional ThunderElectric tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with an Electric TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Icy BreathIce tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with an Ice TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Giant TongueWither the opponent with knockbacksInf.Delivering a KnockbackDeliver 5 Wither Damage
Giant of LightRecover Guts when Life drops below 30% (once per battle)1Life Remaining <= 30% of Starting LifeRecover 30 Guts
Accelerated HealingSpeeds up recovery while afflicted with a status ailmentInf.Being Inflicted with any AilmentReduce Infliction Time to 70% of Starting Time
Young WarriorReduce the Guts cost of techs when Life falls below 30%1Life Remaining <= 30% of Starting LifeReduce Tech Guts Cost by 50% of Starting Guts Cost for 10 Seconds
Self RepairRecover Life when Life drops below 20% (once per battle)1Life Remaining <= 20% of Starting LifeRecover 20% of Starting Life
Penetrating VenomSometimes causes poison when you knock back an opponentInf.Delivering a Knockback30% Chance to Inflict Rival with Poison during Current Knockback
Big BirdyBoost the distance opponents are knocked backInf.Delivering a KnockbackSets Knock Back Distance to 630 units

Heavyweight takes priority over Big Birdy. Arena width is 1200 units wide. Range in terms of distance between the two monsters - Dead Zone 0-100, Melee: 100-180, Close: 180-300, Mid: 300-460, Long: 460-660, Out of Range >= 660

Overnight RevivalRecover 1 Life when Life is reduced to zero (once per battle)1Life Remaining <= 0% of Starting LifeSet Life Remaining to 1

This trait should be ordered last. Due to processing Traits in Cookie Order, Cookie order selection should be given special consideration especially for those life triggering events, such that they don't invalidate the other. (i.e. recovering life to 1, to turn around an increase it by 20% will waste the recover life to 1)

From the VoidStops the timer if your Life gauge is lower than your opponent with 1 second left1Life Remaining % < Rival Life Remaining % and Time Remaining <= 1 SecondStop Timer for 10 Seconds
Burning FuryFire tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Fire TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

HerculeanClose-range tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Close-range TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Extremely SkilledMid-range tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Mid-range TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Grigio BarrelLong-range tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Long-range TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Frill ExpansionHit Tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Hit TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Beastly ClawsCritical tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Critical TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Victorium AmpSpecial tech boostInf.Delivering a Hit with a Special TechIncrease Physical Force by 10% of Starting Physical Force during Current Attack

Tech Bonuses can stack (i.e. A Heavy Melee Electric Attack could have a 30% force increase if all 3 traits were owned)

Two-Headed BlazeFire techs burn the opponent more easilyInf.Delivering a Hit with a Fire TechIncrease Chance to Inflict Buring by an Additive 20% during Current Attack

i.e. 50% ailment chance would increase to 70% ailment chance

Energy AbsorptionBoost Int. when hit by Long- range techs and Life falls below a certain amount1Life Remaining <= 40% of Starting Life and Receiving a Hit from a Long-range TechIncrease Intelligence by 50% of Starting Intelligence for 30 Seconds

Due to the way this is implemented, the action can occur for the current hit if life is already <= 40%, increasing your defense against an intelligence attack for the current hit

Electric AbsorptionRecover Guts when hit by electric techs and Guts falls below a certain amountInf.Receiving a Hit from an Electric Tech and Guts <= 50Recover 20 Guts

Due to the way this is implemented, the action can occur during the current hit if Guts are already <= 50, thus recovering 20 guts before damage is done. This could have adverse effects if the tech also did withering damage in which if you were close to zero guts, you would potentially lose part of your gain

HeavyweightReduce the distance opponents are knocked backInf.Receiving a KnockbackSets Knock Back Distance to 230 units

Heavyweight takes priority over Big Birdy. Arena width is 1200 units wide. Range in terms of distance between the two monsters - Dead Zone 0-100, Melee: 100-180, Close: 180-300, Mid: 300-460, Long: 460-660, Out of Range >= 660

Energy OverloadBoosts Power and Intelligence when confused.Inf.Being ConfusedIncrease Power by 20% of Starting Power and Increase Intelligence by 20% of Starting Intelligence for 15 Seconds
Petrification BeamInflict Guts damage on an opponent twice in a row to lower Move SpeedInf.Delivering Wither Damage with 2 Attacks in a RowReduce Rival Move Speed by 20% of Starting Move Speed for 15 Seconds
Great DarknessReduce opponent's Ski. if Guts is >= 50 in final 20 seconds1Time Remaining <= 20 SecondsReduce Rival Skill by 20% of Starting Skill for 20 Seconds
Invincible GutsReduce opponent's Guts if it is higher than your Guts in final 30 seconds1Time Remaining <= 30 SecondsRival loses 30 Guts
Fit to SurviveDeal damage to the opponent three times in a row to recover LifeInf.Delivering Physical Damage with 3 Attacks in a RowRecover 30% of Starting Life
Inferno BeastBoosts critical chance for fire techsInf.Delivering a Hit with a Fire TechIncrease Critical Hit Chance by 50% of Starting Critical Hit Chance for Current Attack
Speedy HumanoidBoost Move Speed when Guts drops to a certain level in final 20 seconds1Time Remaining <= 20 SecondsIncrease Move Speed by 30% of Starting Move Speed for 20 Seconds
Covert OperativeReduce opponent's Int. when Guts drops to a certain level in final 30 seconds1Time Remaining <= 30 SecondsReduce Rival Intelligence by 20% of Starting Intelligence for 30 Seconds
Massive JawBoost Power if opponent's Life gauge is higher than yours in final 30 seconds1Time Remaining <= 30 SecondsIncrease Power by 30% of Starting Power by 30 seconds
Jewelic BlazeReduce opponent's Spd. if Guts is above a certain level in final 30 seconds1Time Remaining <= 30 SecondsReduce Rival Speed by 20% of Starting Speed for 30 Seconds
Dirty TacticsBoost Int. if opponent's Life gauge is higher than yours in final 20 seconds1Time Remaining <= 20 SecondsIncrease Intelligence by 50% of Starting Intelligence for 20 Seconds
Moth MenaceBoosts critical chance for poison techsInf.Delivering a Hit with a Poson TechIncrease Critical Hit Chance by 50% of Starting Critical Hit Chance for Current Attack
Nightmare WaveTake Guts damage twice in a row to lower opponent's Guts and recover your own GutsInf.Receiving Wither Damage with 2 Attacks in a RowIncrease Guts by 10 and Reduce Rival Guts by 20
The Demon AwakenedBoost Pow. and Int. if Life gauge is less than opponent's in final 10 seconds1Time Remaining <= 10 SecondsIncrease Power by 100% of Starting Power and Increase Intelligence by 100% of Starting Intelligence for 10 Seconds
Sky-SmasherTake damage from the opponent two times in a row to boost SpeedInf.Receiving Physical Damage from 2 Attacks in a RowIncrease Speed by 20% of Starting Speed for 20 Seconds
Bone-Wing ManeuversBoost Speed if opponent's Life gauge is higher than yours in final 30 seconds1Time Remaining <= 30 SecondsIncrease Speed by 40% of Starting Speed for 30 Seconds
FuryTake damage twice in a row to boost Power and reduce IntelligenceInf.Receiving Physical Damage from 2 Attacks in a RowIncrease Power by 50% of Starting Power and Reduce Intelligence by 20% of Starting Intelligence for 20 Seconds
Magma AbsorptionBoost Power when hit by fire techs and Life falls below a certain amountInf.Receiving a Hit from a Fire Tech and Life Remaining <= 50% of Starting LifeIncrease Power by 100% of Starting Power for 20 Seconds

Due to the way this is implemented, the action can occur for the current hit if life is already <= 50%, increasing your defense against a power attack for the current hit

Blue FugitiveBoost Move Speed when Life drops below 30%1Life Remaining <= 30% of Starting LifeIncrease Move Speed by 20% of Starting Move Speed for 30 Seconds
Villainous InstinctTake damage from the opponent three times in a row to boost PowerInf.Receiving Physical Damage from 3 Attacks in a RowIncrease Power by 100% of Starting Power for 20 Seconds
Land SoldierDeal damage to the opponent three times in a row to boost PowerInf.Delivering Physical Damage with 3 Attacks in a RowIncrease Power by 20% of Starting Power for 20 Seconds
Space SoldierDeal damage to the opponent three times in a row to boost SkillInf.Delivering Physical Damage with 3 Attacks in a RowIncrease Skill by 20% of Starting Skill for 20 Seconds


Treasure / Vendor items
TreasuresVendors for
Pure Gold600000
Ultra Statue500000
Golden Kanegon Statue350000
Golden Baltan Statue300000
Dorengeran Ore200000
Soagg Mineral100000
Pedanium Alloy100000
Gold Medal40000
Silver Medal20000
Bone Fossil15000
Daimode Ore10000

Credits: Silvris, Just J, SmilingFaces96, FrenziedPotato, original community contributions prior to datamining.
This page was last modified: December 12 2024
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