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Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher
Keyword Solver

Solve any keyword for Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher. Enter up to 25 characters in the Main or Sub keyword fields to see what these keywords will make in-game. Adjustments and offsets are indicated alongside of the baseline Kaiju parameters. In-Game values like "Quick" or "Sluggish" indicate a range. The results shown here are exact values. The North American version of Ultra Kaiju MR does not have a Song list like the Japanese and Southeast Asian versions, instead it has been reworked to have the Keyword fields.

NOTICE: Keyword Solver assumes All Kaiju are unlocked!

Main Keywords
Lif gain
Pow gain
Int gain
Ski gain
Spd gain
Def gain
Guts Rcvr
Move Spd
Extra Tech

  • There are 127 usable characters that can be entered into the Keyword Fields.
  • Using only 3 letter combinations, there are 4,262,738,329,600 permutations.
  • Using all characters and both fields, there are 1.57417278364398E+105 permutations... (A lot!)
  • Guts Recovery

    Speedy 7-8
    Fast 9-10
    Quick 11-12
    Normal 13
    Sluggish 14-15
    Slow 16-17
    Inert 18-19

    Move Speed

    FastOver 3.3
    Quick3.0 to 3.3
    Normal2.7 to 3.0
    Sluggish2.4 to 2.7
    SlowUnder 2.4

    Other info

    • 47.7% is the highest +Stat offset possible.
    • 24.7% is the lowest -Stat offset achievable
      27.9% is the lowest -Stat offset theoretical.
    • Guts recovery is limited to +/- 1 to 2.
    • Movement speed is limited to +/- 0.3 change.

    Life Stage and Lifespan Adjustment Calculator

    Aging Type: Prime Lifespan: wks
    Life Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Individual Duration 9% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 10% 5% 5% 16%
    Weeks Used 35 38 57 57 38 19 38 19 19 60
    Cumulative Weeks Used (end) 35 73 130 187 225 244 282 301 320 380
    Remaining (start) 380 345 307 250 193 155 136 98 79 60
    Adjust Weeks +/- Total of Items
    New Individual Duration 9% 10% 15% 15% 10% 5% 10% 5% 5% 16%
    New Weeks Used 35 38 57 57 38 19 38 19 19 60
    Weeks Used Difference 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    New Cumulative Weeks Used (end) 35 73 130 187 225 244 282 301 320 380
    New Weeks Remaining (start) 380 345 307 250 193 155 136 98 79 60
    • The Top area shows the life distribution based on life type and total weeks.
    • Use the Center area to enter +/- weeks of lifespan for each life stage.
    • The Bottom Area will display the new lifespan distribution after the +/- weeks have been entered.

    Credits: SmilingFaces96, Teawch
    This page was last modified: April 01 2024
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