This page was last modified: November 04 2024
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Monster Rancher 2 Combo Breaker 2025 Live Tournament

Monster Rancher Advanced 1 Cheat Codes

These are GameShark cheat codes for Monster Rancher Advanced (1).


General Codes
    Master Code (has to be on)
    1DB3FFE2 598E6D9C
    40EB6CB0 8863CCC5


Breeder Codes
    Max Gold2D73E0F9 0BEC3FC4


Monster Codes
    Max POW74370C56 B1746A72
    Max INT78B7A504 B37ECAA1
    Max ACC9FD2D9CA C404F596
    Max SPDCF742D5C BAED33A3
    Max DEFA059ADD1 B693441E
    Max LIF3E0075D5 108BD446
    Monster Always YoungB7B891C0 394A8510
    Monster Alway OldEA89CCD9 F7F7732C
    Max Wins Monster856114B9 8148BC3F


Battle Codes
    Infinite HP In Battle3DB7983E F7344770
    Press GS Button For 00 Time In Battle146D81A0 4BBDC8D7


Item Codes
Shop Items
Shop ItemCode
Cookies4F9AF608 3F633086
Honey Candy3E902F91 9AA9EF3C
LethRx1D0614915 7FA448A6
LethRx20AFF5440 D8E93FEA
LethRx3D51116F7 08E46CCA
LethRx4BB3D660A DCB8008C
LethRx5F5CA781A 8E1A0B8A
LethRx6DC3883D3 EC17E1DD
MangoAA2408C4 0B39AF42
Nitroberry3522333F 3BC3BB98
RoastNewt9A4A0692 A2C7DBF0
Other Misc. Items
Other ItemsCode
Black Box7AD8F96C C92E6788
Bone2CB99EC9 8CA38209
Flower1DC64A5C C82D28A1
Gaboo SoulDC1D10C4 CAA61076
Mud DollCC84E370 0E73DC60
Nail File2A69A6F4 D312035B
PrettyRock31A08193 0F69BBD4
Shell2A4FEBD7 89671B50
Tapaurin NB50A11BE DA244B46
Tiger Horn2B8F508E 739EE5E8
Combining or Combined Items
Earth Orb881081B8 3161AA7B
Fire Orb02384197 21EC3EB6
Life Orb7C02BA87 753090BE
Magic Orb30CAEED5 15C4FC7F
Mind OrbA3239208 FFA7C60C
Thnder Orb9E0B767D 5F1CFC57
Water Orb881711D7 658C19BF
Wind Orb79D7CB4A 8F19B566
Ava. HornBC1EB081 8278271C
Baisin Z0B91EB4A 17DC732A
Bajarl Pot4D17A00E 6FD67479
Banana553A55BB ACD56AFF
BeaclnHorn3EF8CE40 23DDFD49
Binoculars547C20B9 1FAD08D9
BlackPearl43F66603 093D4509
Coral79E6A3F4 90AE391F
Crystal46F24888 73002601
Diamond406D3BA4 68A497B1
Dino TailC92C19AE C542EBF8
Disc FragA321D9C0 48E2FC1C
Evil KnifeFE601F7D F97D4847
Eye DropsE9D3E365 9B8B77D9
Gali MaskE90F369E 1EAF24F9
Ghost StikF807F2F3 4C865FFF
Golem Frag97259BD3 4493ACC2
Jill BeardD8435969 BAE976BE
Joker Mask3D28CD3B 07DDBF47
Karianin S4EDFB825 66438C97
Larox A48573A92 30DBDA99
Logimole V4EDFB825 66438C97
Logimole V2CCB81EF B38E56B9
LozengesEB9D69C3 A9C5B353
MarkisWingEE23A67D D186701C
Megaphone506F0AAC 20B591A4
Mint Candy7B1CE0C2 D30C2873
Mint LeafFD0A763C 7F27CE4C
Mirror159B6911 01A00CAF
Mock SeedA67B6275 FE3695E5
Monal FragD8D3A07F 97E07A26
Nail File2A69A6F4 D312035B
Nuts Oil6554D440 86C9AF56
Phnx Feathr449B7DB7 3795E1FA
Pollen17F372E5 0D87E182
Ribbon6C52E92F E15C6C41
Scales093F308D 0117001E
ScarfA974DFE9 9D7DF50D
SH FruitEC2B1454 DFF64519
Teromean S50554D40 BC062D07
Toe Shoes005707ED 6C9148A0
TorlesWTR379C8BB0 77F1B6BC
Trokatin X9F6214BC 3BABC23E
Whip93636778 ABF8B582
Worm FangCC0E6767 B3C8BF35
Zilla Beard57BD009A 182F3467


Credits: GameShark
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