This page was last modified: August 28 2024
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Monster Rancher 4 Items and Inventory


Shop Upgrades

At each town, you are able to talk to the shopkeeper. By interacting with them a certain number of times (multiple conversations during one weekend event doesn't count!), you will unlock extra items at the shop! The only exception is Ivory from Ryuwn since you're able to speak to her, so she doesn't offer any shop upgrades. You can tell the shop has been upgraded once their pose changes!

Yuri - Togle

  • Shop Upgrade Available: After visiting Ryuwn
  • Shop Upgrade Requirement: Speak with her 25 times.
  • Shop Upgrade: Vitamin, Fish, Salmon, Shrimp

Chiho - Torble

  • Shop Upgrade Available: After visiting Vizley
  • Shop Upgrade Requirement: Speak with her 30 times.
  • Shop Upgrade: Oily Oil, Emerald, Rose Perfume, Pork

Laurier - Vizley

  • Shop Upgrade Available: After completing story
  • Shop Upgrade Requirement: Speak with her 80 times.
  • Shop Upgrade: Trokatin, Larox, Teromean


O - Obtainable, U - Requires Shop Upgrade

Item NameCostStressFormFullnessTogleRyuwnTorbleVizley
Carrot120-302500 OOO
Mango50-102300OO O
Banana70-204400 OOO
Peach100-306500  O 
Melon300-408600O  O
Beef500-208700O O 
Pork1500-5010999  U 
Energy Bar1800-3300O   
Vitamin1000-10-15300U  O
Honey Drops20-102100O   
Chocolate150-204300 OO 
Honey Toast240-308400  O 
Cake480-4016500  O 
Canned Fuel60003600  O


Food & Item Interests by Breed
Food/Item interests are based on your monster's sub-breed for food/item interests!
  • Pure-Breed monster has a sub-breed of itself (e.g. Antlan/Antlan's sub is Antlan).
  • Rare monsters (Those indicated with a sub of "?") each have unique Food and Item interests and are identified, per each specific rare, on their respective entries on the Monster Data page

Pure or has sub of:InterestsReally LikeLikeDislikeReally DislikeHate


Gift Items
O - Obtainable, U - Requires Shop Upgrade

Item NameCostStressItem EffectTogleRyuwnTorbleVizley
Tapaurin1000-Raises INT, SPD, & ACC by 10% in battle
Lowers Focus by 1 the following week
Larox2000-Raises INT, SPD, & ACC by 15% in battle
Lowers Focus by 2 the following week
Troron1000-Raises POW, DEF, & ACC by 10% in battle
Lowers Focus by 1 the following week
Trokatin2000-Raises POW, DEF, & ACC by 15% in battle
Lowers Focus by 2 the following week
Nageel1000-Raises Spirit by 100 for next adventure
Lowers Focus by 1 the following week
Baisin2000-Raises Spirit by 300 for next adventure
Lowers Focus by 1 the following week
Teromean2000-Fill Guts Meter to 99
Lowers Focus by 3 the following week
Nunchaku500-30   O 
White Pot1000-50  O  
Goldoll Sword1500-50  O  
Mocchi Scream6800-60  O  
Fossil7500-60  O  
Rose200-10  O  
Amethyst3000-20Sell for high profit 1500 O  
Rose Perfume3000-60   U 
Oily Oil5000--100 Tiredness
+8 Form
Ruby5000-30Sell for high profit 2500 O  
Emerald8000-40Sell for high profit 4000  U 
Silver Coin--10Sell for high profit 1000Adventure Only
Gold Coin--20Sell for high profit 2500
Silver Nugget--20Sell for high profit 2000
Gold Nugget--40Sell for high profit 7500
Crystal Skull--60Sell for high profit 9000
Junk Toy30-10 O   
Yarn Ball50-10 O   
Toy Glasses100-10   O 
Teddy Bear130-10   O 
Battle Cards1280-20  O  
Reference1980-30  O  
Bone10-  O  
Fishbone-- Adventure Only


Training Gadgets


Tablets can only be found in dungeons. But they're always handy to find and unlock more powerful training gadgets or effects that can manipulate your ranch to raise the best monster.

TabletsTraining Gadgets
Old TabletSandbag, Rock, Book, Stonehenge, Target, Flying Target, Trampoline,
Pitching Mac, Tub, Cannon, Life Blade, Rodeo, First Aid, Artemis Sta, Wind Drum, Wonder Well
POW TabletSandbag, Rock, Fan
INT TabletBook, Stonehenge, Phonograph
DEF TabletTub, Cannon, Pendulum
SPD TabletTrampoline, Pitching Mac, Thunder Mac
ACC TabletTarget, Flying Target, Moving Target
LIF TabletLife Blade, Rodeo, Running Mac
Silver TabletFan, Phonograph, Moving Target, Thunder Mac, Pendulum,
Running Mac, Gemini Sta, Sweet Incense, Aroma Pot
Gold TabletWall Push, Picture, Slot Machine, Revolving Bar,
Slap Machine, Spa, Fleria Sta, Gadamon Sta, Bragma Sta


Medals are rare items used to augment your training gadgets. They can found later in the game.

HealingReduces stress by 25%, but your monster becomes lazy (less focus).
Can also have 1-3 stat point deficit compared to normal gadgets.
IntenseIncreases focus, but your monster will become hungry faster.
Increases hunger by 25%.
LuckyEach drill will get you money (earns 50-100 gold).
MagicImproves gains by 25%, but increases fatigue by 25%.

Level 2 Training Gadgets

2000G Per Gadget, 3000G w/ Medal

NameSpaceStat 1TiredFullness
Sandbag1 x 2POW++++-
Book1 x 2INT++++-
Tub1 x 2DEF++++-
Trampoline1 x 1SPD++++-
Target2 x 3ACC++++-
Life Blade1 x 1LIF++++-

Level 3 Training Gadgets

4000G Per Gadget, 6000G w/ Medal

NameSpaceStat 1Stat 2TiredFullness
Rock2 x 2POW++DEF-++--
Stonehenge2 x 2INT++SPD-++--
Cannon1 x 4DEF++ACC-++--
Pitching Mac2 x 4SPD++POW-++--
Flying Target1 x 2ACC++LIF-++--
Rodeo2 x 2LIF++INT-++--

Level 4 Training Gadgets

8000G Per Gadget, 10000G w/ Medal

NameSpaceStat 1Stat 2Stat 3TiredFullness
Fan2 x 4POW+++SPD+LIF-+++---
Phonograph1 x 2INT+++LIF+DEF-+++---
Pendulum2 x 3DEF+++POW+INT-+++---
Thunder Mac3 x 2SPD+++INT+ACC-+++---
Moving Tgt1 x 3ACC+++DEF+SPD-+++---
Running Mac2 x 2LIF+++ACC+POW-+++---

Special Level Training Gadgets

12000G Per Gadget
These ppear to be another set of Lv. 3 gadets, but they also have an additional effect when monsters use them. However, they cannot be customized with a medal.

NameSpaceStat 1Stat 2TiredFullnessBonus Effect
Wall Push2 x 3POW++ACC-++--Earn Money
Picture3 x 2INT++POW-++--Reduce Stress, but more hunger
Slap Machine2 x 2DEF++LIF-++--Increase Focus
Revolving Bar2 x 2SPD++DEF-++--Earn Money & Increase Focus, but tiring
Slot Machine3 x 3ACC++INT-++--Earn Money
Spa3 x 3LIF++SPD-++--Reduce Stress, but more hunger

Effect Training Gadgets

10,000g per Effect Gadget

NameSpaceDescriptionNotesEffect Range
Aroma Pot1 x 1Put this on your ranch and your monster will recover from stress faster.Recover 300 Stress instead of 250 Stress when resting.Ranch
Artemis Sta1 x 1If your monster trains on training gadgets inside its Effect Range, Focus will gradually increase.-3 x 3
Bragma Sta1 x 1If your monster uses training gadgets inside its effect range, training will be more effective.Training gadgets in its range will boost drill results to next tier. Low Effort Drill becomes Mid Effort gains. Mid Effort Drill becomes High Effort gains. High Effort Drill becomes Perfect gains.
Note: There is a bug that causes a 1/1024 chance to run away when using this gadget. Make sure to save often!
3 x 3
First Aid2 x 4Allows monsters to heal from illness or injury faster than normal.-All Monsters
Fleria Sta1 x 2Put this on your ranch to keep your monster from getting ill easily.-Ranch
Gemini Sta2 x 2Put this on your ranch and your monster's compatibility will rise more easily.-Ranch
Gadamon Sta1 x 1Put this on your ranch to raise the monster's Spirit during adventures.Raises Spirit Gauge by ~1000 points.Ranch
Sweet Incense1 x 1Put this on your ranch and your monster will recover from fatigue faster.Recover 490 Fatigue instead of 370 Fatigue when resting.Ranch
Wind Drum1 x 1The drum's sound increases your monster's focus. It won't get as lazy, but it will get fatigued more easily.Training gadgets in its range will boost effort of drills by ~20-25%, but will also increase fatigue of drills by 25%.3 x 3
Wonder Well1 x 1Put this on your ranch to keep your monster from getting stressed.Could be bugged. Reduced Stress isn't apparent during drills due to how varied Stress can be for each drill. I would still get high/max Stress for some drills despite using Wonder Well.Ranch


Combining Materials
Combine Materials are items used that can increase the stats or give a beneficial trait to newly combined monster. All combine materials can only be found during adventures.

STR Stone+20 POW
INT Stone+20 INT
ACC Stone+20 ACC
SPD Stone+20 SPD
TGH Stone+20 DEF
LIF Stone+20 LIF
Sight ScrollForesee trait
DumbbellsMachismo trait
GeniusGenius trait
Eagle EyesEagle Eyes trait
Lucky StarLucky Star trait
Tough HeartIron Heart trait


Mystery Disks
While adventuring, you may find mystery disks to regenerate either from battle or in treasure chests. Take a look at the charts below to see which monsters are available.

Mystery Disk TypesMonster Types
Artificial Mystery Disk AGolem Type, Mew Type, Ducken Type, Durahan Type, Hengar Type
Artificial Mystery Disk BGolem Type, Mew Type, Durahan Type, Zan Type
Beast Mystery Disk AZuum Type, Tiger Type, Hare Type, Beaclon Type, Baku Type, Mogi Type, Madillo Type, Ripper Type
Beast Mystery Disk BZuum Type, Tiger Type, Hare Type, Beaclon Type, Baku Type, Mogi Type, Raiden Type, Madilllo Type, Ripper Type
Fanciful Mystery Disk ANaga Type, Koropendora Type, Rhinoroller Type, Gitan Type, Suezo Type, Jell Type
Fanciful Mystery Disk BNaga Type, Rhinoroller Type, Gitan Type, Suezo Type, Mocchi Type
Spirit Mystery Disk ADragon Type
Spirit Mystery Disk BDragon Type, Joker, Phoenix
Sprite Mystery Disk APixie Type, Plant Type, Lesione Type, Suzurin Type, Pancho Type, Ogyo Type, Antlan Type, Garu Type
Sprite Mystery Disk BPixie Type, Plant Type, Lesione Type, Suzurin Type, Ogyo Type, Antlan Type, Garu Type
Rainbow Mystery DiskRandom Rare/Special Monster


Key Items
Item NameDescription
Document 1A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 2A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 3A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 4A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 5A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 6A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 7A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 8A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 9A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 10A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 11A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 12A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 13A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 14A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 16A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 17A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 18A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 19A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 20A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 21A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 22A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 23A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 24A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 25A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 26A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 27A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 28A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 29A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 30A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 31A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 32A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Document 33A page from an old book, written in some ancient language.
Heal MushroomUsed in a medicine for everything from the common cold to rheumatism.
Black ObjectA Mysterious piece of junk. No one knows what it was used for.
Black EggA mysterious stone that houses the power of a Zan. Allows you to regenerate Zan Type monsters.
King FeatherThe feather a king presented to only the strongest of heroes. Allows you to regenerate Raiden Type monsters.
Mocchi DollA mysterious doll that contains the power and spirit of Mocchi. Allows you to regenerate Mocchi Type monsters.
Bird FeatherIt holds the life force of a Phoenix. Lets you regenerate a Phoenix.
Power BraceletItem earned for defeating Ghost Boss. Increases base Spirit by
Courage BeltItem earned for defeating Ghost Boss. Increases base Spirit by
Wisdom EarringsItem earned for defeating Ghost Boss. Increases base Spirit by
Love NecklaceItem earned for defeating Ghost Boss. Increases base Spirit by
Credits: ADC*Ken's MR4 guide
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