This page was last modified: November 19 2024
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If you are looking for Monster Data:

001. Dino - (Dino/Dino) Average in all abilities, he needs a good breeder's hand.

002. Anki - (Dino/Golem) Covered with rocks, he has good power, but is slow.

003. Lidee - (Dino/Tiger) Hold on tightly when you get on this fella.He's very fast.

004. Valentino - (Dino/Pixie) This lovable beast has wings but cannot fly.

005. Shel - (Dino/Worm) His shell keeps people off his back.His belly is vulnerable.

006. Slash - (Dino/Jell) This lizard has soft skin and razor-like claws.

007. Mustard - (Dino/Suezo) Acts like a brat though he appears innocent.

008. Spot - (Dino/Hare) A keen sense of hearing enables him to dodge attacks.

009. Goldy - (Dino/Gali) This Golden Boy glows with a radiant white light.

010. Black Rex - (Dino/Monol) Above average in all abilities.Doesn't trust anyone though.

011. Grape - (Dino/Naga) A Dino-Naga mix with high Power and low Int.

012. Aloha - (Dino/Plant) This islander is a fashion plate who loves the ladies.

013. Geisha - (Dino/???) Even though he appears to be lazy, he does very hard.

014. Gallop - (Dino/???) A regular thoroughbred who has a lot of potential.

015. Smiley - (Dino/???) Appears lazy, but that is an act.He really has ability.

016. Verde - (Golem/Dino) Covered in a thin, emerald shell that is not durable.

017. Golem - (Golem/Golem) His solid rock body helps him have a lot of Power.Slow.

018. Ice Man - (Golem/Tiger) An ice-carved giant who is better known as "Ice Rock".

019. Dean - (Golem/Pixie) A shy, quiet guy who is loved by many.Has high Int.

020. Magma - (Golem/Worm) Immortalized on ancient wall paintings as a great warrior.

021. Poseidon - (Golem/Jell) Like the mythical Greek god, he rules the water.

022. Titan - (Golem/Suezo) This mammoth monster loves to eat anything and everything.

023. Maigon - (Golem/Hare) Defined by his sad and longing blue eyes, he eyes the past.

024. Amenho - (Golem/Gali) A dignified one who is loved by many noble people.

025. Shadow - (Golem/Monol) His stealth colored body makes him hard to see.

026. Marble - (Golem/Naga) With his fatal Power, he has killed many.Highly feared.

027. Echo - (Golem/Plant) Although mostly quiet, he is a terror when he gets angry.

028. Bikini - (Golem/???) This "poser" likes to show everyone his great build.

029. Dento - (Tiger/Dino) A hound with a true "bite" for battle.Be careful!

030. Toto - (Tiger/Golem) Once his heavy body lies on you, you'll be pinned.

031. Tiger - (Tiger/Tiger) He is very popular with all types of people.

032. Deton - (Tiger/Pixie) He will hit an opponent from out of nowhere.Breed him well.

033. Yakuto - (Tiger/Worm) This unique guy has 4 eyes that help him see far and near.

034. Frost - (Tiger/Jell) His "cool" look makes him a hit when things get hot.

035. Mono Eye - (Tiger/Suezo) This one-eyed wonder is very friendly.Kids love him.

036. Rover - (Tiger/Hare) His big dark eyes mesmerize one into a relaxing state.

037. Ballon - (Tiger/Gali) His long and fluffy fur makes him look much larger.

038. Velvet - (Tiger/Monol) With a lovely coat of velvety fur, this one is beautiful!

039. Cabalos - (Tiger/Naga) A troublemaker who will run away often and come back wild.

040. Leafy - (Tiger/Plant) He is covered in leaves to help him grow.

041. Gray Wolf - (Tiger/???) He has a beautiful coat of silver fur.Howls at the night.

042. Dixie - (Pixie/Dino) This one has razor sharp claws to cut one to pieces.

043. Vixen - (Pixie/Golem) Looks like a human with wings and a tail.

044. Mint - (Pixie/Tiger) Has high Speed and will obey you well.Can be KO'ed easy.

045. Pixie - (Pixie/Pixie) A popular one who's selfish and hard to breed.

046. Radar - (Pixie/Worm) Her radar-like antennas help her to dodge opponents.

047. Nymph - (Pixie/Jell) Warm-blooded like humans, she has a soft jelly body.

048. Vanity - (Pixie/Suezo) This monster cares only for the way she looks.

049. Mopsy - (Pixie/Hare) Her long ears don't mean that she'll listen well.

050. Angel - (Pixie/Gali) You're lucky to be able to raise such a great monster.

051. Prism - (Pixie/Monol) Covered with a unique, highly protective shield.

052. Allure - (Pixie/Naga) Her mysterious eyes have a way of making you docile.

053. Serene - (Pixie/Plant) A very kind and gentle being who isn't good at fighting.

054. Bunny - (Pixie/???) Very popular among the male breeders.Can hide in battle.

055. Platinum - (Pixie/???) A monster who can sing and dance well.Great rhythm.

056. Eve - (Pixie/???) One who will obey you well.Born under the Devil's will.

057. Gecko - (Worm/Dino) He keeps his body heat by being covered in scales.

058. Rock Worm - (Worm/Golem) This one dwells between the rocks.He can't see well.

059. Drill - (Worm/Tiger) The sharp horn on his head is his weak-point in battle.

060. Red Worm - (Worm/Pixie) Although his wings don't let him fly, he can jump.

061. Worm - (Worm/Worm) His elastic tusk is useful in hitting foes at long range.

062. Tubby - (Worm/Jell) His flabby appearance makes him so lovable.

063. Eye Guy - (Worm/Suezo) His 4 different eyes can scare an opponent silly.

064. Karone - (Worm/Hare) He is a quiet guy who looks like he is a stuffed animal.

065. Mask Worm - (Worm/Gali) Don't let this hard-head get hit in his body or else.

066. Pull Worm - (Worm/Monol) His sleek black shell makes him good at pulling things.

067. Wing Worm - (Worm/Naga) All the kids seem to be afraid of this guy.

068. Rainbow - (Worm/Plant) This TV star has been in plenty of commercials.

069. Tank - (Worm/???) His fancy clothes have long been a fashion trend.

070. Scales - (Jell/Dino) Despite his appearance, he's vulnerable to attacks.

071. Fencer - (Jell/Golem) A brat who is able to change his appearance into a fence.

072. Icy - (Jell/Tiger) On a cold and frozen winter day, this guy will freeze.

073. Pink Jam - (Jell/Pixie) Named after a famous and tasty fruit product.

074. Jello - (Jell/Worm) He has an odd pair of shiney green eyes that stare at you.

075. Jell - (Jell/Jell) His dense body can absorb the damage of an opponent.

076. Jupiter - (Jell/Suezo) He studies you with his x-ray eye ball that can see all.

077. Clay - (Jell/Hare) His clay body allows him to turn into many shapes.

078. Gil - (Jell/Gali) He trains all the time to be considered legendary.

079. Lava - (Jell/Monol) Though native to volcanic lands, he does not like the heat.

080. Papad - (Jell/Naga) He has a very short memory.Can't remember a thing.

081. Kelp - (Jell/Plant) Be sure to keep him wet, or he will get dehydrated.

082. Stripe - (Jell/???) Because of his stripe pattern, he's considered fashionable.

083. Sam - (Jell/???) Resembling the American flag, this patriotic guy is tough.

084. Melon - (Suezo/Dino) To no surprise, this melon-looking guy loves fruit.

085. Rocky - (Suezo/Golem) Named because he disguises himself to look like a rock.

086. Horn - (Suezo/Tiger) Be weary of his sharp horn that can injure a breeder.

087. Pink Eye - (Suezo/Pixie) Used to be able to fly with his wings, but he can't anymore.

088. Fly Eye - (Suezo/Worm) A monster who tends to see everything as a blur.

089. Toothy - (Suezo/Jell) He likes to eat and is always sure to brush his teeth.

090. Suezo - (Suezo/Suezo) His speciality is stealing an opponent's will.

091. Woody - (Suezo/Hare) This tree lover has pointy ears and good quickness.

092. Orion - (Suezo/Gali) Look into his eye and you can see the whole universe.

093. Bloodshot - (Suezo/Monol) This guy likes to stay out late instead of sleeping.

094. Noro - (Suezo/Naga) Although he may fail your expectations, he's strong.

095. Ray - (Suezo/Plant) More of a sun bather than a fighter.He's easy to breed.

096. Looker - (Suezo/???) Perhaps the best looking of them all.

097. Planet - (Suezo/???) This is a very rare type of monster.He's celestial.

098. Beamer - (Suezo/???) His "beam" is a good attack.He resembles a fish.

099. Scaler - (Hare/Dino) A close friend of No.100 that has good Speed and poor Def.

100. Stoner - (Hare/Golem) A close friend of No.99 that has good Def and poor Speed.

101. Pulsar - (Hare/Tiger) Known to have dark trusting eyes which show good loyalty.

102. Buster - (Hare/Pixie) He has a week, out-of-shape, and flabby stomach.

103. Groucho - (Hare/Worm) This guy is very happy with his thick eye brows.

104. Blue Fur - (Hare/Jell) His transparent body shows the odd tail that he has.

105. Cross Eye - (Hare/Suezo) If you look closely at him, you will see his 4 eyes.

106. Hare - (Hare/Hare) Despite his small stature, he has good strong Power.

107. Prince - (Hare/Gali) He's a monster who is most popular among noble people.

108. Evil Hare - (Hare/Monol) Though born of evil descent, he can be changed.

109. Amethyst - (Hare/Naga) He's supposed to be low in Int.and high in Power.

110. Good Guy - (Hare/Plant) He is a real justice.Look at his tattoo.

111. Sleeves - (Hare/???) Another one who is fashion-aware.Keep him thin.

112. Santa - (Hare/???) A small body allows him to fit down your chimney.

113. Lexus - (Gali/Dino) This monster is best known for his great Speed.

114. Warrior - (Gali/Golem) A mighty warrior with devastation Power.

115. Sapphire - (Gali/Tiger) Wears an item which was made special by the Shrine Master.

116. Pixel - (Gali/Pixie) Perhaps best known as one of the smartest monsters.

117. Style - (Gali/Worm) An elegant one who doesn't wish to be conservative.

118. Aqua - (Gali/Jell) Wears a fabric that protects him from fire and water.

119. Omen - (Gali/Suezo) Once his mask is on, he's cursed for like.Careful!

120. Galion - (Gali/Hare) May be better off being a monster reborn instead.

121. Gali - (Gali/Gali) Considered as a god who's taken on a monster's appearance.

122. Gara - (Gali/Monol) Wears an item which has a special break-proof coating.

123. Shon Mask - (Gali/Naga) He has a mouth with a tusk on his mask that never opens.

124. Color - (Gali/Plant) This weary monster can't last very long in battles.

125. Gamer - (Gali/???) He is a regular sportsman who likes to fight rough.

126. Kuma - (Gali/???) He's a monster who loves the old-fashioned way of life.

127. Milky Way - (Gali/???) One of the real "star-gazers" who likes to wish on them.

128. Jura Wall - (Monol/Dino) This hot-head can be a little short with his temper.

129. Obelisk - (Monol/Golem) This monster looks a little ordinary.He has a high Def.

130. Sponge - (Monol/Tiger) His firm body and soft, rich fur would make for a good bed.

131. Ropa - (Monol/Pixie) This monster has high Int.and is a kind soul to breed.

132. Sobo - (Monol/Worm) His bulging eyes can search well, but they ae weak.

133. Ice Candy - (Monol/Jell) His face is well protected, but his body isn't.

134. Sandy - (Monol/Suezo) An abrasive skin makes him unsuitable for petting.

135. Groomy - (Monol/Hare) Make sure to take good care of his fur and keep fleas off.

136. Messiah - (Monol/Gali) His mask has the markings of an almighty god.

137. Monol - (Monol/Monol) He has a very special way of reducing foe's damage.

138. Asfar - (Monol/Naga) Don't try and sneak up on this strange monster.

139. New Leaf - (Monol/Plant) This guy has a striking resemblance to a local tree.

140. Two-Tone - (Monol/???) Watch out for this monster and his dual personalities.

141. Sky - (Monol/???) His striking body pattern keeps him going unseen.

142. Scribble - (Monol/???) The markings all over his body were in fact a punishment.

143. Stinger - (Naga/Dino) He can jump well and has an exceptional taste palette.

144. Trident - (Naga/Golem) This monster pulls out all the punchers to KO opponents.

145. Striker - (Naga/Tiger) His sharp white claws make him dangerous.Easy to breed.

146. Liper - (Naga/Pixie) Has an array of attacks, but he doesn't trust many people.

147. Gaia - (Naga/Worm) A monster who loves the great outdoors and enjoys nature.

148. Cutter - (Naga/Jell) Very similar to Jell monsters.He has a very soft body.

149. Cyclops - (Naga/Suezo) Although he has one eye, he is powerful.Has high Int.

150. Edgy - (Naga/Hare) This monster can be violent.Hence, he must be bred.

151. Bazul - (Naga/Gali) Very precise vision with his small eyes make him feared.

152. Boxer - (Naga/Monol) He doesn't like to battle any weak monsters.Loves to fight.

153. Naga - (Naga/Naga) Most violent of the monsters.He lives for battles.

154. Jungler - (Naga/Plant) He enjoys a camouflage disguise to confuse foes.

155. Cari - (Naga/???) A very strong one who saved the lives of many.

156. Anguish - (Naga/???) A spoiled brat who seems to care more about other things.

157. Shrub - (Plant/Dino) His body glows a green light at night.He loves insects.

158. Rock Bush - (Plant/Golem) You need a good cleanser for scrubbing this guy down.

159. Iris - (Plant/Tiger) Besides having a nice smile, he is very easy to breed.

160. Allergan - (Plant/Pixie) Pollen and dust are constantly getting into hin eyes.

161. Usaba - (Plant/Worm) A spoiled brat who won't listen well to your orders.

162. Obor - (Plant/Jell) A monster who looks very beautiful and mysterious.

163. Hince - (Plant/Suezo) If you don't discipline this monser, he'll become a brat.

164. Spinner - (Plant/Hare) He's so fast sometimes that he can make himself dizzy.

165. Regal - (Plant/Gali) Noble people love this guy and his flashy style.

166. Ash - (Plant/Monol) Although his true color is green, he appears black.

167. Bad Seed - (Plant/Naga) A poisonous plant that's made from some rancid water.

168. Plant - (Plant/Plant) A very quiet fellow who's quite popular among all.

169. Neon - (Plant/???) This monster is absolutely busting with energy.

170. Bonsai - (Plant/???) This little guy is extremely popular among landscapers.

171. Jihad - (Dragon/Golem) He's shy, but has the most Power of all the dragons.

172. Gariel - (Dragon/Gali) He happens to have the most intelligence of the dragons.

173. Laguna - (Dragon/Monol) A dark soul that has been accused of mass destruction.

174. Dragon - (Dragon/Dragon) A very rare and popular one.Be careful he could die young.

175. Robo - (Dragon/Henger) A robot monster and one of the hardest to obtain.

176. Apocolis - (Dragon/???) Referred to as "toger Dragon", he has fans in the West.

177. Eye Fan - (Magic/Suezo) As a big fan of Suezo, he has become quite a monster.

178. Kaduka - (Magic/Naga) This one's a born fighter. Has high Int and Power.

179. Kuro - (Magic/Plant) He has the classic dream of becoming a superhero.

180. Magic - (Magic/Magic) An elusive and shy monster who's always in disguise.

181. Gangster - (Magic/Henger) A powerful guy who totes an Uzi machine gun in hand.

182. Ardebaren - (Magic/???) One time master of the Castle of the Damned.Now reformed.

183. Zombie - (Magic/???) A real wiseguy who likes to play dead and scare people.

184. Jerod - (Magic/???) May look scary but is actually very nice and kind-hearted.

185. Omega - (Henger/Dino) From an ancient race, he can change like a shapeshifter.

186. Gia - (Henger/Golem) This unlucky one is cursed by the wicked soul of Golem.

187. Proto - (Henger/Gali) An example of how monsters are not merely "robots".

188. Reformer - (Henger/Monol) Once wielded an evil power.He no longer has it.

189. Henger - (Henger/Henger) A hybrid who's from the souls of other monsters.

190. Magnet - (Henger/???) A side-to-side mover who can slide out of danger.

191. Lovey - (Nya/Tiger) An odd mix of part doll, part cat, and part tiger.

192. Mama Nya - (Nya/Pixie) Another monster who's quite a mixed breed of creatures.

193. Nyamix - (Nya/Jell) A monster mix which has given this one very high Def.

194. Mimi - (Nya/Hare) This monster comes as part of the Hare monster type.

195. Nya - (Nya/Nya) Bears a strong rese,blance to a cat-like doll figure.

196. Player - (Nya/???) He is a regular sports fanatic who especially likes baseball.

197. Teddy - (Nya/???) A mysterious and popular one who's stronger than he looks.

198. Karioke - (Nya/???) This monster tries to mimic all of the top singers.

199. Stone Ape - (Ape/Golem) Won't move for hours at a time, just like a stone statue.

200. George - (Ape/Hare) His mean acts make him less popular among others.

201. Great Ape - (Ape/Gali) Although lazy, this one is a top-notch monster.

202. Pepe - (Ape/Plant) He will emit a potent and intoxicating scent to foes.

203. Ape - (Ape/Ape) You'll need a lot of patience to raise this monster.

204. Shades - (Ape/???) He's thought to be of human ancestory.

205. Cutey - (Ape/???) A human-mix that has an attractiveness about him.

206. Hot Foot - (Ape/???) An evolved monster who can get very cold at times.

207. Ghost - (Ghost/Ghost) He captures the soul of the breeders last monster.

208. Mage - (Ghost/???) This monster's might is beyond description.

209. Doodle - (Doodle/Doodle) Only known to a few people.He's absolutely a mystery.

210. Jaques - (Doodle/???) He has a strange flower growing from his head.

211. Sketch - (Doodle/???) An enemy of Doodle who is constantly at odds with him.

212. Disrupt - (Doodle/???) This monster has a unique black and white coloration.

213. Disk - (Disk/Disk) Until recently nobody knew that this CD was a monster.

214. Gooaall! - (Disk/???) This monster is a big time fan of the soccer sport.

215. Radial - (Disk/???) A difficult monster to breed.Has high Speed.

216. Mt. Tecmo - (Golem/???) Always training, but its strength is already top class.

217. Bikini(Red) - (Golem/???) This "poser" likes to show everyone his great build. Red is for battle.

218. White Hound - (Tiger/???) It has pure white fur. A carnivore, but it will never attack humans.

219. Gold Wolf - (Tiger/???) A golden haired, wild-blooded, howler in the night.

220. Express Worm(Red) - (Worm/???) None can compete with its speed as long as it is on its line.

221. Express Worm - (Worm/???) Nothing is faster when going somewhere. Red is especially fast.

222. Stripe(Red) - (Jell/???) Because of his stripe pattern, he’s fashionable. Hard to find.

223. Sleeves(Black) - (Hare/???) Stylish and cute. It always has the latest in goods.

224. Anguish(Gold) - (Naga/???) A selfish brat who is always worried, but is clumsy and a cry-baby.

225. Neon(White) - (Plant/???) Rumor has it, this monster will bring happiness when found.

226. Muu - (Dragon/???) This monster is talked about, but is never seen. Its wrapped in mystery.

227. Apocolis(White) - (Dragon/???) Called "White Tiger Dragon", it is hugely popular in the West.

228. Skeleton - (Henger/???) Its design is a reminder that death is always with us.

229. Magnet(Red) - (Henger/???) A side-to-site mover. Red is especially fast.

230. Komi - (Ghost/???) In training at a 5-star restaurant. Won’t grow a beard until it makes chef.

231. Mage(White) - (Ghost/???) Different from a normal mage, it has an elegant make over

232. Diskarma - (Disk/???) Based on a never before seen ritual tool used by a powerful warrior.
1997 Monster Data - PS1/Original
Dino Book Entries (15)


001. Dino - (Dino/Dino) Average in all abilities, he needs a good breeder's hand.

002. Anki - (Dino/Golem) Covered with rocks, he has good power, but is slow.

003. Lidee - (Dino/Tiger) Hold on tightly when you get on this fella.He's very fast.

004. Valentino - (Dino/Pixie) This lovable beast has wings but cannot fly.

005. Shel - (Dino/Worm) His shell keeps people off his back.His belly is vulnerable.

006. Slash - (Dino/Jell) This lizard has soft skin and razor-like claws.

007. Mustard - (Dino/Suezo) Acts like a brat though he appears innocent.

008. Spot - (Dino/Hare) A keen sense of hearing enables him to dodge attacks.

009. Goldy - (Dino/Gali) This Golden Boy glows with a radiant white light.

010. Black Rex - (Dino/Monol) Above average in all abilities.Doesn't trust anyone though.

011. Grape - (Dino/Naga) A Dino-Naga mix with high Power and low Int.

012. Aloha - (Dino/Plant) This islander is a fashion plate who loves the ladies.

013. Geisha - (Dino/???) Even though he appears to be lazy, he does very hard.

014. Gallop - (Dino/???) A regular thoroughbred who has a lot of potential.

015. Smiley - (Dino/???) Appears lazy, but that is an act.He really has ability.
Golem Book Entries (13)


016. Verde - (Golem/Dino) Covered in a thin, emerald shell that is not durable.

017. Golem - (Golem/Golem) His solid rock body helps him have a lot of Power.Slow.

018. Ice Man - (Golem/Tiger) An ice-carved giant who is better known as "Ice Rock".

019. Dean - (Golem/Pixie) A shy, quiet guy who is loved by many.Has high Int.

020. Magma - (Golem/Worm) Immortalized on ancient wall paintings as a great warrior.

021. Poseidon - (Golem/Jell) Like the mythical Greek god, he rules the water.

022. Titan - (Golem/Suezo) This mammoth monster loves to eat anything and everything.

023. Maigon - (Golem/Hare) Defined by his sad and longing blue eyes, he eyes the past.

024. Amenho - (Golem/Gali) A dignified one who is loved by many noble people.

025. Shadow - (Golem/Monol) His stealth colored body makes him hard to see.

026. Marble - (Golem/Naga) With his fatal Power, he has killed many.Highly feared.

027. Echo - (Golem/Plant) Although mostly quiet, he is a terror when he gets angry.

028. Bikini - (Golem/???) This "poser" likes to show everyone his great build.
Tiger Book Entries (13)


029. Dento - (Tiger/Dino) A hound with a true "bite" for battle.Be careful!

030. Toto - (Tiger/Golem) Once his heavy body lies on you, you'll be pinned.

031. Tiger - (Tiger/Tiger) He is very popular with all types of people.

032. Deton - (Tiger/Pixie) He will hit an opponent from out of nowhere.Breed him well.

033. Yakuto - (Tiger/Worm) This unique guy has 4 eyes that help him see far and near.

034. Frost - (Tiger/Jell) His "cool" look makes him a hit when things get hot.

035. Mono Eye - (Tiger/Suezo) This one-eyed wonder is very friendly.Kids love him.

036. Rover - (Tiger/Hare) His big dark eyes mesmerize one into a relaxing state.

037. Ballon - (Tiger/Gali) His long and fluffy fur makes him look much larger.

038. Velvet - (Tiger/Monol) With a lovely coat of velvety fur, this one is beautiful!

039. Cabalos - (Tiger/Naga) A troublemaker who will run away often and come back wild.

040. Leafy - (Tiger/Plant) He is covered in leaves to help him grow.

041. Gray Wolf - (Tiger/???) He has a beautiful coat of silver fur.Howls at the night.
Pixie Book Entries (15)


042. Dixie - (Pixie/Dino) This one has razor sharp claws to cut one to pieces.

043. Vixen - (Pixie/Golem) Looks like a human with wings and a tail.

044. Mint - (Pixie/Tiger) Has high Speed and will obey you well.Can be KO'ed easy.

045. Pixie - (Pixie/Pixie) A popular one who's selfish and hard to breed.

046. Radar - (Pixie/Worm) Her radar-like antennas help her to dodge opponents.

047. Nymph - (Pixie/Jell) Warm-blooded like humans, she has a soft jelly body.

048. Vanity - (Pixie/Suezo) This monster cares only for the way she looks.

049. Mopsy - (Pixie/Hare) Her long ears don't mean that she'll listen well.

050. Angel - (Pixie/Gali) You're lucky to be able to raise such a great monster.

051. Prism - (Pixie/Monol) Covered with a unique, highly protective shield.

052. Allure - (Pixie/Naga) Her mysterious eyes have a way of making you docile.

053. Serene - (Pixie/Plant) A very kind and gentle being who isn't good at fighting.

054. Bunny - (Pixie/???) Very popular among the male breeders.Can hide in battle.

055. Platinum - (Pixie/???) A monster who can sing and dance well.Great rhythm.

056. Eve - (Pixie/???) One who will obey you well.Born under the Devil's will.
Worm Book Entries (13)


057. Gecko - (Worm/Dino) He keeps his body heat by being covered in scales.

058. Rock Worm - (Worm/Golem) This one dwells between the rocks.He can't see well.

059. Drill - (Worm/Tiger) The sharp horn on his head is his weak-point in battle.

060. Red Worm - (Worm/Pixie) Although his wings don't let him fly, he can jump.

061. Worm - (Worm/Worm) His elastic tusk is useful in hitting foes at long range.

062. Tubby - (Worm/Jell) His flabby appearance makes him so lovable.

063. Eye Guy - (Worm/Suezo) His 4 different eyes can scare an opponent silly.

064. Karone - (Worm/Hare) He is a quiet guy who looks like he is a stuffed animal.

065. Mask Worm - (Worm/Gali) Don't let this hard-head get hit in his body or else.

066. Pull Worm - (Worm/Monol) His sleek black shell makes him good at pulling things.

067. Wing Worm - (Worm/Naga) All the kids seem to be afraid of this guy.

068. Rainbow - (Worm/Plant) This TV star has been in plenty of commercials.

069. Tank - (Worm/???) His fancy clothes have long been a fashion trend.
Jell Book Entries (14)


070. Scales - (Jell/Dino) Despite his appearance, he's vulnerable to attacks.

071. Fencer - (Jell/Golem) A brat who is able to change his appearance into a fence.

072. Icy - (Jell/Tiger) On a cold and frozen winter day, this guy will freeze.

073. Pink Jam - (Jell/Pixie) Named after a famous and tasty fruit product.

074. Jello - (Jell/Worm) He has an odd pair of shiney green eyes that stare at you.

075. Jell - (Jell/Jell) His dense body can absorb the damage of an opponent.

076. Jupiter - (Jell/Suezo) He studies you with his x-ray eye ball that can see all.

077. Clay - (Jell/Hare) His clay body allows him to turn into many shapes.

078. Gil - (Jell/Gali) He trains all the time to be considered legendary.

079. Lava - (Jell/Monol) Though native to volcanic lands, he does not like the heat.

080. Papad - (Jell/Naga) He has a very short memory.Can't remember a thing.

081. Kelp - (Jell/Plant) Be sure to keep him wet, or he will get dehydrated.

082. Stripe - (Jell/???) Because of his stripe pattern, he's considered fashionable.

083. Sam - (Jell/???) Resembling the American flag, this patriotic guy is tough.
Suezo Book Entries (15)


084. Melon - (Suezo/Dino) To no surprise, this melon-looking guy loves fruit.

085. Rocky - (Suezo/Golem) Named because he disguises himself to look like a rock.

086. Horn - (Suezo/Tiger) Be weary of his sharp horn that can injure a breeder.

087. Pink Eye - (Suezo/Pixie) Used to be able to fly with his wings, but he can't anymore.

088. Fly Eye - (Suezo/Worm) A monster who tends to see everything as a blur.

089. Toothy - (Suezo/Jell) He likes to eat and is always sure to brush his teeth.

090. Suezo - (Suezo/Suezo) His speciality is stealing an opponent's will.

091. Woody - (Suezo/Hare) This tree lover has pointy ears and good quickness.

092. Orion - (Suezo/Gali) Look into his eye and you can see the whole universe.

093. Bloodshot - (Suezo/Monol) This guy likes to stay out late instead of sleeping.

094. Noro - (Suezo/Naga) Although he may fail your expectations, he's strong.

095. Ray - (Suezo/Plant) More of a sun bather than a fighter.He's easy to breed.

096. Looker - (Suezo/???) Perhaps the best looking of them all.

097. Planet - (Suezo/???) This is a very rare type of monster.He's celestial.

098. Beamer - (Suezo/???) His "beam" is a good attack.He resembles a fish.
Hare Book Entries (14)


099. Scaler - (Hare/Dino) A close friend of No.100 that has good Speed and poor Def.

100. Stoner - (Hare/Golem) A close friend of No.99 that has good Def and poor Speed.

101. Pulsar - (Hare/Tiger) Known to have dark trusting eyes which show good loyalty.

102. Buster - (Hare/Pixie) He has a week, out-of-shape, and flabby stomach.

103. Groucho - (Hare/Worm) This guy is very happy with his thick eye brows.

104. Blue Fur - (Hare/Jell) His transparent body shows the odd tail that he has.

105. Cross Eye - (Hare/Suezo) If you look closely at him, you will see his 4 eyes.

106. Hare - (Hare/Hare) Despite his small stature, he has good strong Power.

107. Prince - (Hare/Gali) He's a monster who is most popular among noble people.

108. Evil Hare - (Hare/Monol) Though born of evil descent, he can be changed.

109. Amethyst - (Hare/Naga) He's supposed to be low in Int.and high in Power.

110. Good Guy - (Hare/Plant) He is a real justice.Look at his tattoo.

111. Sleeves - (Hare/???) Another one who is fashion-aware.Keep him thin.

112. Santa - (Hare/???) A small body allows him to fit down your chimney.
Gali Book Entries (15)


113. Lexus - (Gali/Dino) This monster is best known for his great Speed.

114. Warrior - (Gali/Golem) A mighty warrior with devastation Power.

115. Sapphire - (Gali/Tiger) Wears an item which was made special by the Shrine Master.

116. Pixel - (Gali/Pixie) Perhaps best known as one of the smartest monsters.

117. Style - (Gali/Worm) An elegant one who doesn't wish to be conservative.

118. Aqua - (Gali/Jell) Wears a fabric that protects him from fire and water.

119. Omen - (Gali/Suezo) Once his mask is on, he's cursed for like.Careful!

120. Galion - (Gali/Hare) May be better off being a monster reborn instead.

121. Gali - (Gali/Gali) Considered as a god who's taken on a monster's appearance.

122. Gara - (Gali/Monol) Wears an item which has a special break-proof coating.

123. Shon Mask - (Gali/Naga) He has a mouth with a tusk on his mask that never opens.

124. Color - (Gali/Plant) This weary monster can't last very long in battles.

125. Gamer - (Gali/???) He is a regular sportsman who likes to fight rough.

126. Kuma - (Gali/???) He's a monster who loves the old-fashioned way of life.

127. Milky Way - (Gali/???) One of the real "star-gazers" who likes to wish on them.
Monol Book Entries (15)


128. Jura Wall - (Monol/Dino) This hot-head can be a little short with his temper.

129. Obelisk - (Monol/Golem) This monster looks a little ordinary.He has a high Def.

130. Sponge - (Monol/Tiger) His firm body and soft, rich fur would make for a good bed.

131. Ropa - (Monol/Pixie) This monster has high Int.and is a kind soul to breed.

132. Sobo - (Monol/Worm) His bulging eyes can search well, but they ae weak.

133. Ice Candy - (Monol/Jell) His face is well protected, but his body isn't.

134. Sandy - (Monol/Suezo) An abrasive skin makes him unsuitable for petting.

135. Groomy - (Monol/Hare) Make sure to take good care of his fur and keep fleas off.

136. Messiah - (Monol/Gali) His mask has the markings of an almighty god.

137. Monol - (Monol/Monol) He has a very special way of reducing foe's damage.

138. Asfar - (Monol/Naga) Don't try and sneak up on this strange monster.

139. New Leaf - (Monol/Plant) This guy has a striking resemblance to a local tree.

140. Two-Tone - (Monol/???) Watch out for this monster and his dual personalities.

141. Sky - (Monol/???) His striking body pattern keeps him going unseen.

142. Scribble - (Monol/???) The markings all over his body were in fact a punishment.
Naga Book Entries (14)


143. Stinger - (Naga/Dino) He can jump well and has an exceptional taste palette.

144. Trident - (Naga/Golem) This monster pulls out all the punchers to KO opponents.

145. Striker - (Naga/Tiger) His sharp white claws make him dangerous.Easy to breed.

146. Liper - (Naga/Pixie) Has an array of attacks, but he doesn't trust many people.

147. Gaia - (Naga/Worm) A monster who loves the great outdoors and enjoys nature.

148. Cutter - (Naga/Jell) Very similar to Jell monsters.He has a very soft body.

149. Cyclops - (Naga/Suezo) Although he has one eye, he is powerful.Has high Int.

150. Edgy - (Naga/Hare) This monster can be violent.Hence, he must be bred.

151. Bazul - (Naga/Gali) Very precise vision with his small eyes make him feared.

152. Boxer - (Naga/Monol) He doesn't like to battle any weak monsters.Loves to fight.

153. Naga - (Naga/Naga) Most violent of the monsters.He lives for battles.

154. Jungler - (Naga/Plant) He enjoys a camouflage disguise to confuse foes.

155. Cari - (Naga/???) A very strong one who saved the lives of many.

156. Anguish - (Naga/???) A spoiled brat who seems to care more about other things.
Plant Book Entries (14)


157. Shrub - (Plant/Dino) His body glows a green light at night.He loves insects.

158. Rock Bush - (Plant/Golem) You need a good cleanser for scrubbing this guy down.

159. Iris - (Plant/Tiger) Besides having a nice smile, he is very easy to breed.

160. Allergan - (Plant/Pixie) Pollen and dust are constantly getting into hin eyes.

161. Usaba - (Plant/Worm) A spoiled brat who won't listen well to your orders.

162. Obor - (Plant/Jell) A monster who looks very beautiful and mysterious.

163. Hince - (Plant/Suezo) If you don't discipline this monser, he'll become a brat.

164. Spinner - (Plant/Hare) He's so fast sometimes that he can make himself dizzy.

165. Regal - (Plant/Gali) Noble people love this guy and his flashy style.

166. Ash - (Plant/Monol) Although his true color is green, he appears black.

167. Bad Seed - (Plant/Naga) A poisonous plant that's made from some rancid water.

168. Plant - (Plant/Plant) A very quiet fellow who's quite popular among all.

169. Neon - (Plant/???) This monster is absolutely busting with energy.

170. Bonsai - (Plant/???) This little guy is extremely popular among landscapers.
Dragon Book Entries (6)


171. Jihad - (Dragon/Golem) He's shy, but has the most Power of all the dragons.

172. Gariel - (Dragon/Gali) He happens to have the most intelligence of the dragons.

173. Laguna - (Dragon/Monol) A dark soul that has been accused of mass destruction.

174. Dragon - (Dragon/Dragon) A very rare and popular one.Be careful he could die young.

175. Robo - (Dragon/Henger) A robot monster and one of the hardest to obtain.

176. Apocolis - (Dragon/???) Referred to as "toger Dragon", he has fans in the West.
Magic Book Entries (8)


177. Eye Fan - (Magic/Suezo) As a big fan of Suezo, he has become quite a monster.

178. Kaduka - (Magic/Naga) This one's a born fighter. Has high Int and Power.

179. Kuro - (Magic/Plant) He has the classic dream of becoming a superhero.

180. Magic - (Magic/Magic) An elusive and shy monster who's always in disguise.

181. Gangster - (Magic/Henger) A powerful guy who totes an Uzi machine gun in hand.

182. Ardebaren - (Magic/???) One time master of the Castle of the Damned.Now reformed.

183. Zombie - (Magic/???) A real wiseguy who likes to play dead and scare people.

184. Jerod - (Magic/???) May look scary but is actually very nice and kind-hearted.
Henger Book Entries (6)


185. Omega - (Henger/Dino) From an ancient race, he can change like a shapeshifter.

186. Gia - (Henger/Golem) This unlucky one is cursed by the wicked soul of Golem.

187. Proto - (Henger/Gali) An example of how monsters are not merely "robots".

188. Reformer - (Henger/Monol) Once wielded an evil power.He no longer has it.

189. Henger - (Henger/Henger) A hybrid who's from the souls of other monsters.

190. Magnet - (Henger/???) A side-to-side mover who can slide out of danger.
Nya Book Entries (8)


191. Lovey - (Nya/Tiger) An odd mix of part doll, part cat, and part tiger.

192. Mama Nya - (Nya/Pixie) Another monster who's quite a mixed breed of creatures.

193. Nyamix - (Nya/Jell) A monster mix which has given this one very high Def.

194. Mimi - (Nya/Hare) This monster comes as part of the Hare monster type.

195. Nya - (Nya/Nya) Bears a strong rese,blance to a cat-like doll figure.

196. Player - (Nya/???) He is a regular sports fanatic who especially likes baseball.

197. Teddy - (Nya/???) A mysterious and popular one who's stronger than he looks.

198. Karioke - (Nya/???) This monster tries to mimic all of the top singers.
Ape Book Entries (8)


199. Stone Ape - (Ape/Golem) Won't move for hours at a time, just like a stone statue.

200. George - (Ape/Hare) His mean acts make him less popular among others.

201. Great Ape - (Ape/Gali) Although lazy, this one is a top-notch monster.

202. Pepe - (Ape/Plant) He will emit a potent and intoxicating scent to foes.

203. Ape - (Ape/Ape) You'll need a lot of patience to raise this monster.

204. Shades - (Ape/???) He's thought to be of human ancestory.

205. Cutey - (Ape/???) A human-mix that has an attractiveness about him.

206. Hot Foot - (Ape/???) An evolved monster who can get very cold at times.
Ghost Book Entries (2)


207. Ghost - (Ghost/Ghost) He captures the soul of the breeders last monster.

208. Mage - (Ghost/???) This monster's might is beyond description.
Doodle Book Entries (4)


209. Doodle - (Doodle/Doodle) Only known to a few people.He's absolutely a mystery.

210. Jaques - (Doodle/???) He has a strange flower growing from his head.

211. Sketch - (Doodle/???) An enemy of Doodle who is constantly at odds with him.

212. Disrupt - (Doodle/???) This monster has a unique black and white coloration.
Disk Book Entries (3)


213. Disk - (Disk/Disk) Until recently nobody knew that this CD was a monster.

214. Gooaall! - (Disk/???) This monster is a big time fan of the soccer sport.

215. Radial - (Disk/???) A difficult monster to breed.Has high Speed.
2021/MR1DX Exclusives

216. Mt. Tecmo - (Golem/???) Always training, but its strength is already top class.

217. Bikini(Red) - (Golem/???) This "poser" likes to show everyone his great build. Red is for battle.

218. White Hound - (Tiger/???) It has pure white fur. A carnivore, but it will never attack humans.

219. Gold Wolf - (Tiger/???) A golden haired, wild-blooded, howler in the night.

220. Express Worm(Red) - (Worm/???) None can compete with its speed as long as it is on its line.

221. Express Worm - (Worm/???) Nothing is faster when going somewhere. Red is especially fast.

222. Stripe(Red) - (Jell/???) Because of his stripe pattern, he’s fashionable. Hard to find.

223. Sleeves(Black) - (Hare/???) Stylish and cute. It always has the latest in goods.

224. Anguish(Gold) - (Naga/???) A selfish brat who is always worried, but is clumsy and a cry-baby.

225. Neon(White) - (Plant/???) Rumor has it, this monster will bring happiness when found.

226. Muu - (Dragon/???) This monster is talked about, but is never seen. Its wrapped in mystery.

227. Apocolis(White) - (Dragon/???) Called "White Tiger Dragon", it is hugely popular in the West.

228. Skeleton - (Henger/???) Its design is a reminder that death is always with us.

229. Magnet(Red) - (Henger/???) A side-to-site mover. Red is especially fast.

230. Komi - (Ghost/???) In training at a 5-star restaurant. Won’t grow a beard until it makes chef.

231. Mage(White) - (Ghost/???) Different from a normal mage, it has an elegant make over

232. Diskarma - (Disk/???) Based on a never before seen ritual tool used by a powerful warrior.
CREDITS: Tecmo, Monster Fenrick, Lisa Shock & MRM, Bakuhuna, Runasoru