This page was last modified: February 07 2025
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Advanced Viewer for MR3 by Most

A Windows app that reveals some of the hidden data while raising your monster. It keep tabs on Stress and Fatigue in real time, tracks starting and remaining lifespan.

There are several Advanced Viewers for different Monster Rancher games, this one is for emulation using specifically PCSX2 version 1.6.0 while playing MR3 for the PlayStation 2.


How to Use
  1. Be sure to download the MR3 Advanced Viewer app, and save it to a location where you can find it later.
  2. Launch PCSX2 v1.6.0 and run the MR3 game.
  3. Launch the downloaded mr3-advanced-viewer.exe after the game has started.
  4. The app will automatically detect if the game is running and begin to display the data..
  5. Without a monster visible on the Town or Locale you may only see very limited data.
  6. Once you have a monster active, data for the specific monster should display in the app.


The main window and starting the viewer
  • Keep tabs on Lifespan.
  • Know your monster's Stat Gain potential.
  • Learn their life growth types.
  • Monitor their feeding attributes, and manage Stress & Fatigue.
Most's Advanced Viewer monster data and lifespan
Expanded View
  • Clicking "Moves" will expand the Tech data for view.
  • Track tech leveling and other tech data.
Most's Advanced Viewer tech information screen

This app is developed by community member, Most. If you encounter any issues, please reach out on Discord or submit an issue on GitHub.
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