Acquiring The Orbs

Monster Rancher Metropolis: Monster Rancher Advance 2 Archive (GameBoy Advance): FAQ: Acquiring The Orbs
By Thorr on Thursday, February 13, 2003 - 08:50 am:

This is a composite of the original posts, with some minor edits, and the addition of Foe stats, General Notes, and thank you's.

-Getting Phoenix requires getting 5 Orbs + the Flare Orb Canute gives you.
-You may get the orbs in any order.
-You can't get any Orbs until you Defeat Emperor's Cup.
-Please note two Orbs require purebreeds (not even Specials will work), and the rest do not.
-All the needed locations are marked on the expedition maps.
-Once you have all 6 orbs see the FAQ about getting Phoenix.
-BE CAREFUL if you have a willful monster. It is possible to accidentally feed it an Orb and it is unknown if there is any way to get the Orb back again.

Suezo Orb
The easiest orb to get. Bring any suezo to your ranch and within a week or two he will find the Orb and give it to you. There have been some reports of it taking longer, but nothing has been substantiated yet.

Hare Orb
1) Raise any Hare to S class

2) When the Hare reaches S Class, The Builder will come to your ranch and talk about a stray hare that attacked the Vendor in the Square.

3) You will be taken to the Square where the stray Hare will attack.

4) Beat the Hare

5) The Vendor will give the Hare Orb in appreciation for defeating the Hare.

Note: This event happened to me immediately after I won the Class A official Tournament in Feb. If your Hare is not tough enough to take on the stray, DON"T GO TO THE OFFICIAL TOURNEY UNTIL HE IS!!! It also may be possible that this whole event can happen anytime in Class A.


Mocchi Orb
1) Raise a PURE mocchi to class A.

2) Go to the Malkt Ruins.

3) Go to the shrine with the Bird image. It will no longer send you away. You should be able to investigate.

4) When you investigate, a stray Mocchi should show up. Defeat this Mocchi and you will get the Mocchi Orb. Make sure your stats are up to par (see below)

Golem Orb
1) Raise any Golem to rank A

2) Soon after reaching rank A a stray Golem will attack, Defeat him once.

3) The stray Golem will attack again within a month, when you win a second time you get the Orb.

Tiger Orb
1) Raise a PURE Tiger to Class A

2) Go to Promiass Ruins. You will get a message saying that your Tiger seems odd.

3) Go to the Ruins in the SE corner of the map.

4) Investigate the area. Holly will notice that your tiger is chewing on something and make him spit it out. This item is the Tiger Orb.

5) When you get the Tiger Orb, you will be immediately brought back to the ranch.

nowd, Garlant, and Vega