Monster Rancher Metropolis: Monster Rancher 1 Archive (PSOne): CD List: Ape After years of research, we have proof that only the rare types (/??? sub-breed) can be gotten off CD for any Monster Rancher 1 main breed (except Doodle) which has to be unlocked through in-game play. This means the Ape, Dragon, Ghost, Henger, Magic, and Nya types can only be found as the /??? on CD, the other forms are available through combining. This means that the following Ape types are not available on CD: 199 Stone Ape [Ape/Golem] 200 George [Ape/Hare] 201 Great Ape [Ape/Gali] 202 Pepe [Ape/Plant] 203 Ape [Ape/Ape]